Suregada angustifolia (Müll.Arg.) Airy Shaw (syn: Gelonium angustifolium Müll.Arg. in DC.; G. lanceolatum auct. non Willd.) as per Flora of India Vol 23 (2012) ; . Suregada lanceolata (Willd.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 619 1891. (Syn: Gelonium angustifolium Müll.Arg.; Gelonium lanceolatum Willd.; Suregada angustifolia (Müll.Arg.) Airy Shaw; Suregada angustifolia Baill. [Illegitimate]) as per The Plant List ; . W. & S. India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh as per WCSP; . India: Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats, from coastal areas to 750 m altitude. Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala as per BSI Flora of India; . Habit- Trees up to 6 m tall. Trunk & Bark- Bark grey, smooth; blaze cream. Branches and Branchlets- Branchlets terete, glabrous. Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; stipules caducous; petiole 0.3-0.5 cm long, planoconvex in cross section, glabrous; lamina 3.5-10.2 x 2-4 cm, obovate or oblanceolate, apex obtuse, base cuneate, sometimes asymmetric; midrib flat above; secondary nerves ca. 6 pairs, not prominent; tertiary nerves obscure. Flowers unisexual, dioecious; male flowers small in axillary fascicles; female flowers solitary, axillary. Fruit and Seed- Capsule, smooth, deeply lobed, keeled on the lobes, 0.6 cm in diameter; seeds 1 per lobe. Trees in evergreen forests in coastal zones and dry evergreen forests in leeward side. Peninsular India; in the Western Ghats- Malabar Coast and leeward side South Sahyadri. (From India Biodiversity Portal Attributions- B. R. Ramesh, N. Ayyappan, Pierre Grard, Juliana Prosperi, S. Aravajy, Jean Pierre Pascal, The Biotik Team, French Institute of Pondicherry.) . Euphorbiaceae Fortnight : Suregada lanceolata, (Willd.) Kuntze <=> Suregada Tree : Attachments (8). 4 posts by 2 authors. Link Suregada angustifolia Suregada angustifolia – leaves look bit obovate Keys from BSI Flora of India as given below are creating some doubt about it being Suregada lanceolata. Maybe Tapas ji can clarify further.
It may be noted that the genus Suregada Roxb. ex Rottler exhibits extra-ordinary phenological plasticity. Each species seems to be connected to some other species with endless intermediated. Hence, species delimitations in the genus are based on some tendencies exhibited by the taxa rather than sharp discontinuities or differences. In India, we have three recognized species, as follows:
Type (lectotype, designated by Ramana et al., 2015): India, Roxburgh s.n. (B-W18501-020!). Remaining original material: India, Roxburgh s.n. (B-W10501-010!). Distribution: India (Andaman & Nicobar Islands), throughout Malesia to N Australia. Usually recognizable by the bilocular fruits.
Type India, Klein 782 (holotype B-W18502-010, digital image!). Link: = Gelonium angustifolium Müll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15(2): 1128. 1866. – Suregada angustifolia (Müll.Arg.) Airy Shaw in Kew Bull. 23: 128. 1969. Type (first-step lectotype, designated by Airy Shaw, 1969): Sri Lanka, Adams Peak, March 1846, Thwaites CP [Ceylon Plants] 252 (K). Second-step lectotype (designated by Chakrabarty in Ann. Pl. Sci. 8: 3634. 2019): Sri Lanka, Thwaites CP [Ceylon Plants] 252 (K000247072, digital image!; isolectotypes G00319624, K000247073, digital images!). Additional syntypes: India, Cochin, Johnston s.n. (K000247071, digital image!); Sri Lanka, Thwaites CP [Ceylon Plants] 696 (G00319623, G00319625, K000247068, digital images!); Sri Lanka, Thwaites CP [Ceylon Plants] 2101 (G00319622, digital image!). Distribution: Sri Lanka and peninsular India. Distinguished from S. multiflora usually by the narrowly oblong-elliptic to lanceolate-oblong or narrowly oblong- obovate to oblanceolate leave, fewer flowers per cymule and smaller fruits (usually up to 1 cm in diameter). However, these characters may overlap.
