Spondias pinnata ?

Spondias pinnata ?;


April 14, 2010 at 1.38pm IST: Palghar Road (Ghat section); DV – 14APR10 – 0138 :: ¿ Spondias acuminata ? – efloraofindia | Google Groups



ID please: I suspected that this tree was Garuga Pinnata. But apparently its not. The leaves aren’t toothed. And the fruit has only one single seed. Any idea what is this tree?

… this could be the Indian ash tree, Lannea coromandelica.

I think this is Spondias pinnata of family Anacardiaceae

.., your thought seems to be correct. Me too now think so.

 please post some more close up and good fotos… foto of this kind will only lead into asssumption…

    Many species of plants show this type of leaves and fruit… so how can someone beleive that this is Spondias sps. or some other genus..
or you can post details about the plant whatever u have seen on the field..

for difference in spondais and lannea smell of fruits is best way…

Updated on December 24, 2024

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