Steudnera species- India

For identification: 4 high res. images.
could you please id this species of colocasia.

My suggestion is that this is an undescribed, new species of Colocasia, though it is so extraordinary I wonder if it should be given a new genus status.
Is it possible to get further photos with greater clarity, and including the vegetative parts and reproduction system? Is the plant common in the area where it is found?
If you wish, we can correspond further about this.

I have looked a little further and now think this is probablya species of Steudnera, because of the very shallow sinus at rear of blade, and the very rounded (bulbous?) sterile appendage. I have not yet found enough images of Steudnera spp. inflorescences for comparison.
I am not sufficiently familiar with Steudnera to say more at present!


Updated on December 23, 2024