Syzygium mundagam

Syzygium mundagam (Bourd.) V. Chithra, Fl. Tamil Nadu 1: 157 1983. (syn: Eugenia mundagam Bourd.; Jambosa mundagam (Bourd.) Gamble);
Endemic to southern Western_Ghats- South Sahyadri and between Palakkad hills to Coorg Region in Central Sahyadris as per Biotik;
Common name: Mundagam Plum • Malayalam: Kattuchampa, Mundagam • Tamil: Kotta Samba

Trees, to 15 m high, bark 6-8 mm thick, brown, smooth; blaze reddish; branchlets tetragonous. Leaves simple, opposite, estipulate; petiole 3-7 mm, stout, glabrous; lamina 12-30 x 5-12.5 cm, oblong or elliptic-oblong, base cordate, apex acute or obtuse, margin entire, coriaceous, glandular punctate; lateral nerves 18-22 pairs, pinnate, looped near the margin forming intramarginal nerve, secondary laterals prominent, intercostae reticulate, raised below. Flowers bisexual, 4 cm across, white, in terminal many flowered corymbs; pedicel 5 mm long; calyx tube stout, funnel shaped, lobes 4, 6 mm across, suborbicular; furnished with a thick disc; petals 4, 1.2 x 1.5 cm, orbicular; stamens many, free, bent inwards in the middle regularly when in the bud; ovary inferior, 2-celled, many ovuled; style slender, longer than stamens; stigma slightly acute. Fruit a berry, 2.5 cm across, ovoid, greenish-pink.
Flowering and fruiting: February-March
Evergreen forests
Southern Western Ghats
(Attibutions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi as per India Biodiversity Portal)

Syzygium mundagam (Bourd.) Chithra submission AS8 June21: 6 images.

Here’s one new Syzygium addition to our site.
Syzygium mundagam (Bourd.) Chitra
Common Name – Mundagam Plum
Family – Myrtaceae
Synonyms – Eugenia mundagam Bourd., Jambosa mundagam (Bourd.) Gamble
This species is endemic to Southern parts of Western Ghats. Photographed in cultivation at FRLHT/TDU Garden, Bengaluru, Karnataka
In May 2021



References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  IPNI  GBIF (High resolution specimens) Flora of peninsular India  Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal  Biotik  Kerala plants Wikimedia Commons

Updated on December 23, 2024

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