Stauntonia angustifolia

Stauntonia angustifolia (Wall.) Christenh. (syn: Holboellia acuminata Lindl.; Holboellia angustifolia Diels (ambiguous synonym); Holboellia angustifolia Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Holboellia angustifolia var. angustissima Diels; Holboellia angustifolia var. minima Reaub.; Holboellia angustifolia subsp. obtusa (Gagnep.) H.N. Qin; Holboellia angustifolia subsp. trifoliata H.N. Qin; Holboellia fargesii Reaub.; Holboellia latifolia Franch.; Holboellia latifolia var. acuminata (Lindl.) Gagnep.; Holboellia latifolia var. angustifolia (Wall.) Hook. fil. & Thoms.; Holboellia latifolia var. bracteata Gagnep.; Holboellia latifolia var. obtusa Gagnep.; Holboellia marmorata Hand.-Mazz.; Stauntonia angustifolia (Wall.) R. Br. ex Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Stauntonia angustifolia Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Stauntonia longipes Hemsl.);  ‘
India (Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya), Sikkim, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar [Burma], W-China (Anhui, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan), Tibet as per Catalogue of Life;


SK1217 20 JUNE 2018 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)- around 700 kb each.

Location: Sandakphu, India
Date: 14 May 2018
Altitude:10 –  11000 ft.
Habit : Wild 
Holboellia latifolia Wall.  ??

Go by the links I have sent you.

Nepali Name : गुफला Gufalaa 

Climber for ID : Atlanta Botanical Garden : Atlanta, Georgia : 29DEC18 : AK-37 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Cultivated climber seen in the garden.
There were no flowers.

one of many ….passion flower vine varieties ?

This has been identified by the Garden’s Planthotline as Holboellia angustifolia.
Hope to get it verified.

SK1658 19 Dec 2018 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)- 2 mb and 4 mb.
Location : Chandragiri Hills, Kathmandu, Nepal
Elevation : 2286 m
Date : 11 December 2018
Habit : Wild


Stauntonia angustifolia (Wall.) R.Br. ex Wall. ??
Syn: Holboellia angustifolia Wall.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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