Pimpinella species- Sihagad valley near Pune




Pimpinella species for ID 16/01/2012 SMP1 : Attachments (5).  2 posts by 2 authors.
I understand that identification of Pimpinelaa and for that matter Apiaceae family as a whole is difficult without characters like fruits/mericarps etc. I searched the earlier discussions on Pimpinella on the group. None has resulted in clear indication about the ID.
May I request the members to give some feedback regarding what to see in addition to what is visible in the pictures given.
This plant was photographed in Nov 2011 in Sihagad valley near Pune.
Height about 3 feet. The leaves as shown in the picture….trifoliate; linear leaflets.
Considering the area of observation I thought it would be Pimpinella tomentosa
……….but the description about the leaves of P. tomentosa says that Ultimate segments inciso-serrate, serratures bristle tipped which is not the case here. Can it be P. heyneana or P.rollae? both of these have trifoliate leaves

Updated on December 24, 2024

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