Since i was kid i was crazy lover of every green plant both flowering and non flowering
so obviously i have studied Botany in my MSc
My first choice for career was to become Plant Taxonomist but destiny made me teacher,
for few years i went on only teaching Biology
Some one said love never dies it can be overlapped so it happened to me
my love for plants which was overlapped,emerged out on one day
My urge for studying plant made me search some knowledgeable site on internet & that lead me to this group
Amazing Eflora of India… Amazing friends Scientist , Great Experts
It was sort of U turn in my life, I have started studying plants purchased floras, started going through eflora every day
It was like dawn in my life, days become brighter ..though it was late to start in life
I thought better late than never so i have started again
When i was in F Y B Sc one day while roaming around in forest I found Pecteilis gigantea,
it was identified by my teacher who told me it is an orchid from that day i fall in love with orchids
so when i have started again i wish to study orchids in detail,
On eflora i found Genius Orchidologist Pankaj, my guide for orchid, he is inspiration
I got chance to go on field with him and to see his amazing collection
he also explained how different orchids are identified and lot more about his collection
Also i read his scientific papers I have got chance to explore with genius Navendu, he knows each and every plant
Then i got chance to go for flower hunting tour with great plant taxonomist Gurucharan Sir, Nidhan and Balkar
Gurucharan is a real guru, it feels like going with my loving teacher, he explains identifying charaters of plants on field
also it feels like being with caring Dad with him , Nidhan and Balkar call me orchid expert though i am not expert
Both of them like to see and share my happiness whenever we found orchid on tour
Also i got chance to meet Manudev, Manu as i call him is expert in Aerisaema
but he has lots of knowledge about orchids too
I have got to see Dinesh’s amazing collection ,though never get a chance to see him, he is also inspiration to me
My life become beautiful with these friends, all are my best friends
My bored stagnant life was changed in beautiful, enthusiasm returned into my life again as i have started studying
searching plants especially orchids
I got to see so many flowers, plants from different parts of India and few from other countries
I could interact with so many experts and plant lover ALL DUE TO Eflora
Most beautiful thing is Garg Sir asked me if i will like to be Moderator i have happily agreed
I am grateful to all
Thanks Dinesh for such wonderful group
Thank you Eflora
My Best Wishes for our group
Smita Raskar
Updated on December 24, 2024