Scutellaria violacea

Scutellaria violacea B.Heyne ex Benth., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 66 1830. (Syn: Scutellaria floribunda Benth.; Scutellaria indica Roxb. [Illegitimate]; Scutellaria nodulosa A.Ham.; Scutellaria violacea var. glabra Trimen);
Indian Subcontinent to S. Central China and Indo-China: Assam, Cambodia, China South-Central, East Himalaya, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand as per POWO;
skew-teh-LARE-ee — saucer OR shield-shapedDave’s Botanary
vy-oh-LAH-see-uh or vy-oh-LAH-say-uh — violet-coloredDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: violet skullcap • Kannada: ಕಾಡುತುಳಸಿ kaadutulasi • Malayalam: കാട്ടുതുളസി kaattuthulasi • Nepali: कालो भेरी kaalo bheree • Tamil: நோவு பச்சிலை novu pacchilai • Telugu: అడవి పుదీనా adavi pudina
Names compiled / updated at
Distribution: s India, Sri Lanka

Erect herbs; stem hispid. Leaves to 7 x 5 cm, ovate, acute, crenate, base cordate, hispid; petiole 4-5 cm long. Racemes 15 cm long, glandular hispid; bracts ovate, 3 mm long. Flowers paired, long-pedicelled; calyx glabrous, upper lobe 7 x 5 mm, saccate, lower lip 4 x 3 mm; corolla pale blue, 15 mm long, lateral lobes of lower lip shorter, glabrous; filaments fimbriate at base; anthers bearded, confluent. Nutlets spherical, tuberculate

Flowering and fruiting: February-May
Margins of evergreen forests with grasslands
South India and Sri Lanka
(From India Biodiversity Portal
Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi)


Flora of Munnar :: Scutellaria for ID :: DV14JUL : 3 posts by 2 authors.
Date: June 3 – 6, 2014 … Elevation: around 1600m asl
Scutellaria ¿ species ?

Dear friends, please help with ID.
… at facebook helped with suggesting the genus Scutellaria
This plant is a small herb found growing under cover of cardamom plants; just about a foot high, sometimes growing a tall panicle as shown in pictures below.
The flowers measure about max 10mm across.
This place is Gudampara near Chinnakanal, Munnar, elevation about 1500m asl. … the towering panicle, seen in some of the plants. Habitat … hoping to show the plant in scale to other plants around it 

Scutellaria violacea

Thank you very very much … for the ID.
I had thought of S. violacea, but was not at all confident – too many different photos are floating on the internet!

Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Scutellaria violacea :: Munnar :: DVMAY63/63 : 1 post by 1 author. 7 images.
Scutellaria violacea B.Heyne ex Benth.
at Munnar on June 5, 2014

via Species‎ > ‎S‎ >
Scutellaria violacea B.Heyne ex Benth. … family: Lamiaceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
skew-teh-LARE-ee — saucer OR shield-shaped … Dave’s Botanary
vy-oh-LAH-see-uh or vy-oh-LAH-say-uh — violet-colored … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known asviolet skullcap • Malayalamകാട്ടുതുളസി kattuthulasi • Tamilநோவு பச்சிலை novu pacchilai
botanical namesScutellaria violacea B.Heyne ex Benth. … synonymsScutellaria floribunda Benth. • Scutellaria nodulosa A.Ham. …The Plant List (2013). Version 1.1.

skew-teh-LARE-ee — saucer OR shield-shaped … Dave’s Botanary
vy-oh-LAH-see-uh or vy-oh-LAH-say-uh — violet-colored … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: violet skullcap • Kannada: ಕಾಡುತುಳಸಿ kaadutulasi • Malayalam: കാട്ടുതുളസി kaattuthulasi • Nepali: कालो भेरी kaalo bheree • Tamil: நோவு பச்சிலை novu pacchilai • Telugu: అడవి తులసి adavi tulasi

botanical namesScutellaria violacea B.Heyne ex Benth. … accepted infraspecificsScutellaria violacea var. violacea … … and many heterotypic synonyms listed at POWO, retrieved 14 August 2024

Bibliography / etymology
Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will. The bits about the languages of India mentioned below are merely some bare facts gathered from the internet; just enough to satisfy curiosity about “where” could the listed names be best prevalent in India. All English transliterated names to be taken sensu amplo.

