An unusual question : 9 posts by 5 authors. This one is an unusual ID request though not completely unrelated to plants. These slugs are very common here and I have been trying to find a proper ID for some time now without success. I am hopeful that someone on this group can help. These grow to be about 10-15 cm long and emerge in large numbers just before he monsoons. Yes …, I too will be benefited with ID. These are also common in temperate and alpine zones of Uttarakhand. this is a nuisance here in Germany. they come out normally in the evening and by wet weather, and eat the young plants totally. Erinaceidae ( like to eat slugs, but these ones they don’t like. No bird likes to eat these slugs. As I don’t want to use chemicals in my garden, i go out in the garden, when it is dark, collect these creatures and throw them away in the woods. see: judging from the wiki essay … refers to i am worried that it may be a highly ivasive species when was it recorded in india slugs a re a nuisance anyway nobody seems to have found anything good to say about them == == local ecologists must be contacted and see what they have to say or do (at least that’s what ‘s done in USA) We have them in the wild here and do not suffer much damage due to them– plants and mushrooms being numerous enough to sustain a large population. I haven’t spoken to farmers at lower altitudes if these are serious threat to crops but will do so soon. We have our own predator in Blue Whistling Thrush who hunts these quite effectively. Here a mother is bringing a morsel for her chicks; Great piece this case also goes to prove that you have the making of a complete naturalist of great order i am lucky i get to see and read your endeavours |
Slug in Himachal Pradesh
Updated on December 24, 2024