Sorbus vestita

Sorbus vestita (Wall. ex G. Don) Lodd., Cat. pl. ed. 16:66. 1836 (Syn: (≡) Crataegus cuspidata Spach; (≡) Pyrus vestita Wall. ex G. Don (basionym); (≡) Sorbus cuspidata Hedl.);
Griffitharia vestita (Wall. ex G.Don) Rushforth, Phytologia 100: 233 (2018) (syn: Aria cuspidata (Spach) M.Roem.; Aria vestita (Wall. ex G.Don) M.Roem.; Crataegus cuspidata Spach; Crataegus vestita (Wall. ex G.Don) Chalon; Micromeles vestita (Wall. ex G.Don) Mezhenskyj; Pyrus saturnus M.F.Fay & Christenh.; Pyrus vestita Wall. ex G.Don; Pyrus vestita var. khasiana Hook.f.; Sorbus cuspidata (Spach) Hedl.; Sorbus nepalensis Dippel; Sorbus nepalensis Hedl.; Sorbus vestita (Wall. ex G.Don) Lodd.; Sorbus vestita var. khasiana (Hook.f.) Karthik. & V.S.Kumar) as per POWO;
East Himalaya, Nepal, West Himalaya as per POWO;
China – Xizang; Bhutan; India [Himalayan region]; Nepal; Myanmar (from GRIN)
Leaves lobulate ………………… S.lanata
Leaves not lobulate ……………. S. cuspidata (syn. of Sorbus vestita)

VOF Week: Tree for id from the Trek 16812:
This is the same tree … have recently uploaded, identity is unresolved…. have a look at these pics too… definitely looks like a Rosaceae member as has been narrowed down by …

Could this be Malus tschonoskii

Sorbus cuspidata as … post as indentified by …

I think before we conclude we have to exclude the possibility of Sorbus lanata. When … first uploaded this plant he wrote fruit size as 3-3.5 cm on my asking. S. cuspidata has fruit not larger than 2 cm, where as in S. lanata it can be up to 4 cm. More over mature fruit in S. cuspidata is dark red, Could not find information about S. lanata

Fruit size was definitely more than 2 cm

looks like Ficus hispida

posting another Sorbus from the valley. Medium sized tree with fruits more than 2cm across.

Another feature which negates … plant being S. cuspidata is number of lateral pairs which are generally 10-15 pairs. Here we can see only 7-9 pairs.
But then the leaves are almost entire fruits few and emerging from almost sessile axis. In both S. lanata and S. cuspidata, the flowers are on large paniculate infl. and fruits would evidently be on branched axis. My belief got more strengthened after seeing the photograph uploaded by … (could be S. lanata) which is sharply biserrate and somewhat lobed, and this image of S. cuspidata

Does not appears to match with S. lanata posted by … in another thread.

Based on leaves Sorbus lanata and S.cuspidata are differentiated as:
Leaves lobulate…………………S.lanata
Leaves not lobulate…………….S. cuspidata
as differentiated in Osmaston (1927) A Forest Flora for Kumaon.
Leaves are not lobulate in this case and thus point toward S. cuspidata.
The plant uploaded by … have lobulate leaves and goes to S.lanata.
Supplement to Flowers of the Himalaya by A.Stainton has images of both species (plate34).

Thanks a lot … for valuable input, I take this as Sorbus cuspidata


Vof Week: 13092012 BS-4 Large fruit tree for id: 15 images.
Pls id this large size fruit tree
Fruit edible i think

Looks interesting. Size of fruit please??

About 3-3.5 cm

Thanks for posting … I am also eager to know the id….I suspect this to be an edible fruit..

I had two in mind, Pyrus pashia and Cydonia oblong, but the leaves don’t match either.

Sir this is not Pyrus pashia I am sure, and even the fruits do not agree with Cydonia oblonga due to smaller size, lets wait further….at first both me and … mistook this to be a Ficus, but only after dissecting the fruit we changed our view….

I think … have resolved its identity, this is Sorbus cuspidata

I think before we conclude we have to exclude the possibility of Sorbus lanata. When … first uploaded this plant he wrote fruit size as 3-3.5 cm on my asking. S. cuspidata has fruit not larger than 2 cm, where as in S. lanata it can be up to 4 cm. More over mature fruit in S. cuspidata is dark red, Could not find information about S. lanata

This is locally called ‘Napal, a wild form of apple. Scientific name is Sorbus cuspidata. Another similar plant is Sorbus lanata. Earlier, these were named under Pyrus

This is Sorbus vestita (Wall. ex G. Don) Lodd. as per images and details herein.



POWO (Griffitharia vestita (Wall. ex G.Don) Rushforth) Catalogue of Life (Sorbus cuspidata (Spach) Hedl.) GRIN  The Plant List Ver.1.1 (Sorbus cuspidata (Spach) Hedl.)  IPNI  BSI Flora of India  Flora of China  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  Sorbus cuspidata | /RHS Gardening  India Biodiversity Portal  Forest Plants of Eastern India By Amal Bhusan Chaudhuri (1993- Details)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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