Type (lectotype, designated by Chakrabarty in Ann. Pl. Sci. 8: 3633. 2019): [icon] in A. Juss., Euphorb. Gen. 111, t. 10, f. 31A. 1824. = Gelonium fasciculatum Roxb. [Hort. Bengal. 73. 1814, nom. nud. (as fascuculatum)] Fl. Ind. 3: 832. 1832. Type (lectotype, designated by Chakrabarty in Ann. Pl. Sci. 8: 3633. 2019): Without locality (presumably India), No collector s.n. [7891] (K001128695, digital image!). Remaining original material: Icones Roxburghianae, No. 124 (CAL!, K, image!). Distribution: India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, China, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Celebes and Lesser Sunda Islands. See differences from S. lanceolata as given above. What do you think the posted species can be? Suregada lanceolata. Trees of Lalbagh, Bangalore – Suregada multiflora – False Lime Tree (Please Cnnfirm): I have a post of this plant at efi thread. I feel the leaves as well as fruit look different Yes, …, i noticed too, specially i couldn’t find any persistent calyx in your pictures. I attach herewith photographs of Gelonium fascuculatum Roxb. of Flora Indica. Please note serrated apex of leaves. The same can be seen in my earlier post. Now, please compare the following flickr images with my posts – Thanks, … I will check it out. The name plate in Lalbagh used to be: Gelonium lanceolatum Reply from another thread: Suregada angustifolia(Baill ex Muell – Arg) Airyshaw : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors. Nice photos. It may be noted that the genus Suregada Roxb. ex Rottler exhibits extra-ordinary phenological plasticity. Each species seems to be connected to some other species with endless intermediated. Hence, species delimitations in the genus are based on some tendencies exhibited by the taxa rather than sharp discontinuities or differences. In India, we have three recognized species, as follows:
Type (lectotype, designated by Ramana et al., 2015): India, Roxburgh s.n. (B-W18501-020!). Remaining original material: India, Roxburgh s.n. (B-W10501-010!). Distribution: India (Andaman & Nicobar Islands), throughout Malesia to N Australia. Usually recognizable by the bilocular fruits.
Type India, Klein 782 (holotype B-W18502-010, digital image!). Link: = Gelonium angustifolium Müll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15(2): 1128. 1866. – Suregada angustifolia (Müll.Arg.) Airy Shaw in Kew Bull. 23: 128. 1969. Type (first-step lectotype, designated by Airy Shaw, 1969): Sri Lanka, Adams Peak, March 1846, Thwaites CP [Ceylon Plants] 252 (K). Second-step lectotype (designated by Chakrabarty in Ann. Pl. Sci. 8: 3634. 2019): Sri Lanka, Thwaites CP [Ceylon Plants] 252 (K000247072, digital image!; isolectotypes G00319624, K000247073, digital images!). Additional syntypes: India, Cochin, Johnston s.n. (K000247071, digital image!); Sri Lanka, Thwaites CP [Ceylon Plants] 696 (G00319623, G00319625, K000247068, digital images!); Sri Lanka, Thwaites CP [Ceylon Plants] 2101 (G00319622, digital image!). Distribution: Sri Lanka and peninsular India. Distinguished from S. multiflora usually by the narrowly oblong-elliptic to lanceolate-oblong or narrowly oblong- obovate to oblanceolate leave, fewer flowers per cymule and smaller fruits (usually up to 1 cm in diameter). However, these characters may overlap.
