Striga angustifolia

Striga angustifolia (D. Don) C.J. Saldanha, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 5: 70 70 1963. (syn: Buchnera angustifolia D. Don (ambiguous synonym); Buchnera bifida Buch.-Ham.; Buchnera denticulata Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.; Buchnera euphrasioides Benth. (ambiguous synonym); Buchnera hirsuta Wall.; Striga euphrasioides (Benth.) Benth.; Striga glabrata Benth.);
China (Hainan), Bhutan, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar [Burma], Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Cocos (Keeling) Isl. (I), Java, Indonesia, Pakistan (Sind, Baluchistan, Pakistani Punjab, Rawalpindi), Lakshadweep Isl. (Laccadives), Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, ?Guinea-Bissau, Tanzania, Oman (Dhofar) as per Catalogue of Life;
Keys at Flora of China;   


SK98SEP12-1016:ID : 11 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8)
Sharing some pictures for ID shot at Gund Bhaktapur Nepal on 11 September 2016 at 5100 ft.

Orobanchaceae member ? Striga species ?

I guess it is matching with Striga angustifolia (D. Don) C. J. Saldanha based on flower, color of flower, stem and altitude as per eflora Nepal.

Request for further validation whether it is S. angustifolia or S. masuria.

Do you have images of the habit ?

Adding some pictures but not so clear. Attachments (4)

If we follow the Flora of China keys, it should be Striga densiflora (which gives its distribution in China, India, Sikkim)
But it is not given in the checklist of Nepal.

I went to the spot again yesterday and shot some pictures which I believe would support for correct ID. Attachments (6)

The calyx is 15-ribbed and the lobes are as long as the tube. So, this should be Striga angustifolia.

Pl. have a look at these images- these look different from the images you commented upon.

I guess it is matching with Striga angustifolia (D. Don) Saldanha.
Other 3 listed in Nepal does not match.

I feel it is slight difference from S. densiflora and S. angustifloia.
Different images are found for the same sp. in the web.
Could some one verify with the images of herbarium ?

You have to go through the keys in FOC and decide.

I feel it is slight difference from S. densiflora and S. angustifloia.
Different images are found for the same sp. in the web.
Could some one verify with the images of herbarium ?

You have to go through the keys in FOC and decide.

The calyx is 15-ribbed and the lobes are as long as the tube. So, this should be Striga angustifolia as per keys at Flora of China


ID KANNUR 48 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 6 MB
Please identify this herb from Kannur District of Kerala.

It is Striga angustifolia (D.Don) C.J. Saldanha,
Calyx 9-10 mm, 15-ribbed, hispidulous along ribs; (Important feature to identify)

SK1381 23 AUG 2018 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) – around 400 kb each.
Location: Pilot Baba Ashram, Suryabinayak, Nepal  
Date: 29 July 2018
Elevation: 5000 ft.
Habit : Wild
Again I forgot its ID which was already Identified and did not find in the mail list.

Thank you …! It is Striga  but I could not come to the conclusion

as earlier in this case.

Pl. follow the keys in FOC.

The calyx is 15-ribbed and the lobes are as long as the tube. So, this should be Striga angustifolia as per keys at Flora of China

Plant for ID: (mixed thread): 4 correct image as above (2nd set)
I photographed this plant today at my farm near BandhavgarhPlant height is about 20 cm flowers across about 2 cm.
May I request to help in ID please.

Striga densiflora
Orobanchaceae; earlier Scrophulariaceae.
Root parasite on some grasses

Yes This is striga densiflora

I think this is Striga angustifolia.
The first picture shows 3 nerves per calyx lobe (to be verified), totaling 15 nerves thus qualifying to be S. angustifolia.
In S. densiflora, the calyx is totally 5-nerved, 1 per lobe, as seen here.

Striga angustifolia (D.Don) C.J.Saldanha : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7)- around 900 kb each.
Location: Bindhabasini Indra Daha, Kathmandu
Altitude: 1732 m.
Date: 18 August 2019
Habit : Wild

… would say, “look at calyx”
I ask for habit and wide view as well.
3 ribs per calyx lobe makes it Striga angustifolia.
Beautiful images…… nice portray of characters.

agree with … and hence now with … good pictures

Agra02 : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
I’d for this small plant requested
5 November 19
Agra, U.P.

