Stemona tuberosa

Trop. & Subtrop. Asia as per WCSP;
Assam; Bangladesh; Cambodia; China South-Central; China Southeast; Hainan; India; Laos; Lesser Sunda Is.; Maluku; Myanmar; Philippines; Taiwan; Thailand; Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;

ID please 270519 PG2 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Sending some plant photographs for Identity,
These are climbing species of tropical forests.
Locality-Papum Pare district of Arunachal Pradesh
Alt.- 100-800 msl

Stemona tuberosa


Disporum leucanthum H.Hara ??

The odd branching habit of the inflorescence makes me think of a species of Chlorophytum. Does it have any basal leaves or possibly a distinctive root/rhizome structure? The flowers don’t look correct for Disporum.

I suppose that Stemona is correct. When I first looked up Stemona when this was sent earlier nothing that looked like it came up in a search.


Re: Green fruit : 7 posts by 5 authors. 4 correct images.

Rajnagar, Kumarghat, Tripura
Kindly identify

Any idea about the family ?

This is a mixture! The leaves are of Tetrastigma. The fruits belong to some other.

I have corrected the photo. The location is Pecharthal, North Tripura

I have no idea about its family but it is  monocotyledon.
6 images.

Stemona tuberosa,

having the seeds was a good clue to being monocot and …, good id


Fwd: Climber from Pecharthal : 1 new image. 6 repeat images.
This plant was sent to you but identification could not be done.
I request you to kindly help me in this regard.

It was identified as Stemona tuberosa in your earlier thread by …

This plant is supposed to have roots above ground, almost like the Musli roots
see this picture. did you photograph the roots, … if you did, can you show them here, please 

the leaf shape and venation is striking.
even in Roxburgh’s time it was noted by the illustrator
this is in his book W. Roxburgh, Plants of the coast of Coromandel, vol. 1: t. 32 (1795) [n.a.] 


submission of Stemona tuberosa flower (mixed thread): 1 correct image as above.
submission of Stemona tuberosa flower

Stemona tuberosa Lour. Seen first time. Nice flower

Stemona tuberosa images : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
I’m sending herewith images of Stemona tuberosa for your reference.

Name : Stemona tuberosa
Place : Lenchim
Habit : Climber with fasciculated roots
Habitat : Wild
Mizos : Sang
Date : 01-04-2012


Stemonaceae: Stemona tuberosa: 6 high res. images.
Stemona tuberosa collected from araku valley, Visakhapatnam, on 7/05/2023

Updated on December 24, 2024

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