Spathodea campanulata

— resembles spathes, referring to the flower
Dave’s Botanary
kam-pan-yoo-LAH-tuh or kam-pan-yoo-LAY-tuh — bell-shapedDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: African tulip tree, fountain tree, scarlet bell flower, squirt tree, syringe tree • Bengali: রুদ্রপলাশ rudrapalash • Hindi: रगतूरा rugtoora • Kannada: lujjekaye, neerukayi mara • Malayalam: ഫൗണ്ടന്‍മരം phaauntanmaram, സ്പാഥോഡിയ sphaathhoodiya • Marathi: आकाश शेवगा akash shevga
Native to: Uganda; cultivated elsewhere
Evergreen tree up to 25 tall; leaves large, pinnate compound with 9-19 leaflets, latter ovate-lanceolate or elliptic, 5-10 cm long, entire, with 2-3 fleshy glands at base, abruptly acuminate; flowers scarlet, 7-10 cm long in many-flowered racemes or panicles; calyx leathery, boat-shaped, 5-8 cm long; corolla lobes ovate, somewhat undulate; fruit flattened, 16-22 cm long.
They are very interesting pods! Because the tree disperses it’s seed through wind, it has built a sort of self defense mechanism against rain. when there is lots of moisture in the air the pod closes up and when it’s dry, it opens again. Loads of fun to see the look on people’s faces when you show them an almost “magical” trick
The flowers store water which is used by birds;
Many birds like Parrots, Shalik, Gang Shalik also passionate about this flower and they often visit this tree during its blooming;
Seeds in Africa were said to be fermented to produce poison for hunting arrows!!!


Very illustrative photographs


Bignoniaceae Week:: Spathodea campanulata from Tirupati (AP):
Spathodea campanulata from Tirupati (AP)

Very detailed photographs

very nice interior of the flower.


Bignoniaceae Week: Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv. (Kolkata):
These pictures of Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv. are also old records, again from my earlier post – efi thread.


Bignoniaceae Week: Spathodea campanulata from Delhi:
Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv., Fl. Oware 1:47, t. 27, 28. 1805

Syn: Spathodea nilotica Seem.
Common names: African-tuliptree; flame-of-the-forest; flametree 
Evergreen tree up to 25 tall; leaves large, pinnate compound with 9-19 leaflets, latter ovate-lanceolate or elliptic, 5-10 cm long, entire, with 2-3 fleshy glands at base, abruptly acuminate; flowers scarlet, 7-10 cm long in many-flowered racemes or panicles; calyx leathery, boat-shaped, 5-8 cm long; corolla lobes ovate, somewhat undulate; fruit flattened, 16-22 cm long.
Photographed from Delhi University Campus. 


Bignoniaceae Week :: Spathodea campanulata : African Tulip Tree : Muscat,Oman : 130113 : AK:
Sharing a close up picture of African Tulip Tree from Muscat, Oman found in one of the parks.

These pictures are of a tree from a CIT Road Calcutta neighbourhood school yard
Originally from Central Africa, the African tulip tree was brought to India in early 1900s .
In Bengal it achieves great height and girth, flowers profusely and put up a spectacular show from January to about April, flowers remain even when the foliage develops fully.
It is claimed that seedpods develop, but I have not seen any on trees I track….
Seeds in Africa were said to be fermented to produce poison for hunting arrows!!!

Thank you … for your beautifulSpathodea campanulata. This plant you can also found inside the Salt Lake Stadium and Eastern Bypass and also on the road side of Hedua park-Scottish Church college area of North Calcutta
The flowers are quite similar in colour with Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. of Fabaceae ( Palash in Bengali). 
The most interesting thing is that Rabindranath Tagore renamed this flower as “Rudra Palash” in Bengali ( In Shantiniketan children called this “Pichkiriphul” (pichkiri means spray) as they played Holi with this flower!!
Many birds like Parrots, Shalik, Gang Shalik also passionate about this flower and they often visit this tree during its blooming. 

