Sterculia urens Roxb., Pl. Coromandel 1:25, t. 24. 1795;
Fruits and flowers of Kullu tree : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 4 authors. Leaves of Sterculia urens : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Photographed in Bandhavgarh Ntl Park. Yes … The typical lobed leaves of Sterculia urens. When the tree is in flowering /fruiting stage no leaves are seen. Same is the case with another tree which has similar leaves Cochlospermum religiosum which in flowering stage doesn’t show any leaves. Malvaceae Fortnight :: Sterculia urens:: Alibag :: PKAJUL46: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5) Malvaceae Fortnight :: New leaves of Sterculia urens :: Karnala Bird Sanc:: PKAJUL49: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) New leaves of “Sterculia urens” at Karnala bird sanctuary near Panvel. Date/Time: 23-05-2010 / 09:30AM Family: Sterculiaceae
Malvaceae Fortnight :: Sterculia urens::Matheran-Prabal Valley :: PKAJUL52: : : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Sharing few close ups of the flowers of “Sterculia urens“. Superb !! Malvaceae fortnight ::Sterculia urens: Pune:: SMP22 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. Sterculia urens Pune and some other places Malvaceae Fortnight :: My Last Post of Malvaceae- Sterculia urens ::Panvel region :: PKAJUL108:: : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Malvaceae Fortnight has helped me digging out my own Malvaceae collection. Thanks to everyone.. This photograph is of Sterculia urens from Panvel region.. The hill behind the tree is Chanderi Fort. Marvellous!!! Also for closing at 108. Sterculia urens – Kullu tree- Flora of Madhya Pradesh: Sterculia urens Yes the ghost tree. We also have it in Western ghats.
Kavalama urens (Sterculia urens) Very nice clear pictures. You got the flowers completely green!.
– If I recollect correctly the tribals put these fruits on ground, cover with something and rub with there feet on it to avoid the bristles/ hair on the fruit. The fruits taste like almonds. I had once an apportunity to taste them in jungle’ It is not a very big seed. sterculia urens: – I recently found out that the accepted name for the same is now Kavalama urens (Roxb.) Raf. syn. is Sterculia urens Roxb and shifted from Sterculiaceae family to Malvaceae family as per Kew plant list. We all need to note the change.
added a photograph of fresh foliage I think the picture of leaves are taken sometime during the monsoon. Because there wont be any leaf on the plant during March! … talking about fresh foliage, some of the saplings have their leaf surface as large as 2 – 3 ft long and wide … there is one post from .. showing it … efi thread AND, those springing from cut stumps are extra velvety … … has shown it at efi thread Here is one from my photostream: Malvaceae week : Sterculia urens: Malvaceae week :: Kavalama urens (syn. Sterculia urens) : Kavalama urens (Roxb.) Raf. ka-VAL-um — from the Tamil name காவலம் kavalam for some of the species of Sterculia UR-ens — stinging [image: Kawali (Marathi: कावळी)]<> Feb 2, 2008 at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary commonly known as: bassora tragacanth, ghost tree, Indian tragacanth, karaya tree • *Assamese*: odla • *Gujarati*: કડાયો kadaayo, કોગડોલ kogdol • *Hindi*: गुलु gulu, कराया karaya, कतीरा katira, कुलु kulu • *Kannada*: kempudale, pinari • *Konkani*: पांडरूख pandrukh • *Malayalam*: അണ്ണാന്വഴുക്കി annaanvazhukki, തീത്തൊണ്ടി thiiththonti, തൊണ്ടി thonti • * Marathi*: कांडोळ kandol, कावळी kawali • *Oriya*: gudalo • *Rajasthani*: katila • *Tamil*: குதிரைப்பிடுக்கன் kutiraippitukkan, செந்தணக்கு centanakku, வெல்லை பூத்தாளி vellai-puthali • *Telugu*: తపసి ట్టు tapasi chettu Native of: India – [image: Kadaayo (Gujarati: કડાયો)]<>… Aug 25, 2010 at Yeoor Hills (part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park) – [image: Katira (Hindi: कतीरा)]<>… Dec 5, 2010 at Yeoor Hills (part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park) – [image: Tapasi Chettu (Telugu: తపసి ట్టు)]<>… Feb 2, 2008 at at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary – … more views: very strange… Adansons’ earlier name Cavalam is rejected and Rafin. later name Kavalama is accepted… Cavalam Adanson, Fam. 2: 357. Jul-Aug 1763. Kavalama Rafinesque, Sylva Tell. 72. Oct-Dec 1838. T.: K. urens (Roxburgh) Rafinesque (Sterculia urens Roxburgh) PHAN.-STERCULIACEAE (10) 9 Feb 1996 if Sterculia urens is changed to Kavalama urens …. why Sterculia vilosa is accepted????????? Obviously both can’t be accepted names. Depends on what you follow. If we follow GRIN Sterculia urens is correct name and Cavalama urens (Roxb.) Raf. a synonym If we follow The Plant List Cavalama urens (Roxb.) Raf. is correct name and Sterculia urens the synonym (rather basionym) regarding Cavalam Adans. I managed to download a paper but was not able to unzip it. If any member has software to unzip it please send me the unzipped file. I am sending zipped file. … here is the extracted text file (attached) … but the line-breaks are weird, please bear. Thanks … for pointing out my having replaced with K Agreed nomenclature is always tricky but we try to follow whatever is latest. Ideal situation would be when we have a name agreed upon by GRIN, The Plant