Shorea roxburghii


Images by Muthu Karthick, N. and tspkumar 


Shorea roxburghii G. Don, Gen. hist. 1:813. 1831 (from GRIN & MMPND);
Common name: Taloora Lac Tree, White meranti, Lac Tree • Kannada: aragina mara, bile bovu, jaalari, jaalaarada •
Tamil: kungiti, talari, talura • Telugu: himsra, jaalari chettu, jaari, jalari  
Trees, to 25 m, bark brownish to greyish-brown, longitudinally fissured, blaze creamy-yellow, fibrous; branchlets glabrous. Leaves simple, alternate; stipule large, coriaceous; petiole 10-25 mmlong, stout, glabrous, lamina 6-18 x 3.5-9 cm, elliptic, oblong, elliptic-ovate, elliptic-oblong or elliptic lanceolate, base round or subcordate, apex obtuse or emarginate, margin entire, glabrous, coriaceous; lateral nerves 12-16 pairs, parallel, prominent, intercostae scalariform, faint. Flowers bisexual, light pink, 10-13 mm long, in drooping axillary and terminal panicles; pedicels to 5 mm; sepals 5; 3 lobes much enlarged than the other 2, basally connate, ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, accrescent, imbricate; petals 5, oblong, densely villous without; stamens 15; filaments to 1 mm; anthers 1.5 mm, linear; connectives appendaged, to 1.5 mm; ovary superior, globose, 3-celled, ovules 2 in each cell; style to 4 mm; stigma 3-lobed. Fruit a capsule, enclosed within accrescent sepals; wings oblong, unequal, 4-7 cm, prominently nerved; seed solitary, obovoid 7 x 4 mm.  




01 Mar 2010 05:00pm- Satyamangalam RF; ca. 1000msl; Talakona, Eastern ghats, Andhra Pradesh– 28th Mar 2010; Shorea roxburghii of Dipterocarpaceae – efloraofindia | Google Groups Shorea Talura (Jalari) – efloraofindia | Google Groups



Tree for ID : Bangalore : 210612 : AK-2: A huge tree seen at Banerghatta National Park, Bangalore.
Can’t make out if they are a bunch of flowers or pods.
Kindly id.

Is it Shorea roxburghii, G. Don <=> Jalari Tree

I haven’t been to bannerghta for a long time, but they said this is one is there.
I may be wrong, but it looks like it.

Looks like Shorea roxburghii for me also

Yes, more like Shorea roxburghii.

Could you tell me the exact location from where you’ve spotted this tree? I would like to take a sample for my study. 

I am sorry I will not be able to give the exact location of this tree since I am not very familiar with the area.
It was probably on the way to, or somewhere close by to the Butterfly Park, inside the Bannerghatta National Park. 



Request Tree ID 73 – Siddara Bette – Karnataka:  Hilly region, the trees were all along the steps toward the top of the hill
Locals said its called jalgiri, and fruits has wings

Could this be a species of Shorea. Surely a species belongs to the family Dipterocarpaceae.

Thanks for the lead that the fruits has wings.
Kindly provide other supportive information especially plant height place where you have seen this the habitat where it grow etc….to make things easier.

Flowers are fragrant.

The altitude is 3000ft above sea level

This should be Shorea talura Roxb. of Dipterocarpaceae. The local name also suggests. Great find anyway.

I think I got the local name also wrong. Its called jalari

Good photos of Shorea roxburghii syn. Shorea talura.
They are in flowers now i.e. around Shivarathri festival – 20.02.2012.
Tree looks almost leafless, Fresh leaves growing too.
All these forests around Bengalur are filled with the fragrance of these flowers.
Found at Banneraghatta and fruits during the time of the jaatre (temple festival).
Fruits are winged, spin and travel quite some distance in the wind.
They germinate quite easily,
Trees are host for the lac insect.

Yes this plant is Shorea roxburghii G. Don. of Dipterocarpaceae. Kindly refer my another post for more pictures of this tree.

In Sathyamangalam (closer to Karnataka), the vernacular name is ‘Jalamaram’ or ‘Jal’ and the tribals associate the profuse fragrant flowering to the presence of divine.
Tamil names: Kungiliyam, Thalari, Thaloora, Saambrani




Shorea roxburghii G. Don.: (12 pictures)

Name: Shorea roxburghii G. Don.
Family: Dipterocarpaceae
Date: 02 March 2009
Location: Sathyamangalam RF, TN
Alt: 1000 m ASL

Tamil names: Saambrani, Kungiliyam, Thalari, Thaloora 

Nice pictures!

All details are included.

Very nice pictures … We all are aware of the common Sal tree…..Shorea robusta.
Can you tell us the differences between the two and any further information on this tree.
The Maharashtra flora doesn’t have a mention of this tree but only mentions Shorea robusta as a cultivated species.
Any comments….Is the tree mentioned native in TN?

Shorea roxburgii is a common tree species in Bennarghatte National Park which is close to Bangalore.

Even though it is distributed widely it is treated as endangered by IUCN (
Please access a publication on the reproductive ecology of Shorea roxburghii from that would be useful to get more information.
Since the file size is too big I am not trying to attach herewith.

Thanks for the appreciation …, yes this S.roxburghii is native and common in Southern parts of India. Sorry, I have never seen S.robusta until now and I think S.robusta is not present in TN.
Dear …, thank you for the paper. I found it useful.