Rudra palash I knew about (thanks for the link, would be handy in future), but did not know that parrots come to it, will surely try to plant a few in my neighborhood in south 24 paraganas that used to be habitat-ed by parrots, but no more, want to bring them back … we need food they eat and tree with hollows where they can nest… so this will at least get us one more tree that they eat from I guess.
one question: what is Gang shalik? any other name?

Gang shalik / Bank Myna (Acridotheres ginginianus) as per link: Flickr

I was simply curious because there are many trees growing in the streets of Bangalore and every one of them (including small ones) have pods. Maybe the right kind of pollinator isn’t near your place?
They are very interesting pods! Because the tree disperses it’s seed through wind, it has built a sort of self defense mechanism against rain. when there is lots of moisture in the air the pod closes up and when it’s dry, it opens again. Loads of fun to see the look on people’s faces when you show them an almost “magical” trick

African tulip tree flowers are visited by a large number of birds, and it seems its bird and may be even bat pollinated, so what the mystery is I don’t know…
may be the lack of exact type of bird?
or its not bird pollinated at all and some small insect?
may be moisture in the air or roots make a difference?
may be our forest dept planted only one set of seeds … that resulted in non-fruiting trees?
or I am observing the wrong population of african tulip trees!!!
so many possibilities…
may be some one from forest dept is reading this and can put me right or show us a few trees that have indeed developed pods in Kolkata / Calcutta.


SYMBIOSIS : 317 : 1 image. 1 post by 1 author.
Attaching an image of a male Purple Sunbird on the flowers of Spathodea campanulata. The tree is known as TULIP TREE/ SCARLET BELL TREE/ FOUNTAIN TREE. As per D V Cowen the tree was introduced in India in 1873 from tropical Africa.
(Flowering Trees and Shrubs in India, by D V Cowen).


SYMBIOSIS : 326 :  1 image. 1 post by 1 author.
Attaching an image of Asiatic Pied Starling on the flowers of Spathodea campanulata.

SYMBIOSIS : 337 :  Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.
Attaching an image of a Chestnut Tailed Starling on the flowers of Spathodea campinulata (SCARLET BELL).

SYMBIOSIS : 135 :  Attachments (1).  1 post by 1 author.
Attaching the image of 135th member of the series. In this a Chestnut-tailed Starling is on the flower of Scarlet Bell Tree (Tulip Tree). Scientifically it is known as Spathodea campanulata.

BIGNONIACEAE WEEK some species from Pantnagar: 3 correct images as above.
Enclosing pics of: 4. Spathodea campanulata, a tree planted in Pantnagar at many places but produce no fruits here.


Fwd: african tulip tree ? : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Plz help me identify – 7 pairs of hairy leaflets plus terminal – is it african tulip tree !

Yes to me; it is what is commonly referred as the ‘African tulip’.


Spathodea campanulata/ABJAN07 : 4 posts by 3 authors.

There are several of these wonderful trees in and around Bangalore. The dark brooding foliage of compound pinnate leaves contrasts nicely with orange flowers. I think it is the African Tulip tree. Please advise.
African Tulip (Spathodea campanulata)
15 January 2015

Yes, Spathodea campanulata of Bignoniaceae. They are very common and lined the road outside the school I studied at. We used to pick up the flower buds, pinch off the tips and squirt the liquid inside on each other!

yes … we have had lots of discussions here if you check the database
efi thread

Thank you … I was wondering why it was also called Pichkari in Hindi.

SYMBIOSIS : 753 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching an image of Asian Pied Starling on the flower of Spathodea campanulata (SCARLET BELL/ TULIP TREE/ SQUIRT TREE).

