Setaria species- Kashmir, J & K



3 posts by 2 authors.


Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult.
syn: Setaria glauca auct. (non (L.) P. Beauv.)
The species had earlier wrongly gone under the name Setaria glauca (L.) P. Beauv., which is in fact synonym of Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br., the Bajra or pearl millet.
The species is closely similar to S. viridis in compact spikes but easily differentiated by bristles turning reddish-yellow (fulvous), fewer spikelets (usually one each branch) and upper glume half as long as spikelet with clearly exposed upper floret.

Photographed from Kashmir.

Points from … From efi thread:

“Setaria pumila is similar to S.glauca, but has smaller spikelets (upto 2.25mm long) than S.glauca (3mm long).The wrinlkes on the upper glume are fine in S.pumila and coarse in S.glauca. S.glauca is also considered a polyploid form of S.pumila, with 2n=18 for pumila and 2n=36 for glauca. Though both the species are found throughout India, S.pumila is the common grass out of the two in peninsular India whereas S.glauca is more common in the Gangetic plain and sub Himalayan tracts.



Updated on December 24, 2024