Spodiopogon rhizophorus

Spodiopogon rhizophorus (Steud.) Pilg., Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2 14e: 119 1940. (Syn: Andropogon albidus Wall. [Invalid]; Andropogon rhizophorus Steud.; Spodiopogon albidus Benth.);

India as per POWO;
Common name: Stalked-Leaf Beard Grass
A common grass found in forest fringes and forest roads under dense shade.
The petioled leaves, stilt roots and wooly and awned racemes makes it very easy to distinguish this grass.


Grasses week- Request for ID – 111210RA1- A Rhizophorus?sp.?:
This species was seen in the forest in Mumbai on 20 Nov. ’10. It has rhizoporus side roots.

– .. I was informed by  …- one of Dr. Almeida’s Ph. D. students that it is Spodiopogon rhizophorus ..


Grass Week : Spodiopogon rhizophorus: This grass with Leaf-blade base with a false petiole, photographed from Pench Tiger Reserve on 2-12-2005, I think this is Spodiopogon rhizophorus, but not very sure, please comment on id.

Good set of pictures …; Good match for Spodiopogon rhizophorus.


Grass ID request – RK64 – 18-Dec-2012:
Request identification of another grass from Tungareshwar. It is about 2 – 3 feet high. A photo of the flowering is attached but the leaves had all dried up.

Spodiopogon rhizophorus A common grass found in forest fringes and forest roads under dense shade.
The petioled leaves, stilt roots and wooly and awned racemes makes it very easy to distinguish this grass

Could I request you to open this thread?
The base of the blade of this grass looks different from the grass posted by me and identified as Spodiopogon rhizophorus.
Could this be just a variation?

May be due to different stage of life.


Place, Altitude: along Amba Ghat … about 1974 ft asl
Date, Time: 20 DEC 10 … 03:15pm
Habitat: along trail on mountain slope with dried scrub vegetation
Habit: small erect herb; about 2 ft high

Spodiopogon rhizophorus. A grass of forest fringes in dense shade. Long petioled leaves and hairy inflorescence.


Sinhagad, Aug 2014 :: Requesting ID of this grass :: ARKSEP-13 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4).
Requesting to please ID this grass captured at Sinhagad, Pune growing abundantly in the fort in Aug 2014.

need inflorescence and spikelet photo for identification

It seems Sorghum vulgare, if it is so, it is poisonous to cattle at this stage

This has been identified as Spodiopogon rhizophorus as per Grass for ID :: Sinhagad, Aug 2014 :: ARK2019-14.


Grass for ID :: Sinhagad, Aug 2014 :: ARK2019-14 : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
This grass was abundant at Sinhagad, Pune, a hill in Aug 2014.
Requested to please ID, possible.

Sorghum sp.

Leaves resemble Spodiopogon rhizophoratus. Check for stilt roots and wait for inflorescence.

So … will you will be able to visit this patch again? would love to see follow ups, if at all possible as suggested by …

Thank you … for the possible ID. Efi pages for this species indicate a petioled leaf blade, however, my pics do not seem to show that. Of course, the pics are not detailed enough.
…, this is a favourite getaway in the rains. I will definitely post follow up pics, if I visit the place again.

I think correct spelling may be Spodiopogon rhizophorus (Steud.) Pilg.


Mumbai, MH :: Grass for ID (Apluda??) :: ARK2020-017 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)- around 900 kb each.

Saw this grass at 2 places – in the Aarey forest and in a marshy area in Charkop, Mumbai, MH in September/October 2019. This was very common there.
Is this Aplida mutica? The peculiar characteristic indicated was that there is a small petiole for the blade.
Requested to please provide ID.

The Aarey grass is Spodiopogon rhizophorus and the Charkop grass is Apluda mutica. Both of them have leaf base narrowed into a petiole. The former have larger leaves and rounded leaf base above the petiole part, whereas the latter has leaf base narrowing into a petiole.

Lohagad, near Pune, MH :: Grass for ID :: ARK2020-035 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Saw this grass near Lohagad near Pune, MH in October 2016.
Requested to please ID.

Spodiopogon rhizophorusA common grass found on forest fringes in western ghats, especially on ghat roads passing through dense forests. It is easily identified even in its vegetative stage by its large leaves with leaf base narrowed into a petiole and also presence of stilt roots.

Thank you … for the ID and also for explaining the differences between these 2 species so nicely. Thanks … for following up with this post.


Spodiopogon rhizophorus (Poaceae): 2 images.
Spodiopogon rhizophorus (Poaceae)

Koyna , Maharashtra 2021 Oct 
grows on slopes roadside in open


our Spodiopogon rhizophorus images.: 8 images.

Thanks, Sushant ji.
Images from Koyna, Maharashtra.


Updated on December 24, 2024