SYMBIOSIS : 754 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching an image of a Chestnut Tailed Starling on the flowers of Spathodea campanulata (SCARLET BELL/ SQUIRT TREE)

ID PLS – AT LATPANCHOR – KURSEONG – DARJEELING , dt 20.02.2016 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)

Although picture of the flower is not very clear, it looks like Spathodea campanulata to me

Yes, supporting the ID of …. It is S.campanulata. Please see this species in eFI page.

SK137OCT09-2016:ID : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Sharing some pictures for ID shot at Banglore on 6 September 2015.

Spathodia campanulata

Thank you for the ID. Spathodea campanulata Beauv. (accepted name)

SYMBIOSIS : 906 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Asian Pied Starling and Chestnut Tailed Starling visiting flowers of Spathodea campanulata (SCARLET BELL/ SQUIRT TREE/ FOUNTAIN TREE).


in Pune- 30/1/08; in Feb.’07 in Salt Lake, Kolkata; started flowering now (25/2/08) in Kolkata; in Bangalore- 10/3/08; Prantik, WB, March 09; On 14/2/09 in Kinnarsani WS, AP; in Pachmarhi– Nov’09; on 21 Feb.’10. at Sagar upvan, Mumbai; Ambajhari Garden Nagpur- 15-2-09; Jadavpur, Kolkata: 29th August 2010;

Beautiful Trees & Shrubs by Chakraverty & Jain states it to flower in early spring (February- March).


Spathodea campanulata from Tirumala:
A very attractive gorgeous tree

The flowers store water which is used by birds.


spathodea with yellow flowers:
this tree is growing near gateway of india

– Thanks for posting pictures of the yellow flowered tulip tree, was not aware of this one in Mumbai !

– I assume its the same species Spathodea campanulata

– With some little bit of research on the internet I gathered that spathodea is a monotypic genus, though with several synonyms, in the family bignoniaceae.
Rarely they are reported to have yellow or apricot colored flowers

– it is called Spathodea campanulata var. Konagold opposite Mantralaya


At times I try to make collage with leaf, petal, seed, pod etc. In 1983 I collected few pods of Squirt Tree (Fountain Tree) at Pachmarhi, to use them in dry arrangement. In due course of time the pods opened up and the seeds were released. To me these pods looked like eyes. I used them in a collage in 1984. As time passed I made lot of alterations on this collage and having the present form. Attaching two images of the collage. One gives the full view, other one is a close up. You may like it.

– Interesting hobby and a very good idea to be used  in a competition form for students.


During my stay at Pachmarhi during 1981-1984, I saw a large tree bearing scarlet colour flowers, behind a house named Denwa. D V Cowen’s book,”Flowering Trees and Shrubs in India “helped me to identify the tree to be Squirt tree or Fountain Tree or Scarlet Bell or Tulip Tree. Scientifically it is known as Spathodea Campanulata. The tree was introduced in India in 1873 from Africa. This is what Mrs Cowen says about the buds of the tree.
The name Fountain Tree and many of the African vernacular names originated because the soft buds often contain a quantity of liquid and small boys discovered that by squeezing them they could be made to emit a jet like water squirt.”
I find it very interesting. You may like to try, if the tree is there in your locality. Right now the tree is in bloom at this place. Attaching two images of this tree.


African Tulip_19062011DS_SN3:
Red Vented bulbul on African tulip TreeSpathodea Campanulata.
Hope the tree Id is correct .

Yes, on both counts…


This afternoon i shot these pictures on the ‘central avenue’ (near Medical College) in Kolkata (Calcutta). This is a big tree of about 40-50 ft. While returning by bus i noticed more of this tree at various corners of the city. I picked up a flower that fell on the footpath and in no time took some photographs.

Species : Spathodea campanulata ?

Type : tree, roadside plantation

Date 10-March-2012, 3.51 p.m.

Place : Chittaranjan Avenue, Kolkata (Calcutta)

Yes …, … Spathodea campanulata P.Beauv. (family: Bignoniaceae).
Native of Uganda, planted as ornamental or avenue trees in our country.