Tree For ID : Bannerghatta,Bangalore : 200413 : AK-1 :  Attachments (6).  6 posts by 4 authors.
A tree in full bloom at Bannerghatta National Park, Bangalore on 17/3/13.

I hope the last two pictures with pods are of the same tree.
Had posted a similar tree earlier.
Is it the same Shorea species?
Kindly confirm.

some kind of Hopea

Thanks for the clue …

Will wait for further comments.
On searching, my earlier post taken in the same place (not same tree) and identified by … if I remember right, looks more like Shorea robusta, or Sal as in
Hoping to get the id right….this and the earlier one.

efi pages: Shorea robusta & Shorea roxburghii

Shorea roxburghii



Shorea roxburghii G.Don : Attachments (2).  1 post by 1 author.

Shorea roxburghii G.Don (= S.talura Roxb.) Fam: Dipterocarpaceae

10/05/2010, Tree, 800m altitude, hilly slopes, fruiting.
Thirumala hills, Andhra Pradesh



Tree at Mel Ulvatti for ID- 09022014- PKA-Feb29 : Attachments (7).  4 posts by 3 authors.
Big tree with white coloured flowers was spotted at a village Mel-Ulvatti (Karnataka). Flowers were all at the top and were not accessible. Could manage to take few snaps with zoom. Pics are not very clear… still thought of sharing…

Flower type reminded me of the flower of Hopea ponga..

Date/Time: 28-01-2014 / 10:40AM

efi page on Hopea ponga

Shorea roxburghii

Big tree with white coloured flowers was spotted near village Mel-Ulvatti (Karnataka). Flowers were all at the top and were not accessible. Could manage to take few snaps with zoom. Pics are not very clear… 
It was the mild fragrance of the flowers in the air which made me look for this..
Bot. name: Shorea roxburghii
Family: Dipterocarpaceae
Identified by …

Lovely tree and nice Pix




plant/mar15/6 : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (9)

I need validation for the photos taken. These are photos of Shorea talura, synonym of Shorea roxburghii at Doresanipalya Forest area, Bangalore; photos include small tree with leaves and individual flowers.
The leaves are ovate-elliptic 5-15 cm in lenght, serrate & wavy with velvety hairs on the under side and prominent nerves. The flowers have 5 sepals, 5 petals and are twisted; stigma is bifid.

I agree with the id Shorea roxburghii.

Thanks for the verification. I checked the details in the “Identification Keys to Genera & Species of Dipterocarpaceae of Thailand” wherein it has been mentioned leaves glabrous on both surfaces – it is S. talura Roxb. & leaves pubescent beneath – it is S. talura Roxb. var. saigonensis. In this case it is pubescent beneath and so i presume it has to be S.talura var saigonensis

I would like you to provide me any other keys which i could refer to.
It is still in flowering stage and once the fruits are set it would be easier.   

But please note that ‘The Plant List‘ includes Shorea cochinchinensis var. saigonensis as a synonym to S. roxburghii (= S. talura).

Thanks for the info. It is also interesting to note so many synonyms of S. roxburghii which is also an endangered plant.

Please check the Biodiversity portal link provided : The details are also reproduced below.
Two characters i.e. leaves velvety hairy on the underside and stigma bifid do not tally with the description provided in the portal.
Trees, to 25 m, bark brownish to greyish-brown, longitudinally fissured, blaze creamy-yellow, fibrous; branchlets glabrous. Leaves simple, alternate; stipule large, coriaceous; petiole 10-25 mmlong, stout, glabrous, lamina 6-18 x 3.5-9 cm, elliptic, oblong, elliptic-ovate, elliptic-oblong or elliptic lanceolate, base round or subcordate, apex obtuse or emarginate, margin entire, glabrous, coriaceous; lateral nerves 12-16 pairs, parallel, prominent, intercostae scalariform, faint. Flowers bisexual, light pink, 10-13 mm long, in drooping axillary and terminal panicles; pedicels to 5 mm; sepals 5; 3 lobes much enlarged than the other 2, basally connate, ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, accrescent, imbricate; petals 5, oblong, densely villous without; stamens 15; filaments to 1 mm; anthers 1.5 mm, linear; connectives appendaged, to 1.5 mm; ovary superior, globose, 3-celled, ovules 2 in each cell; style to 4 mm; stigma 3-lobed. Fruit a capsule, enclosed within accrescent sepals; wings oblong, unequal, 4-7 cm, prominently nerved; seed solitary, obovoid 7 x 4 mm.  

Please check again.
I appreciate your way of presentation of the photographs, which will help the experts to ID easily. I will also try.

Thanks for the information and appreciation. Unfortunately the photographs are not very clear as it was taken from a mobile phone. 

PS: The 3-lobed stigma is visible in the last picture!




It is my pleasure to share few images of Shorea roxburghii  (Dipterocarpaceae) 

Habit: Tree 

Habitat: Dry deciduous forest 

Sighting: Siddarabetta and Devarayanadurga, Tumkur, Karnataka, about 800 msl 

Date: 29-07-2014 and 23-02-2015 



20082018BHAR01 Tree in Thirumalai : 11 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (2)
Found this tree in Papavinasanam in Thirumalai hills, Thirupathi, AP.

Leaves resemble Breynia retusa 


May be some Terminalia. Very difficult situation.

It is Shorea talura (I worked on the flora of Tirumala )

thank you, nice to know. can you refer me to some papers about Shorea talura  

thank you for the pictures, … but i wanted academic journal articles

Updated on December 24, 2024

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