Coltricia species ?- Suryabinayak, Nepal



SK 2467 18 February 2020 – Mycophyta : 11 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Location :  Suryabinayak
Date: 09 August 2016
Elevation : 1500m.
Habitat : Wild

It is Coltricia sp.

Family – Hymenochaetaceae
It will be much better to confirm if lower side pores and stipe images will be available… 
I will be posting one Coltricia sp. for comparison shortly… 

What are the species reported in your book ?

I have sent the pdf of all books.

I only require list from your book. Do not have any time for looking at the book.

Coltricia cinnamomena/ perennis/ vallatea

It is never possible to identify most of the mushrooms only from pileus/cap images upto species level or it will be better to say that even some genus of mushrooms are so complex that we can never separate species only on morphology basis because if they do have any morphological differences they are very small and atleast we must have detailed images of pileus, stipe, annulus (if present), pores or gills and volva etc. along with its growing habit or habitat images. 
In this case it will be better to leave it as Coltricia sp.
Here i adding a link to ‘Revision of the Genus Coltricia Gray, from India’ 
You can see the three species mentioned in the paper with images which looks much similar from cap, though there are some differences in pores size and distribution pattern and definitely they are easily distinguised on basis of microscopic characters… 
Also … i will recommend for Macro Fungi as we have most of specimens identified at least upto Family level or many upto genus so we can make pages like ‘Coltricia sp. 1′ where we will collect images of identical specimens on morphological basis and as we get more post with similar looking sp. after comparing images but we may get more detailed images in those new posts like pores and stipe details etc. so latter we can try to resolve it upto species level or at least as ‘Coltricia cf. sp. ‘ where sp. will be any species of that genus reported from that particular area and is showing close affinity or should be compared to that mentioned species… 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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