Stellaria patens ?


VoF Week :: Stellaria graminea at Valley of Flowers:
Stellaria graminea L. ... (family: Caryophyllaceae)

2 AUG 12
Valley of Flowers ... about 11000 – 12000 ft

Perhaps needs rechecking. The petals seem distinctly longer than sepals.

May be Stellaria semivestita

Does agree with Stellaria gramineapetals are supposed to be equaling or longer than sepals
Illinois wild flowers

I think matches with Stellaria semivestita as per POWO specimen and GBIF specimenLook different from Stellaria graminea as per POWO specimen one and two and GBIF specimens from India- one.
Also suggested by … earlier.

Still better option is Stellaria patens D. Don as per GBIF- specimens from Nepal– onetwothreefour.

However, sepals look shorter as per description in Flora of China.


VOF Week: Stellaria sp.?? at VOF:
Stellaria sp (Family:Caryophyllaceae ) from VOF.
Date/Time: 08-08-2012 / 01:15PM
Plant Habit : Herb
Petals are longer than sepals.
As indicated by … in one of the earlier post by …, this looks like Stellaria graminea??

Yes Stellaria sp. Same plant was also uploaded by …, although your clearly shows three styles. Not able to find species with petals longer than sepals.

Stellaria graminea should be the closest match.

Thanks … … has also suggested the same ID while discussing similar plant uploaded by …

I think matches with Stellaria semivestita as per POWO specimen and GBIF specimen
Look different from Stellaria graminea as per POWO specimen one and two and GBIF specimens from India- one.

Still better option is Stellaria patens D. Don as per GBIF- specimens from Nepal– onetwothreefour.

However, sepals look shorter as per description in Flora of China.

Stellaria patens D. Don ??

However, sepals look shorter as per description in Flora of China.


VoF Week: Stellaria graminea from the way to Ghangriya:
Stellaria graminea from the way to Ghangriya
pls validate

Nice photographs …

I think matches with Stellaria semivestita as per POWO specimen and GBIF specimen
Look different from Stellaria graminea as per POWO specimen one and two and GBIF specimens from India- one.

Still better option is Stellaria patens D. Don as per GBIF- specimens from Nepal– onetwothreefour.

However, sepals look shorter as per description in Flora of China.


Caryophyllaceae Week: Stellaria graminea from VOF–PKA8:
Stellaria graminea
Location: from VOF.
Date/Time: 08-08-2012 / 01:15PM
Plant Habit : Herb
Petals are longer than sepals.

Yes … Very good photographs

I think matches with Stellaria semivestita as per POWO specimen and GBIF specimen
Look different from Stellaria graminea as per POWO specimen one and two and GBIF specimens from India- one.

Still better option is Stellaria patens D. Don as per GBIF- specimens from Nepal– onetwothreefour.

However, sepals look shorter as per description in Flora of China.


Caryophyllaceae Week :: DV :: 31 JUL 12 – 1240 :: Stellaria-like flowered plant at Auli:
Stellaria-like flowered plant

ID please.
Habit: … small erect herb, guessing it to be about 30 – 40 cm high; cannot recollect nor can understand from photos about the nature of leaves and stem; flower about 8 – 10 mm across
Habitat: … sloping alpine meadow
Altitude: … about 8750 – 9000 ft asl

I hope Stellaria graminea

I think matches with Stellaria semivestita as per POWO specimen and GBIF specimen
Look different from Stellaria graminea as per POWO specimen one and two and GBIF specimens from India- one.

Still better option is Stellaria patens D. Don as per GBIF- specimens from Nepal– onetwothreefour.

However, sepals look shorter as per description in Flora of China.

agree with Stellaria semivestita

However, sepals look shorter as per description in Flora of China


Can you post keys of species found in Uttarakhand with elevation details, if any?

Key related to Srtellaria species with respect to altitude also.
1a.    Sepals 4; styles 2; capsules dehiscing by 4 teeth…….   2. S. himalayensis  2600-3000m amsl
1b.   Sepals 5; styles 3; capsules dehiscing by 6, 8 or 10 teeth………….  2     
2a.    Flowers in the terminal, umbellate or sub-umbellate cymes…….6. S. subumbellata 3200—4200 m
2b.   Flower(s) solitary or in axillary or terminal, dichasial cymes…… 3    
3a.  Leaves more than 2.5 cm long (2.5—10 cm long) …………………. 4
3b.   Leaves less than 2.5 cm long ……………………………….5
4a   Leaves sessile; sepals 5—6 mm long; petals conspicuous, as long as sepal; seeds more than 2 mm long, truncate to notched ……….. 4. S.  monosperma  2600-3700
4b   Leaves petioled; sepals 3—4 mm long; petal minute, half as long as sepal; seeds less than 2 mm long, beaked ……. 5. S. paniculata 2800—3800
5a. Capsules longer than calyx; leaves orbicular-ovate to ovate-elliptic ………… 3. S. media 2600—3000 m
5b. Capsules as long as or shorter than calyx; leaves linear, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate…  6
6 a.    Densely tufted, mat- or cushion-forming, perennial herb………..  1. S. decumbens 3400—3800 m
6b.  Decumbent or ascending, weak annual herb…………………… 7. S. uliginosa

Closest I can go as per these keys is Stellaria alsine (syn. S.uliginosa).

But looks somewhat different from images at GBIF and efi.


This plant photos were posted for ID query (eFI archive)
with comments following from:

:Perhaps needs rechecking. The petals seem distinctly longer than sepals.
:May be Stellaria semivestita

Please validate to resolve the ID.

I think yes

Better option is Stellaria patens D. Don as per GBIF- specimens from Nepal– onetwothreefour.

However, sepals look shorter as per description in Flora of China.

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Auli, Uttarakhand- 15.7.10;     For ID 300810 ET – efloraofindia | Google Groups

White flower for ID :: Ghangaria-Hemkund, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKDEC-11 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Saw this white flower along the Ghangaria-Hemkund trail, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Requested to please provide ID. Is this Stellaria graminea?.

Better option is Stellaria patens D. Don as per GBIF- specimens from Nepal– onetwothreefour.

However, sepals look shorter as per description in Flora of China.



VOF Week: Cerastium? for id from the Trek : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
This was shot from trek going up to Hemkunt Sahib….id please…have only two pics..

I think Stellaria, leaves should help

It is Stellaria patens D.Don (S.longissima Wall.), common in the area.


Caryophyllaceae Week: Cerastium sp.from VOF Tour:
This was shot
from way to Hemkund Sahib.. I have only these two shots… hope to get id..

Again Stellaria, leaves would help but could be S. graminea.

It is Stellaria patens D.Don.

Sepals look shorter as per description in Flora of China.


Stellaria graminea in FOI:
Images of Stellaria graminea in FOI look different as per  POWO specimen one and two and GBIF specimens from India- one.
Pl. check.

I have kept similar images at Stellaria patens ?, for the time being.

Since the sepals are shorter than the petals in all the images on FOI and eFI, in my opinion there is no reason to consider it as Stellaria patens

But no way S.graminea.

Any more feedback as I am not able to place this plant?


Stellaria vestita in Wikimedia Commons:
I have doubts about the id of your images of Stellaria vestita in Wikimedia Commons.
Pl. see discussions at

Yes …, you are right.



Updated on December 23, 2024

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