Tabebuia aurea (Cultivated)

Images by J.M.Garg & Gurcharan Singh, (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)



— from Brazilian name tacyba bebuya for a species in the genus
Dave’s Botanary
AW-re-uh — golden flower … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Caribbean trumpet tree, tree of gold, yellow tabebuia
Native to: tropical America
Small evergreen tree up to 8 m tall; leaves opposite, palmate compound, leaflets 5-7, oblong, 5-15 cm long, silvery-scaly on both surfaces; flowers yellow, 5-7 cm long, in terminal raceme r panicle; calyx tubular, irregularly lobed; corolla funnel-shaped with irregular spreading limb; stamens 4, didynamous; capsule linear, up to 20 cm long.


efloraindia: 21111 BRS195:

Sharing the images of Tabebuia argentea.
Location; NBNP Garden, Anaikatti, Coimbatore
Date. March, 2011
Habitat: Garden
Habit: Tree


Tabebuia’s of Bangalore – RA – Tabebuia aurea – Carribean Gloden Trumpet Tree:
Beautiful blooming trees, the Tabebuias are small, 15 to 25-foot tall, evergreen trees with silvery foliage and deeply furrowed, silvery bark on picturesque, contorted branches and trunk. The crown is usually asymmetrical with two or three major trunks or branches dominating the crown.

The leaves are narrow and elongated, an identifying feature of the tree. Sporadically throughout the year, they put on a brilliant display composed of a multitude of two to three-inch-long, golden yellow, trumpet-shaped blooms borne in terminal flower clusters. The leaves often drop just before the flowers appear. 
Even without the flowers this Tabebuia is a magnificent tree with its crooked trunk, corky bark, and silvery leaves. This Tabebuia is very easy to grow and bloom and its only drawback is its soft wood, making it very susceptible to damage during strong winds.
Tabebuia caraiba can be also be grown in containers, specially small ones, which eventually can turn the tree into a large bonsai specimen
Reference: Polkhort

Flowering Season is Feb-Mar in bangalore


Bignoniaceae Week :: Tabebuia Argentea at Mumbai :: PKA14::: :
Tabebuia Argentea” Photo graphed at Mumbai.

Bignoniaceae Week :: DV :: 08 DEC 07 :: Tabebuia aurea at Sagar Upavan:
Tabebuia aurea (Silva Manso) Benth. & Hook.f. ex S.Moore
ta-bee-BEW-ee-uh — from Brazilian name tacyba bebuya for a species in the genus Dave’s Botanary
AW-re-uh — golden flower … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Caribbean trumpet tree, tree of gold, yellow tabebuia
Native to: tropical America
References: Flowers of IndiaDave’s GardenTop TropicalsM.M.P.N.D.
at Sagar Upavan, Mumbai on 08 DEC 07


Bignoniaceae Week :: Tabebuia argentina :
Sharing the images of T. argentia.

Bignoniaceae Week :: Tabebuia aurea : Caribbean Trumpet Tree/Yellow Tabebuia : Muscat,Oman : 080113 : AK:
Tabebuia aurea, commonly known as Caribbean Trumpet Tree or Yellow Tabebuia in full bloom, outside His Majesty’s Palace in Muscat.

Also seen in Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai & Lalbagh, Bangalore by me but not in full bloom.

Bignoniaceae Week :: Tabebuia aurea, (Silva Manso) Benth. & Hook.f. ex S.Moore <=> Carribean Golden Trumpet Tree – Bangalore – RA:
Beautiful blooming trees, the Tabebuias are small, 15 to 25-foot tall, evergreen trees with silvery foliage and deeply furrowed, silvery bark on picturesque, contorted branches and trunk. The crown is usually asymmetrical with two or three major trunks or branches dominating the crown.
 The leaves are narrow and elongated, an identifying feature of the tree.
Sporadically throughout the year, they put on a brilliant display composed of a multitude of two to three-inch-long, golden yellow, trumpet-shaped blooms borne in terminal flower clusters.
The leaves often drop just before the flowers appear. 
Even without the flowers this Tabebuia is a magnificent tree with its crooked trunk, corky bark, and silvery leaves.
This Tabebuia is very easy to grow and bloom and its only drawback is its soft wood, making it very susceptible to damage during strong winds.
Tabebuia caraiba can be also be grown in containers, specially small ones, which eventually can turn the tree into a large bonsai specimen.
Dropbox link

Again good set of pictures. Full bloom tree like a golden showers.