Type (lectotype, designated by Chakrabarty in Ann. Pl. Sci. 8: 3633. 2019): [icon] in A. Juss., Euphorb. Gen. 111, t. 10, f. 31A. 1824. = Gelonium fasciculatum Roxb. [Hort. Bengal. 73. 1814, nom. nud. (as fascuculatum)] Fl. Ind. 3: 832. 1832. Type (lectotype, designated by Chakrabarty in Ann. Pl. Sci. 8: 3633. 2019): Without locality (presumably India), No collector s.n. [7891] (K001128695, digital image!). Remaining original material: Icones Roxburghianae, No. 124 (CAL!, K, image!). Distribution: India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, China, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Celebes and Lesser Sunda Islands. See differences from S. lanceolata as given above. You can consider the flower character here … (Flowers few, small in fascicles) What do you think the posted species can be? Suregada lanceolata.
Please help me in identifying this small tree species. Is this a Casearia sp.? Leaf: up to 8 cm long Habitat: riparian Location: Talakona RF, Tirupathi hills, AP Date: 14 April 2014 Bush for ID Tiruvannamalei, Tamil Nadu NAW-OCT-17 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Kindly suggest if these pictures are of the male of same species or of a different species altogether. These were also photographed at the herbal park, Tiruvannamalei. Attachments (3). These are female and male plants/ flowers of Suregada lanceolata. Keys from BSI Flora of India as given below are creating some doubt about it being Suregada lanceolata. Maybe Tapas ji can clarify further. It may be noted that the genus Suregada Roxb. ex Rottler exhibits extra-ordinary phenological plasticity. Each species seems to be connected to some other species with endless intermediated. Hence, species delimitations in the genus are based on some tendencies exhibited by the taxa rather than sharp discontinuities or differences. In India, we have three recognized species, as follows:
Type (lectotype, designated by Ramana et al., 2015): India, Roxburgh s.n. (B-W18501-020!). Remaining original material: India, Roxburgh s.n. (B-W10501-010!). Distribution: India (Andaman & Nicobar Islands), throughout Malesia to N Australia. Usually recognizable by the bilocular fruits.
Type India, Klein 782 (holotype B-W18502-010, digital image!). Link: = Gelonium angustifolium Müll.Arg. in DC., Prodr. 15(2): 1128. 1866. – Suregada angustifolia (Müll.Arg.) Airy Shaw in Kew Bull. 23: 128. 1969. Type (first-step lectotype, designated by Airy Shaw, 1969): Sri Lanka, Adams Peak, March 1846, Thwaites CP [Ceylon Plants] 252 (K). Second-step lectotype (designated by Chakrabarty in Ann. Pl. Sci. 8: 3634. 2019): Sri Lanka, Thwaites CP [Ceylon Plants] 252 (K000247072, digital image!; isolectotypes G00319624, K000247073, digital images!). Additional syntypes: India, Cochin, Johnston s.n. (K000247071, digital image!); Sri Lanka, Thwaites CP [Ceylon Plants] 696 (G00319623, G00319625, K000247068, digital images!); Sri Lanka, Thwaites CP [Ceylon Plants] 2101 (G00319622, digital image!). Distribution: Sri Lanka and peninsular India. Distinguished from S. multiflora usually by the narrowly oblong-elliptic to lanceolate-oblong or narrowly oblong- obovate to oblanceolate leave, fewer flowers per cymule and smaller fruits (usually up to 1 cm in diameter). However, these characters may overlap.
Type (lectotype, designated by Chakrabarty in Ann. Pl. Sci. 8: 3633. 2019): [icon] in A. Juss., Euphorb. Gen. 111, t. 10, f. 31A. 1824. = Gelonium fasciculatum Roxb. [Hort. Bengal. 73. 1814, nom. nud. (as fascuculatum)] Fl. Ind. 3: 832. 1832. Type (lectotype, designated by Chakrabarty in Ann. Pl. Sci. 8: 3633. 2019): Without locality (presumably India), No collector s.n. [7891] (K001128695, digital image!). Remaining original material: Icones Roxburghianae, No. 124 (CAL!, K, image!). Distribution: India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, China, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Celebes and Lesser Sunda Islands. See differences from S. lanceolata as given above. What to finally take it as ? Suregada lanceolata. . References: |
Suregada angustifolia
Updated on December 24, 2024