Stellaria webbiana

Stellaria webbiana (Benth. ex G. Don) Edgew. & Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 1: 230 1874. (Syn: Leucostemma webbianum Benth. ex G. Don); 




This small herb was recorded yesterday (14.4.14) from Chakrata region, I hope this is Arenaria curvifolia Majumdar..
This is an uncommon plant, but was densely spread over rock surface, leaves opposite, minute, lanceolate..

Certainly not A.curvifolia. It is tetramerous and petals divided to base indicating it as a species of Stellaria. To me it looks like Stellaria webbiana.

Thanks for correction  …
Perhaps I could not properly consult your picture on FOI…

Beautiful herb.

Thanks …, yes a beautiful herb indeed…




Caryophyllaceae Week: 08122012GS2 Stellaria for ID from Naukuchia tal:  This seems to be a species of Stellaria, with distinctive 2 styles and grass-like leaves photographed from NAUKUCHIA TAL in UTTARANCHAL. Kindly help in ID.
The petals appear much longer and broader than possible IDs S. alsinnoides and S. uliginosa

Stellaria webbiana (Benth. ex G.Don) Edgew. & Hook. f.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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