Curio talinoides (Cultivated)

Curio talinoides (DC.) P. V. Heath, Calyx 6:55. 1999 (Syn: Kleinia talinoides DC.; Senecio talinoides (DC.) Sch. Bip.);



Garden Plant For ID : California : 13DEC14 : AK-38 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Small, garden plant seen in Los Angeles on 3/10/14.

Senecio Species?

The plant uploaded may be Senecio talinoides

Thanks for the suggested id.

The plant in my post is very close to … post from Delhi. Id suggested as Senecio talinoides by …
Hope to get it validated.

This plant is different from mine in shorter more pointed clustered leaves and numerous heads in the inflorescence. This should be Kleinia talinoides only. In mine K. ficoides leaves are more flattened, longer and less condensed and heads few in number. The two are considered fairly close species in cultivation.

Thanks for a quick validation of my post and also pointing out the differences between the two Species


Images by Anil Kumar Thakur (validation by J.M.Garg) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links) 


Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight: Succulent for identification 7 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)

Kindly help with identification of this Cultivated Succulent.

Interesting plant.

Hope to know ID

I thought of most likely Senecio barbertonicus ..BUT its flower head usually  has branches and many flowers on one stalk of flower

Your plant has one flower per stalk…
please run a key and find it and share with us…clue is the daisy like flower
my guess right now is senecio scaposus

Senecio scaposus may be correct ID. … this species has often 3-5 heads at the tip of scape. I can count 2 in one, 3-4 in another.

you are right  i looked again.. …thanks

I think, my unidentified plant is also Curio talinoides

Thanks, … I think matches with images at

Now I am fully convinced that my plant is some cultivar of Curio talinoides. Attaching more clear photographs.
Attachments (6)

Ok. it seems to be so.

if … case is C. talinoides than the … case is not where

the leaflet is different shaped and ended and inflorescence branching is different. i agree that … case is end of tis growing cycle and ANil’s just coming into its prime, still there are enough differences. does anyone have a key for senecio and curio plants?

Thanks, …, for these marvellous pictures.

Seen a beautiful post by  post by Dr. Gurcharan Singh Sir on Kleinia ficoides syn: Cacalia ficoides; Senecio ficoides.
My plant looks somewhat similar to that plant also. I would like to
seek your kind attention on my plant to conclude its correct identity.

This should be Senecio talinoides Sch.Bip.

(=Curio talinoides (DC.) P.V.Heath; =Kleinia talinoides DC.) as per Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Dicotyledons bu Urs Eggli, 2002. This species has 5 different subspecies.
Key for identification: 
This Senecio group has leaves terete, sub-terete or isodiametric; less than 3X as wide as thick succulent.
Evergreen with some green foliage normally present at all times.
Talinoides group: subshrubs to 25cm tall or more, or 60cm wide and sprawling.
Differs to Ficoides group with leaves laterally compressed, taller than wide.
And much different to S. scaposus, inflorescence yellow with 7-13 yellow rays. 



Plant-for-ID021210MN: Location Place : Mount Abu, Rajasthan
Habitat : Garden … Type : cultivated
Plant Habit : … Height : 30 cms

– Could be Sedum reflexum.

Does not appear to be Sedum rupestre L. as per images herein.

Appears close to Curio talinoides (Cultivated)

SK 2320 16 December 2019 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 7 mb. 

Location: Jawalakhel Flower Show, Lalitpur
Date: 20 October 2019
Elevation: 1300 m.

Habitat: Cultivated

Attachments (1)- 7 mb. 

Attachments (1)- 5 mb. 

Attachments (1)- 7 mb. 

Pl. check comparative images at 

Pl. check 
Updated on December 24, 2024

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