. Herewith enclosing the photographs of a big, rather huge tree. Photos taken on 9.10.2011. Place: Rajkumar park, Mysore Leaves seem to be pinnate, so it should be a Neem [Azadirachta indica] tree. I am sure the tree is not neem . In this tree the leaves are bigger (size) than the neem tree It may be Swietenia mahogani/ S.macrophylla or Toona hexandra My guess also goes in support with … as this is a species of Swietenia. But I don’t think that it is S. macrophilla as S. macrophylla has bigger leaflets (Big leaf mahogany). Please check S. humilis as well More likely to be Swietenia macrophylla, as per images and details herein. . |
Swietenia macrophylla ?
Updated on December 24, 2024