Rhododendrons from SFO Bot. garden



 Rhododendron 7 SFO Bot.garden: One more Rhododendron.

Rhododendron campanulatum may be



Rhododendron 9 SFO Bot.garden: One with combination of colours.



Rhododendron 8 SFO Bot.garden:   One more…..



Rhododendron 4 SFO Bot. garden: Sorry Don’t know the name of this one too.

Rhododendron thomsonii may be

Rhododendrons are difficult to guess, hundreds of species in Eastern Himalayas only.

Rhododendron 6 SFO Bot.garden: One more beauty.

Again Lovely shot. This one looks any hybrid



Rhododendron 10 SFO Bot.garden: I think this is the last one …..




Rhododendron 3 SFO Bot.garden: One more beautiful Rhododendron.



Rhododendron 5 SFO Bot.garden: One more beauty.



Rhododendron 2 SFO Bot garden California USA: Another Rhododendron

Amazing catch … Rhododendrons are always mesmerizing.



One more Rhodo



One more beautiful Rhodendron hybrid.



1 image.
Another beautiful Rhodo.

… is it Indian Species?

Again from SFO Bot garden California. A huge section of Rhododendrons exists there.



Vaccineum nummularia

i think Rhododendron sp??

Sirji you are right—-it is Rhododendron sp. (species not identified this time). Vaccinium nummularia —is totally different!

Thanks for the feedback …

I think there is some mix up. I photographed the flowers followed by the plate. May be the vaccineum was not flowering at that time and attributed the name to this Rhododendron flower. I checked with Google images for the same and it totally looks different.

Lovely pics of one more Rhododendron



Ericaceae (incl. Vacciniaceae) Fortnight :: Unknown?? :: SFO Bot.garden:: SMP APR16 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 2 images. 

One more.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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