Sesuvium hydaspicum

Sesuvium hydaspicum (Edgew.) Gonç. (syn: Trianthema polyspermum Hochst. ex Oliv.; Sesuvium nyasicum (Baker) Gonç.) as per POWO;

Botswana, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Angola, South Africa (Limpopo, North-West Prov.,
Gauteng, N-Cape Prov.), Namibia, Egypt, S-Saharan Mts., Saudi Arabia (C-Saudi
Arabia, Hejaz, NE-Saudi Arabia, Asir), Yemen (Tihama), Pakistan (Karachi, Sind),
India (Gujarat, Upper Gangetic Plains),
Cape Verde Isl. (Sao Vicente Isl., Sal
Isl., Ilha da Boa Vista, Ilha de Maio, Ilha de Sao Tiago), ?Morocco
as per Catalogue of Life (Sesuvium sesuvioides (Fenzl) Verdcourt syn. Sesuvium sesuvioides (Fenzl) Verdc.);

Angola, Botswana, Burkina, Cape Provinces, Cape Verde, Chad, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Northern Provinces, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Western Sahara, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe as per POWO;



Please help me identify this plant : 26 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (2) – 1 Mb and 2 Mb.

The picture for this plant was taken from Rajasthan, Sambhar Lake area during September.

Please check for Sesuvium portulacastrum – sea purslane. 

yes, … 

wow … your pictures in FOI are superb. foragers in the western countries eat it. do people in india eat it? i wonder.

Thanks … People in our country do eat it.

thanks … then one more the ethnobotany for food in coastal communities

I do not why flowers here, look different from those at Sesuvium portulacastrum

Yes it resembles Sessuvium but may be some other species, the bud is slightly different

seems closer to western sea purslane

Sesuvium verrucosum    
flower bud in this following picture resembles what is our current case

Thanks a lot. yes it is

thank you, … for the inspiration to look at the buds too, i was mostly looking at the flowers.

I am more worried about the stamen like projections, these look different. 

Flower is not clear, staminodes are present in Sessuvium 

it seems is one needs better macro shots plus a dissection of parts and detailed bw drawings to scale and if possible well represented herbarium pressing. sure could be done. seems abundant for this little scheme, if site can be revisited

This looks like Sesuvium sesuvioides (Fenzl) Verdc., Aizoaceae
According to Dr M.M. Bhandari, author of Flora of the India Desert, this species is distributed in Pakistan, Saurashtra and Rajasthan.
He mentions that Sesuvium portulacastrum is not found in Rajasthan.
Sesuvium verrucosum is restricted to the south western part of the United States, Mexico and parts of South America.

I am the one putting up this picture for identification and this has led into several discussion. I wish I could have taken more pictures, close up. I am sorry about that. However, all your inputs are highly appreciated. I surely will acknowledge the eflora team on my Ph.D. thesis.

what is your thesis all about. how is this one species related to what your research is all about? tell us please!! now. not when you are done

To me looks different from images of Sesuvium sesuvioides at
I feel it is closer to as per images of Sesuvium hydaspicum at

The projections are staminodes, they are common in Amaranthaceae

You are right. Earlier the two species were treated as synonyms. Recent research has clearly shown that the Indian plant is S. hydaspicum.


POWO  The Plant List Ver.1.1  Tropicos  Catalogue of Life (Sesuvium sesuvioides (Fenzl) Verdcourt)  JSTOR (Specimen)  African Plants – A Photo Guide  Flora of Zambia  African plant database

Updated on December 24, 2024

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