Survey on Herbaceous Plant Research in Forests

Survey on Herbaceous Plant Research in Forests:
Hope this email finds you well!
I am co-organising an NSF-funded survey and workshop on the research priorities and sampling methods for ecological studies of herbaceous plants in forests.
We would love to have you participate in the survey and consider applying to the workshop.
Please share the call below with potential interested people.
Please see below for details:

Diversity & Dynamics of Herbaceous Plants in Forests – Survey & Workshop on Research Priorities & Sampling Methods

Rationale:  Studies of forest ecology have focused mainly on trees. However, trees often comprise less than a quarter of the plant species at any one site. Herbaceous plants have anatomical, physiological, and competitive differences from woody plants, and often quite different life-history strategies. Thus, the biological patterns and processes of herbaceous plants may not be the same as for trees. This major knowledge gap severely restricts our understanding of forest ecology, diversity, and ecosystem function.

This survey aims to identify and prioritize unanswered fundamental and applied research questions related to the dynamics and diversity of herbaceous plants in forest ecosystems across the world.

## Who can participate?

Anyone with any experience studying, working with, and researching herbaceous plants in forests are welcome to participate in the survey. Participation is not limited to persons affiliated with universities or research institutions.

## Can I share this survey with others?

Yes! We invite you to share the survey with other members of your personal and professional network who may also work with herbaceous plants.

## What is the scope of our survey?

We are interested in specific questions that could be answered by a small-to-medium research team or collaboration, with moderate research funding, over several years.

## Who is funding this survey?

This survey is supported by NSF grant # DEB 2203958.

## Tell us your research priorities!


This 4-day workshop will focus on research priorities, testable hypotheses, sampling methods, and analytical techniques, considering the ecology, diversity, and dynamics of terrestrial understory herbaceous plants in forests. We hope to broaden the scope to epiphytes, vines, and other life forms in the future.

## Dates, location, accommodation

12 to 15 April 2023, at the Oak Spring Garden Foundation, Upperville, Virginia, USA.

Domestic travel, accommodation, and food are all covered by an NSF grant.

## Please apply!

To apply, please send us a PDF with your name, position, and institution, a brief CV, brief details of interest in and potential contributions to the workshop, and in-person or remote participation by Feb 17 to foresther…

Updated on December 23, 2024

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