Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H. Karst., Deut. Fl. 1025. 1883 Mar (C. B. Clarke in J. D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India 4:124. 1883 Jun “chirata“) (Syn: =) Gentiana chirata Wall., orth. var.; (≡) Gentiana chirayita Roxb. (basionym); (=) Swertia chirata (Roxb.) Buch.-Ham. ex C. B. Clarke, orth. var.);
Common name: Chirayita • Hindi: चिरायत Chirayata, Charaita, Chirata • Marathi: Charayatah, Chirayita • Tamil: Nilavembu, Shirattakuchi, Anariyatittam • Malayalam: Kiriyatta, Kiriyattu, Nilaveppa, Uttarakiriyattu • Telugu: Nelavemu • Kannada: Nelabevu • Urdu: Chiraita shireen • Sanskrit: Anaryatikta, Ardhatikta, Bhunimba, Chiratika
Tall herb reaching 1.5 m, obscurely angled;cauline leaves subsessile, elliptic, 4-6 cm long, 5-nerved, lower much longer and often petiolate; flowers on short pedicels in large panicles, 4-merous; calyx lobes lanceolate, 5-7 mm long; corolla lurid green-yellow with ovate 6-7 mm long lobes, with purple veins, each lobe with 2 green glandular depressions at base, each fringed by white or pink hairs; filaments free; capsule 6-9 mm long.
Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Week: Gentianaceae-Swertia chirayita (Roxb. ex Fleming) Karsten from Chakrata: Swertia chirayita (Roxb. ex Fleming) Karsten, ; Deutsche Fl. 1025 (1883) syn: Gentiana chirayta Roxb. ; Swertia chirata (Wall.) Clarke
Tall herb reaching 1.5 m, obscurely angled;cauline leaves subsessile, elliptic, 4-6 cm long, 5-nerved, lower much longer and often petiolate; flowers on short pedicels in large panicles, 4-merous; calyx lobes lanceolate, 5-7 mm long; corolla lurid green-yellow with ovate 6-7 mm long lobes, with purple veins, each lobe with 2 green glandular depressions at base, each fringed by white or pink hairs; filaments free; capsule 6-9 mm long.
Photographed from Chakrata Deovan Herbal Garden in September.
Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Week: Gentianaceae:: Swertia chirayita from Deovan Chakrata: Perhaps you missed the close up. I am doing it for you.
Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Week: Unid Swertia from Chakrata 2011:
This one is another Swertia we encountered during our trip to Chakrata region…hope to get the identity resolved… I hope Swertia chiryata I think u r right Sir S chiryata . Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Gentianaceae-Swertia chirayita (Roxb. ex Fleming) Karsten from Chakrata-GSJUL21 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). syn: Gentiana chirayta Roxb. ; Swertia chirata (Wall.) Clarke
Tall herb reaching 1.5 m, obscurely angled;cauline leaves subsessile, elliptic, 4-6 cm long, 5-nerved, lower much longer and often petiolate; flowers on short pedicels in large panicles, 4-merous; calyx lobes lanceolate, 5-7 mm long; corolla lurid green-yellow with ovate 6-7 mm long lobes, with purple veins, each lobe with 2 green glandular depressions at base, each fringed by white or pink hairs; filaments free; capsule 6-9 mm long.
Photographed from Chakrata Deovan Herbal Garden in September. Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight:: Swertia chirayita from Chakrata:: NS 06 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).
This herb which is regarded as medicinally significant was shot from Herbal Nursery at Deoban, Chakrata.. not common in wild..
Swertia chirayita Yes, important medicinal plant. Known as “Chirayata’ and “Kirat Tikta“, much used in Ayurveda. . Swertia chirayita (Roxb. ex Fleming) Karsten from Chakrata: Swertia chirayita (Roxb. ex Fleming) Karsten, ; Deutsche Fl. 1025 (1883) syn: Gentiana chirayta Roxb. ; Swertia chirata (Wall.) Clarke
Tall herb reaching 1.5 m, obscurely angled;cauline leaves subsessile, elliptic, 4-6 cm long, 5-nerved, lower much longer and often petiolate; flowers on short pedicels in large panicles, 4-merous; calyx lobes lanceolate, 5-7 mm long; corolla lurid green-yellow with ovate 6-7 mm long lobes, with purple veins, each lobe with 2 green glandular depressions at base, each fringed by white or pink hairs; filaments free; capsule 6-9 mm long.
Photographed from Chakrata Deovan Herbal Garden in September. . Cassia for id 050110MK3: (mixed thread). No correct images. as children my aunt would give us Chiraita water for two months — chaitra and baisakh — it used to be very bitter and she would give kala chana soaked overnight to eat / chew alongside – and she would ensure that we had it in front of her as she said it is a good tonic — no way could yu avoid not having it — she knew about bhingaraj leaves — she told us how to recognize and its habitat — good for hair and dandruff – this we enthusiastically learnt as it was good for hair beauty — .. Chirita, botanically it is Andrographis paniculata of Acanthaceae here in Karnataka.. We also call it as Chirayata Kaddi… The botanical name of Chiraita is Swertia chirata but in Central India specially in Chhattisgarh Bhuineem or Kalmegh i.e. Andrographis paniculata is also known as Chiraita. In Bengal it is known as Alui. In Chhattisgarh the Traditional Healers use this herb both externally as well as internally. It is specially used in fever. It is collected in bulk from forest and supplied to different parts of India as drug source. Due to over exploitation, now its area is decreasing at alarming rates. This decrease is directly and indirectly affecting the Traditional Healing practices and public health. … perhaps Swertia Chirata Chiraita as we know traditionally is Swertia chirata. I just looked up the Useful Plants of India, and noted that most Indian names for Andrographis paniculata start with K (similar pronounciation also is sometimes attributed to ch): Sans: Kirata; Hindi: Kirayat; Beng: Kalmegh; Guj: Kariyatu; in other it starts with N Tlg and Tam: Nelavemu; Kan: Nelaberu; Mal: Nelavepu.
Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Swertia chirayita from Himachal : GSG-17 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). Swertia chirayita (Chiretta of commerce) has been assessed as Critically Endangered in Himachal Pradesh. I am happy to share that I have recorded two locations, one in District Sirmour and the other in District Kullu, having a few wild individuals of the species. My efforts at locating the species from Mashobra near Shimla (herbarium specimen collected from the site long back and deposited in PU, Chandigarh) have met with no success. The species (with seed brought from north-east India) has been taken up for multiplication by the UHF, Nauni (Solan). The accompanying photograph of flowering branch is from the nursery plant. The photograph showing vegetative parts is from wild population. Nice images.. this is more pleasing to know that you have been able to see this wild.. I always wished to see the open flowers, as we could not get them.. We were lucky to get flowers from Herbal Garden in Deovan Chakrata. Location: Matatirtha, Kathmandu
Date: 19 October 2019
Elevation: 1764 m.
Habit : Wild Swertia lurida (D.Don) C.B.Clarke ??
I tried all species in Checklist of Nepal, but could not succeed.
I guess Swertia chirayita (Roxb.) H.Karst. ! I do not think matches with images at Swertia chirayita I guess this should be Swertia chirayita (Roxb.ex Fleming) H. Karst.
. References: GRIN Annonated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal The Plant List PFAF BSIEnvis Flowers of India Swertia chirayita – an overview – Indian Institute of Science |
Swertia chirayita
Updated on December 23, 2024