Senna sophera var. purpurea

India (U) ; Andhra Pradesh; Assam; Bihar ; Delhi ; Gujarat ; Haryana ; Madhaya Pradesh; Maharashtra ; Orissa ; Punjab; Rajasthan; Sikkim ; Tamil Nadu; West Bengal ; Pakistan (I) as per ILDIS;

Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) Week: Query about Senna sophera var. purpurea:
Looking for Senna sophera var. purpurea I finally found the description of Cassia purpurea (on which combination under Senna is formed) in eFlora of Pakistan, but somehow feel that plant described there is different. It describes plant with 3-5 pairs of leaflets as against 4-11 in C. sophera,

whereas this aspect is not mentioned in flora of British India. The illustration of eFlora of Pakistan shows 4 pairs of leaflets. It also lists fruit length as 5-7.5 cm as against 9-10 cm in C. sophera.
I doubt got further confirmed when I saw this illustration of C. purpurea clearly showing 7-8 pairs of leaflets.
Can any member knowing this plant clear this confusion


Adding images of Senna sophera var. purpurea: 2 high res. images.
Senna sophera var. purpurea (Lindl.) V.Singh (Syn: Cassia purpurea Lindl.; Cassia sophera var. purpurea (Lindl.) Baker; Senna purpurea (Lindl.) Roxb.);
Location:-Samadhiyala, Gujarat.
Date:- 1 Nov. 2022
Special note:- Ripen fruit pods and branches are purple in colour. where S.sophera having green branches colour.



Updated on December 24, 2024

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