Scrophularia koelzii Pennell, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Monogr. 5: 52 1943. ;
E. Afghanistan to W. Himalaya as per POWO;
Pakistan, Afghanistan (Ghazni, Parwan), Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Koelz’s Figwort
Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (Description & Keys- Scrophularia calycina, edgeworthii, himalayensis (himalensis in the Plant List), polyantha, exserta, obtusa, robusta, petraea, dentata, scoparia, nudata, stewartii, suffruticosa, stenothyrsa, koelzii, scabiosaefolia, moniliformis, decomposita & striata)
Perennial herb with slender obscurely angled stems; leaves up to 9 cm long, pinnately cut towards base; flowers in few-flowered cymes forming narrow panicles; sepals rounded with scarious margin; corolla 5-7 mm long, antherior lobes greenish-yellow, posterior much larger and purple-brown as also posterior side of tube; anthers included, anterior slightly protruded; style 2-4 mm long; capsule 5-6 mm long, slightly beaked.
Scrophularia koelzii from Gulmarg, Kashmir: Scrophularia koelzii Pennell, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Monogr. 5: 52 1943.
syn: Scrophularia variegata sensu Hook.f. (non. M. Bieb.)
Perennial herb with slender obscurely angled stems; leaves up to 9 cm long, pinnately cut towards base; flowers in few-flowered cymes forming narrow panicles; sepals rounded with scarious margin; corolla 5-7 mm long, antherior lobes greenish-yellow, posterior much larger and purple-brown as also posterior side of tube; anthers included, anterior slightly protruded; style 2-4 mm long; capsule 5-6 mm long, slightly beaked.
Photographed from Gulmarg, Kashmir
Scrophularia koelzii Pennell from Gulmarg, Kashmir: Scrophularia koelzii Pennell, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Monogr. 5: 52 1943.
syn: Scrophularia variegata sensu Hook.f. (non. M. Bieb.)
Perennial herb with slender obscurely angled stems; leaves up to 9 cm long, pinnately cut towards base; flowers in few-flowered cymes forming narrow panicles; sepals rounded with scarious margin; corolla 5-7 mm long, antherior lobes greenish-yellow, posterior much larger and purple-brown as also posterior side of tube; anthers included, anterior slightly protruded; style 2-4 mm long; capsule 5-6 mm long, slightly beaked.
Photographed from Gulmarg, Kashmir
Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Scrophularia koelzii from Kashmir-GS-38 : Attachments (6). 2 posts by 2 authors. Scrophularia koelzii Pennell, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Monogr. 5: 52 1943.
syn: Scrophularia variegata sensu Hook.f. (non. M. Bieb.)
Perennial herb with slender obscurely angled stems; leaves up to 9 cm long, pinnately cut towards base; flowers in few-flowered cymes forming narrow panicles; sepals rounded with scarious margin; corolla 5-7 mm long, antherior lobes greenish-yellow, posterior much larger and purple-brown as also posterior side of tube; anthers included, anterior slightly protruded; style 2-4 mm long; capsule 5-6 mm long, slightly beaked.
Photographed from Gulmarg, Kashmir
Lovely pictures Sir, is this a common plant there?
Scrophularia koelzii ABSEP2016/13 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 3 images.
The taxonomy of this plant is not certain. Another species with minor variations called S. decomposita is also described by Parnell but the characteristics are not clear. Tibetan medical books describe only S. decomposita collected from Rohtang in Manali but Klatter and Kriechbaum in their excellent Tibetan Medicinal Plants take this as S. koelzii in the absence of clearer differences.
Scrophularia koelzii—Koelz’s Figwort
Ilaqa and abobe, HP 3200m and above 03-04 September 2016
Wonderful post …, this shows how detailed and inclusive surveys make the difference, you are doing wonderful job, and I know you are not contained to plants only..!!
JUN 09 Lahaul Spiti;
Most probably Scrophularia koelzii Pennel
Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell JSTOR (Isotype)
Scrophularia koelzii
Updated on December 24, 2024