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
written and spoken widely, in most parts of India
violet skullcap
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
written in: Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) … spoken in: Karnataka
ಕಾಡುತುಳಸಿ kaadutulasi
  • name borrowed from Malayalam, for want of name; ಕಾಡು kaadu = wild; ತುಳಸಿ tulasi = any of the fragrant plants of the mint family … thus wild mint
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
written in: Malayalam (മലയാളം) … spoken in: Kerala, Lakshadweep
കാട്ടുതുളസി kaattuthulasi
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (नेपाली) … spoken in: NepalWest BengalAssamSikkim
कालो भेरी kaalo bheree
  • Many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for help with this name … efloraofindia
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
written in: Tamil (தமிழ்) … spoken in: Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
நோவு பச்சிலை novu pacchilai
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
written in: Telugu ( తెలుగు) … spoken in: Andhra PradeshTelangana, Puducherry
అడవి తులసి adavi tulasi
  • name borrowed from Malayalam, for want of name; అడవి adavi = wild; తులసి tulasi = any of the fragrant plants of the mint family … thus wild mint
Andhra Pradesh, *Arunachal Pradesh, *Assam, Karnataka, Kerala, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal

* no given name / no name found, in the regional language(s) of the state

~~~~~ Created on: 19:14 14-08-2024 ¦ Last updated: 17:00 15-08-2024 ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

both Malayalam and English spellings are correct

mint indicates   పుదీనా  hence it is appropriate to be అడవి పుదీనా, so many wild basils are there.

coined Telugu name revised …
commonly known as: violet skullcap • Kannada: ಕಾಡುತುಳಸಿ kaadutulasi • Malayalam: കാട്ടുതുളസി kaattuthulasi • Nepali: कालो भेरी kaalo bheree • Tamil: நோவு பச்சிலை novu pacchilai • Telugu: అడవి పుదీనా adavi pudina


Lamiaceae?? :  Attachments (1). 12 posts by 8 authors.
Request for ID. This herb photographed at Munnar..

This one seems to be Ocimum gratissimum or O. basilicum

The plant rather reminds me of some species of Impatiens

it is certainly not Ocimum gratissimum nor O. basilicum. but cant say which plant it is.

There is a match of Scutellaria sp?

Looks like Scutellaria sp.

I hope this plant is Scutellaria discolor  var. discolor.
Please see in the detailed description of this plant from “The eFlora of China” {link provided below}.

I think it should be Scutellaria violacea B.Heyne ex Benth. as per images herein.


325 ID wild shrub Coleus/Plectranthus: 19 high res. images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Vannappuram, Thodupuzha, Idukki Dist., Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 04.06.2022, 03.05pm
Habitat: wild wet/moisture, rocky misty hill
Plant habit: small shrub, erect/obliquely, branches, weak stem 06mm base diameter, hairy, lite aromatic, annual
Height: 01.5 feet
Leaves: opposite, heart-shaped, apex, hairy, purplish petioles, serrated margins, simple, size up to:07×5cm
Flower: terminal racemose, clustered, size:01×01.2×0.5cm, violet, non fragrant
Fruit: cone shaped green into brown, size:04×03mm
Seed: black 4 nos., micro granular
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +filter lens ×10

Scutellaria violacea B.Heyne ex Benth. !
Too many images of flowers. Only a couple of clear images from different position is sufficient. 

Yes, it is Scutellaria violacea, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant,


Nepali name of Scutellaria violacea B.Heyne ex Benth.:

I hope कालो भेरी Kaalo Bheree is the Nepali name for Scutellaria violacea B.Heyne ex Benth.
I found it in one of your posts …


Updated on December 24, 2024

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