Yes Spathodea campanulata
Spathodea is a monotypic genus i.e. it contains only this species under it.
A very commonly planted avenue tree all over India.
Non native. Originates from Africa.

The inside of the calyx too has vibrant colour, attaching a photo of the same.


Sharing the images of Spathodea campanulata:
Sharing the images of Spathodea campanulata from Coimbatore. One of the most common avenue tree.

Beautiful pics of fountain tree, in our area this is not much common, specially i have never seen the fruit.


”For Id 14012012MR1’’ plant with pink curved stipules at Pune:
Jan 2012
Kindly help Id this shrub probably growing to become a tree at a private society at Pune
About 5 feet tall, leaves with 7 pairs of leaflets and one single leaf at the tip, curved pink stipules I think may be I am wrong and pink leaf scars where the leaves are shed. No flowers or fruits were seen

This looks like the African Tulip Tree [Spathodea campanulata].

You are simply great. I have seen a big African Tulip tree with flowers and had also posted the pictures and yet I could not recognize it. Am I correct in calling the pink structures on the stem stipules or are they something else as I could not find reference to this on the web.

You are most welcome. My guess is they are the remnants of deciduous or caducous stipules.


Bignoniaceae Week :: :: Spathodea campanulata Fruits (Pods) in Mumbai:: PKA18:
Sharing photographs of the Pods of Spathodea campanulata.


[efloraofindia:08012013] Bignoniaceae Week: Spathodea campanulata from Pune:
Sharing pictures of Spathodea campanulata from Pune.

There are a few trees here in Muscat as well. A cultivated, garden tree.

Nice pics! Saw fruits first time in this species as it does not produce fruits here. Specific pollinators are probably not available?


Bignoniaceae Week: Spathodea campanulata from Bangalore:
I can’t contribute all that much of different and rare plants to this week because I’m learning it through all your wonderful uploads (and I must say, they all really are wonderful.) I thought that I would contribute by showing you all a slightly different view of the same beautiful flowers.

nice alternate viewpoint. good closeups. can be entered in “what is it” kind of contest. would you?

Thank you …, Was thinking of that when I took it too 🙂


Bignoniaceae Week : : BRS4- Spathodea campanulata from Coimbatore.:
Sharing the images of Spathodea campanulata from Coimbatore.

spath-OH-dee-uh — resembles spathes, referring to the flowerDave’s Botanary
kam-pan-yoo-LAH-tuh or kam-pan-yoo-LAY-tuh — bell-shapedDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: African tulip tree, fountain tree, scarlet bell flower, squirt tree, syringe tree • Bengali: রুদ্রপলাশ rudrapalash • Hindi: रगतूरा rugtoora • Kannada: lujjekaye, neerukayi mara • Malayalam: ഫൗണ്ടന്‍മരം phaauntanmaram, സ്പാഥോഡിയ sphaathhoodiya • Marathi: आकाश शेवगा akash shevga
Native to: Uganda; cultivated elsewhere
References: Flowers of IndiaTop TropicalsDave’s GardenWikipedia
avenue tree along Ghodbunder Road, Thane on 27 DEC 06

Yet another good set of pictures


Bignoniaceae week::Spathodea campanulata (NSJ01-09/01/2013):
Spathodea campanulata Tree and flowers from Aurangabad.

