Sternbergia vernalis

Sternbergia vernalis (Mill.) Gorer & J.H.Harvey, (syn: Amaryllis lutea M.Bieb.; Amaryllis vernalis Mill.; Oporanthus fischerianus Herb.; Sternbergia fischeriana (Herb.) Roem.);
W. & S. Turkey to Central Asia: Iran, Iraq, Lebanon-Syria, Tadzhikistan, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan as per POWO;
Sternbergia fischeriana is reported from Kashmir as per CITES listIndia Biodiversity Portal and Search Kashmir, which is a syn. of Sternbergia vernalis as per POWO;
Common name: Yellow Amaryllis, Spring Amaryllis • Kashmiri: Gul-e toor ﮔﹹﻞﹺ ﺗﯘﺭ

Sternbergia vernalis: 7 images.

Here is Sternbergia vernalis locally known as Gull E Toor in kashmiri.
It is the first plant which blooms on the onset of spring. 
Flowering period is 25 feb to 15 march.
Location:Ganderbal, J&K.

The tepals are  3 + 3 in sternbergia vernalis: But in your photos it is 5. Hence recheck the ID.

I would like to confirm this sp. From …

These are six only as can be seen in the 6th images.

Somehow, one of these has been missed while making a plate.
Sternbergia fischeriana is reported from Kashmir as per CITES listIndia Biodiversity Portal and Search Kashmir, which is a syn. of Sternbergia vernalis as per POWO.
To me id appears to be OK as per pacificbulbsocietyPlant illustrationsSEINetcitesbulbs

1 corrected image.


Sternbergia vernalis: 2 images- 1 high res.
Location: Ganderbal J & K
Date of Collection: 10-03-2022
Kashmiri name: Gulle E Toor.



POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  IPNI  Flowers of India  Wikipedia  Flickr  CITES list India Biodiversity Portal  Search Kashmir pacificbulbsocietyPlant illustrationsSEINetcitesbulbs  SEINet Portal Network  citesbulbs

Updated on December 23, 2024