Striga angustifolia (D.Don) C.J.Saldanha  ??

Thanks … it’s matches.

Striga angustifolia … I concur with …



Scrophulariaceae fortnight :: FOR ID :: Striga ¿ densiflora / angustifolia ? :: DV25 : 4 images. 3 posts by 2 authors.
Striga ¿ densiflora / angustifolia ? … also placed in Orobanchaceae
at Pateshwar near Satara on 08 SEP 12

The calyx is 15-ribbed. So, this should be Striga angustifolia as per keys at Flora of China

I guess correct …!

Date & time: September 8, 2012 at 2.56pm
Habitat: hill with semi-evergreen forest
Habit: herb about 20 cm high, flower 5 – 6 mm across
… the first among photos below is cropped to get closer to the flower – to see the calyx lobe.
Not sure if this is single-veined OR three-veined calyx lobe.

I think Striga densiflora 

The calyx is 15-ribbed and the calyx lobes are almost as long as the corolla tube. So, this should be Striga angustifolia as per keys at Flora of China

Looks like S. angustifolia!

Thank you very much for this validation, …, will revise my notes at flickr.


Striga angustifolia (D.Don) C.J.Saldanha : 5 posts by 1 author. 5 images- 5 to 7 mb each.
Location: Pharping, Kathmandu, Nepal
Altitude: 1500m.
Date: 01 August 2020
Habit : Wild


Request for id: 2 images.
Request for identification of a herb from Bilaspur. Photographed in December 2020

Habit image of the plant

Among the Striga species having distribution in Himanchal Pradesh it loks matching to Striga angustifolia (D.Don) Saldanha .

It is difficult to check the details on enlarging.
Clear and detailed view of calyx is required for id as per Keys at Flora of China

Attaching one more image where close up of calyx is visible. May be it helps in identification.
1 image.

I too agree with … for angustifolia


Flora of Kollegala_ID_Please_22072021 PK3: 2 images.
Pl see attached pics of Shrub for ID.
Flora of Kollegala_ID_Please_22072021 PK3
Date/Time-:15/07/2021 – 13:50,
Location- Place, Altitude – Kollegala, Mysore, Karnataka
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild
Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Shrub
Size – 8cm

Striga angustifolia (D.Don) C.J.Saldanha ??

I too agree with you …


Malhargad near Pune, MH :: Striga for ID :: ARK2021-045: 4 images.

Saw this Striga species at Malhargad near Pune in July 2021 on a small hillock.
The flowers here were larger than Striga asiatica.
Requested to please provide ID.

Please check Striga densiflora (Benth.) Benth. !

I am confused between S. densiflora and S. angustifolia.
Let us wait for further comments.

Pl. post high res. images to check the details of corolla tube and calyx.

Unfortunately, these are the only pics I have, am attaching a close up of the pics, if that would help.
3 close up images.

Let us keep it as Striga angustifolia (D. Don) C.J. Saldanha for the time being as per comparative images and details at Striga, as I see 15 ribbed calyx in the 3rd image.

Let us keep it as S. angustifolia.


Striga angustifolia (D. Don) Saldanha:

Location: Dailekh, West Nepal
Altitude:  1262 m.
Date: 13 August 2021
Habit : Wild 


Striga angustifolia from near Hemvati Reservoir Hassan for validation-GS22022022-1: 5 very high res. images.
Striga angustifolia for validation, photographed from near Hemvati Reservoir Hassan, Karnataka, 26-9-2015

Yes, Striga angustifolia


Need Id of tiny white flower on a spike: 2 images.
Black soil 15/9/2022

Striga angustifolia (D.Don) C.J.Saldanha

Yes, maybe Striga angustifolia (D. Don) C.J. Saldanha
15 ribbed calyx is not clear.


Identify Striga sp.?: 3 high res. images
Habitat: Marshy/grassland 

Habit: Herb
location: Bundi Rajasthan 
Date: sep 2024

Striga angustifolia (D.Don) C.J.Saldanha

Thank you …, but not sure

The link you have posted is for asiatica.

Yes sir, as its characteristics are very similar to the S. asiatica

It is as per keys herein.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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