Stephania glabra

Stephania glabra (Roxb.) Miers, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3 18: 14 14 1866. (syn: Cissampelos glabra Roxb.; Clypea rotunda Steud.; Cocculus finlaysonianus Wall.; Cocculus roxburghianus DC.; Menispermum japonicum Roxb. ex DC.; Menispermum roxburghii Spreng.; Stephania hexandra Miers; Stephania roxburghiana Miers);
Tibet, Sikkim, Bhutan, India (Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya), Myanmar [Burma], Thailand, Nepal, Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life;
India: Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya as per BSI Flora of India;
31 JUL 12
NH58 near Tangani, about 4500 ft

Habitat: along NH58 near Tangani
Habit: climber

it looks like Cyclea peltata

This Stephania glabra (Roxburgh) Miers from family Menispermaceae as mention by …

Thank you very much … and … for the ID – Stephania glabra.

Putting … response to this query for more thoughts / validation.
It may be Stephania hernandifolia or S. japonica

Stephania glabra i think


VoF Week: 02092012 BS1 Climber for id from Pipalkoti:
Climber for id pls from Pipalkoti
Flower size was about 4 mm

Should be Stephania glabra…..

Yes … Stephania glabra
Description in Flora of Chamoli well match with Stephania glabra

Stephania glabra AT MAR 2017/03 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Stephania glabra
Hamirpur, Solan (H.P.)
July 2016
January  2006 (Tuberous root)


August 2016
Attachments (1)

Wonderful images, …


VOF Week: Stephania glabra from the highway: 4 images.
This was shot from roadside, I cannot explain how and why I skipped the leaves, still I am identifying this as Stephania glabra… please validate/correct…

Yes. it is Stephania glabra.


MBNN Fortnight :: Menispermaceae :: Diploclisia ? from VOF Trek-NS 13 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
These flowers (only) were recorded from way to Ghanghariya from Gobind Ghat during trek to VOF and Hemkund, I hope this can be Diploclisia glaucescens ..
Please suggest if otherwise..

Diploclisia genus is not known in Uttarakhand.
Inflorescence in the pics is considerably smaller than D.glaucescens (up to 50cm).
Please see D.glaucescens in eFI page.
Such small inflorescence, as I remember, occur in Stephania.

Could this be some Stephania sp… may be Stephania glabra???

Thanks …

Stephania glabra (Roxb.) Miers as per another thread: VOF Week: Stephania glabra from the highway 

Thanks …, Anyway,  this will be interesting for me to know the “highway” I had referred to in the linked message..
Yes the plant in this mail should be Stephania glabra, also seen by me at some other places including Morni Hills..


STEPHANIA GLABRA : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Stephania glabra. Is it identified correctly ?

Wonderful, … Nice seeing this vine with its constituents.
i would appreciate it very much if you could post, here in this forum, the full scale pictures of the flowers

I will visit the site again to capture pictures of flowers.

I have visited the place again today.
Attaching few more collages.
Attachments (4)

I also feel close to images at Stephania glabra (Roxb.) Miers


Stephania glabra from Plantae Paradise, Datiyar Village, Solan, Himachal Pradesh-GS20012022-5: 5 high res. images.
Stephania glabra photographed from Plantae Paradise, Datiyar Village, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, 29-5-2015.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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