List and where applicable Sorting Plant names. In those cases where we find that there is no agreement in these databases, we try to find out what is the latest status check in GRIN, as we know The Plant List was published in 2010. In this case Sterculia urens was last updated by GRIN in 2006., so was Sorting Plant Names. The Plant List was published in 2010, and would soon be revised. Agreed it has many shortcoming as of now, but we can follow it for taxa where these is no confusion. For taxa where there is some confusion, we discuss it in the group and then agree what mosty of us think correct. Luckily our group is not fixed with any school of taxonomy, and as such most decisions are as per consensus. As an example Bombax ceiba is accepted name for Salmalia malabarica or Bombax malabaricum, agreed upon by all recent databases and publications, so we have to accept it as correct name although we may individually think differently. Similarly we may think our plant to be Nerium indicum as distinct species, but all recent databases and publications treat it as synonym of Nerium oleander L., and we have to follow it. The strength of our group is that we discuss all views but at the same time maintaining high level of cordiality. All of us give our opinion and not our decisions, and that keeps maintained the high level of interactions in the group. Fortunately all of us finally agree what most of think correct. All of us have been impressed by your great knowledge of the plants, especially from South-West India, and we have been greatly benefitted by your knowledge. My only request to you is that when you write anything that differs from previous persons in the thread, please back this up with some evidence. This will greatly increase our knowledge. I had similar queries about nomencalature. I think I tried to explain that in my earlier mail: ” In those cases where we find that there is no agreement in these databases, we try to find out what is the latest status check in GRIN, as we know The Plant List was published in 2010. In this case Sterculia urens was last updated by GRIN in 2006., so was Sorting Plant Names” Plant for ID 2 SMP 9Jul 2010: Some leaves were emerging from the cut stalk of the big tree on Mhatoba Tekdi near the temple. The leaf is lobed. Huge Size Max diameter around 3 feet (can be judged from the palm of the person holding it) What tree can this be? Sterculia urens?The stalk was pale yellow coloured. … me too think so … Sterculia urens. The shape direct me to Sterculia urens indeed !! Could it be S. villosa ? Sterculia urens. Sterculia urens – Indian Ghost Tree: May be a very common sighting in peninsular India but point to observe is that most of these trees at Matheran have started getting new leaves, observed them on 25th may`12. Beautiful composition ..proper angles and lighting.; Good depiction of trunk colour. lonesome tree, as if they prefer solitude. Stands out in the stark scene. . Trees in flowering : update: (14.12.12): Sterculia urens: Flora of Madhya Pradesh: Kavalama urens (Roxb.) Raf from Panna Tiger Reserve Panna MP: Kavalama urens (Roxb.) Raf from Panna Tiger Reserve MP Sterculia urens @ Matheran-Prabal Valley: Sharing few close ups of the flowers of “Sterculia urens“. Family: Sterculiaceae Location: Matheran-Prabalgad Valley, Panvel region, Maharashtra. Date/Time: 05-02-2012 / 03:00PM. Habitat: Wild Plant habit: Tree. Very beautiful close-up Did you also observed fruiting in S. urens at Matheran…. these trees are in fruiting from mid of January. 11092017BHAR1 – Big leaves : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3) – 1 MB or more. Found in Auroville Botanical Garden. Schefflera species? Pl check for Gyrocarpus americanus. I think Sterculia urens. Thanks, … I think you are right. Please check for Sterculia urens. 164-TSP-ID-05FEB2018-1: A tree near Tumkur for ID assistance. : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Kindly examine and identify this Tree. Habit: A medium sized tree. Habitat: Wild,Dry deciduous forest Sighting: Near Tumkur,Karnataka,about 800 msl Date: 10-07-2016 This must be ghost tree – Sterculia urens. Yes … Sterculia urens. Thanks again. Ref; /species/m—z/m/malvaceae/sterculia/sterculia-urens
identify this tree please – efloraofindia | Google Groups . Asteraceae Week (Part I – Radiate heads) :: Asteraceae Unid at Mizoram :: PKA69: 4 images. Tree Height -35 feet Habit-Wild Bark- white and peeling No fruits or flowers were observed. Yes, it’s ma’am, You’re right, . Sterculia urens on trek to Matheran: 14 images- 1 high res. . Sterculia urens Roxb. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: May 25, 2008 · JUN23 DV176: Sterculia urens Roxb. Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: May 25, 2008 · 1:10 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist. . 499 ID wild tree: 12 high res. images. Sterculia urens Roxb. [Malvaceae]. It seems a few stray flowers had lingered late into July. Usually, this tree tends to bloom vigorously when leafless. Yes, it is Sterculia urens. Again, yes it is correct, as you said, one, only one inflorescence is left for me. . Malvaceae: Sterculia urens Roxb.: 2 high res. images.
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Sterculia urens
Updated on December 24, 2024