nice mature tree


Bignoniaceae Week :: Spathodea campanulata, P.Beauv. <=> African Tulip Tree – Bangalore – RA:  One of the world’s most spectacular flowering trees, African tulip tree is a large upright tree with glossy deep green pinnate leaves and glorious orange scarlet flowers. It may grow to 80 ft on an ideal site, but most specimens are much smaller. The tree has a stout, tapering, somewhat buttressed trunk covered in warty light gray bark. The lateral branches are short and thick. 
The 1-2 ft long opposite leaves, which emerge a bronzy color, are massed at the ends of the branches. They are composed of 5-19 deeply veined oval leaflets.
The horn shaped velvety olive buds appear in upturned whorls at the branch tips. A few at a time, the buds of the lowest tier bend outward and open into big crinkled red orange tuliplike bells with red streaked gold throats, frilly yellow edges, and four brown-anthered stamens in the center.
They are followed by 5-10 in green brown fingerlike pods pointing upwards and outwards above the foliage. Each of these pods contains about 500 tissue papery seeds. 
The tree flowers in spurts all through the growing season, but peak bloom is usually in the spring. Almost suddenly this species seems to have come into bloom all over town. It is a grand sight particularly where they have been planted at the boundary of parks. A handsome tree bears dark green leaves most of the year. It is in bloom for a long duration providing many birds with nectar from its cup shaped deep-orange flowers. The flowers in clusters held clear off the foliage are in contrast to the green foliage. It is not unusual to find buds of various ages, flowers, and erect, green seed cases in the same cluster. Children squirt the liquid in the buds at each other. 
The seed cases when mature, become brown and woody. A large transparent, polythene-like, appendage surrounds the tiny brown seed that float in the air before reaching the ground in large quantities. 
Can be seen at Cubbon Park, Lalbagh and in other parts of the city.

Another complete set of pictures


Bignoniaceae Week – Seed of Spathodea campanulata:
The trees of Bignoniaceae have lovely seeds.
This is one of the most beautiful.

Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 1109 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Chestnut tailed Starling visiting flowers of Spathodea campinalota (SCARLET BELL/ SQUIRT TREE)

SK1711 10 Jan 2019 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 5 mb.
Location : Sentosa , Singapore
Date : 18 October 2012
Altitude  131 m.
Habit : Cultivated
Spathodea campanulata Beauv.

Spathodea campanulata :: Virajpet, Coorg :: 11 NOV 19 : 5 posts by 3 authors. 4 images.
… at a resort  in Virajpet, Coorg
Date: November 11, 2019 … Altitude: about 910 m (3000 ft) asl
Spathodea campanulata  P.Beauv.

african tulip flower
i am familiar with bright red flowers

Spathodea ? : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)- around 700 kb each.
is this Spathodea campanulata ? Daulatabad, Maharashtra, january 2020.


Yes. Common in Karnataka urban avenues.

Today morning..
 Daughter Nesara to me “Come to the terrace with the camera. I will show you something.”
 Then showing her foot ..
She says .
 “This is my  Cinderella Princess slippers.,”
How is it. “
I said “Very cool. You are quite creative”
Come March, the African Tulip tree’s (stands majestically  opposite to our home)  seedpods  will burst and open.
Squirrel, Birds like the green  Barbett, bulbul, parakeet,myna, Koel congregate  from a week,  morning to evening to  eat the seeds inside the seed pod.   Many other birds join and hover over the seedpods and  on the tree branches.
When the wind blows fast, or the birds dig the seedpods  piles of tulip seeds with thin transparent membrane  float and sway  into  our gates and on the terrace.
 Then in the terrace, when  a small breeze came up again, it sweeps and swirls  the weightless  seeds into a corner.
Nesara now stands on the whirling tulip seed pile and pours water on  her feet. Some of the seeds stick around the leg on its own.
That’s how she got her new  princess


Spathodea campanulata from J P Nagar Bangalore-GS29012022-2: 4 very high res. images.
Spathodea campanulata photographed from J P Nagar Bangalore, 21-9-2015

African Tulip. Very common avenue tree in Mysore & Bangalore. Plenty around my house.


Bignoniaceae: Spathodea campanulata: 6 high res. images.
Spathodea campanulata from Andhra University campus, Visakhapatnam, Andhra pradesh. On 09/02/2024


Spathodea campanulata Beauverd: 7 very high res. images.

Location : Teku, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date : 23 October 2024
Elevation :  1350m.
Habit : Cultivated


Updated on February 2, 2025

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