Strobilanthes pubiflora J. R. I. Wood, Edinburgh J. Bot. 51: 254 (1994);
E. Himalaya to Assam: Assam, East Himalaya as per POWO;
Common name: Hairy-Tube Coneflower
Undershrub 0.5-1m. Stems decumbent or ascending, glabrous. Leaves unequal, broadly elliptic, 6-20 x 2-7cm, shortly acuminate, base attenuate, serrate, glabrous, green above, paler beneath; petioles 0.3-2cm. Flowers in dense, suborbicular, pedunculate heads borne on simple or 2-3 forked axillary branchlets which are usually shorter than subtending leaves and leaflets as leaves at branching point fall early; peduncles glabrous. Bracts suborbicular, concave, 2-9mm, rounded, glabrous, greenish when young, soon becoming scarious, soon deciduous; bracteoles absent. Calyx 5-7mm in flower, accrescent to 12mm in fruit, sticky glandular-pilose, lobes linear, acute one longer than others. Corolla blue, 32-50mm, pubescent, tube whitish, slightly curved, gradually widened to 12-16mm at mouth. Capsule 14-15mm, glandular-pilose nearly to base.
Fl. September-February.
Open subtropical forest and roadside scrub.
(Attributions: A.J.C. GRIERSON & D.G. LONG. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RBGE and RGOB. 2001 as per Bhutan Biodiversity Portal)
Need id help of this flower: 2 images.
Seen this flower near Dikchu at East Sikkim, on Nov 2022.
Looks like a member of the Acanthaceae family. Please id this flower.
Looks like Strobilanthes penstemonoides (Wall. ex Nees) T.Anderson !
POWO Catalogue of Life BSI Flora of India checklist Flowers of India Bhutan Biodiversity Portal India Biodiversity Portal