Bignoniaceae week :: Nonnatives : SMP : Tabebuia aurea. Pune.:
Tabebuia aurea
Syn. Tabebuia argentea


Bignoniaceae Week : : UD 007 : : Tabebuia aurea from roadside near the Race course Kolkata:
Tabebuia aurea from roadside near the Race course Kolkata
Three or four saplings have been looking gangly for a while, on this stretch of the head of a t junction…. of a very busy thoroughfare.
And a few years ago started showing a few yellow flowers, this year I stopped to look, its dangerous driving there with trucks, buses and heavy personnel carriers careening off a major high volume bridge not far off, i took my life in hand to go pick up some fallen flowers and get a few pictures…
so here are some pics….
did not see any seed pods that day…


Bignoniaceae week:: Tabebuia aurea from NIDM Campus New Delhi :
Tabebuia aurea from NIDM Campus New Delhi
pls validate

abebuia aurea and Tabebuia argentea are synonyms.
Is it “aurea” because of the golden coloured flower and argentea because of the silvery leaves??


Bignoniaceae Week::Tabebuia aurea:
Tabebuia aurea (Golden Tabebuia) Photo taken at Sangli


Bignoniaceae Week: Tabebuia aurea from Delhi:
Tabebuia aurea (Silva Manso) Benth. & Hook. f. ex S. Moore

Syn: Tabebuia argentea (Bureau & K. Schum.) Britton; Tecoma argentea Bureau & K. Schum.
Common names: Caribbean trumpet-tree; silver trumpet-tree; tree-of-gold; yellow tabebuia
Small evergreen tree up to 8 m tall; leaves opposite, palmate compound, leaflets 5-7, oblong, 5-15 cm long, silvery-scaly on both surfaces; flowers yellow, 5-7 cm long, in terminal raceme r panicle; calyx tubular, irregularly lobed; corolla funnel-shaped with irregular spreading limb; stamens 4, didynamous; capsule linear, up to 20 cm long.
Photographed from Vikas Puri New Delhi


Tabebuia Argentea DSMAR08/08 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Golden days of Spring! Golden Trumpet splendor to be seen all over Bangalore this time of year (16.3.15). Here though it made a stark and beautiful contrast as a lone tree or 2 in a forest.

Request for species Id. : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Request for species id.
Date: March 29, 2015
Location: Dewas, Madhya Pradesh

Tree planted outside a factory.
Is this Caribbean Trumpet Tree (Tabebuia aurea)?

Apparently you are correct, this could be Tabebuia aurea

could be. ;what would be the clincher is the seed pod and the papery seeds wings inside the pod. so please follow up when leaves appear and the seeds … about june mid to july mid weeks

Trumpet tree : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
clicked this yellow flowers which looks like trumpet tree in Bhopal, any advise on ID most welcome.

Pl. send close up pictures & check with Tabebuia aurea

Pls see attached are two more pictures for ur kind advise. Attachments (2)

Any leaves, … ?

Tabebuia aurea or Tabebuia chrysotricha

On perusal of images of Handroanthus chrysotrichus, I feel it is more closer to Tabebuia aurea although all details are not available.


I have no better picture of its leaves because the tree bears only a few leaves.


started (11/2/08)- In full bloom in Bangalore (28/2/08); on Palace Road (Bangalore) (may be last week before flowers go done)- 3/3/08; On 8/3/08 in Banglore;. Yellow variety T. argentia is now in full bloom- 7/3/08- Pune; in Bangalore- 10/3/08; in Kolkata in March’07 & 08; at nehru park on 5.4.09- Delhi; on 21/3/09 at Sanjeevaiah Park in Hyderabad, A.P.;


Flower for Id -ID09022021SH3: 3 images.

Flower for Id pl.
Location – Taljai Hills, Pune
Date – January 2021

Tabebuia aurea


Tabebuia aurea from Hemavatti Reservoir, Hassan-GS23022022-1: 4 very high res. images.
Tabebuia aurea photographed from near Hemavatti Reservoir, Hassan, Karnataka, 26-9-2015.

For me the ID is correct. Seen many parks here and also in the Palace premises here.


Handroanthus chrysanthus subsp. meridionalis (A.H.Gentry) S.O.Grose: 6 very high res. images.

Location: The Oberoi, Bengaluru, India
Date: 25 March 2023
Altitude: 940m.
Habitat : Cultivated

Check with Tabebuia aurea

Tabebuia aurea. End of the season. Plenty around here.

Yes, as per images at



Updated on December 24, 2024

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