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  6. Talk by J.M.Garg: 5th online Conference on Citizen Science for Biodiversity

Talk by J.M.Garg: 5th online Conference on Citizen Science for Biodiversity

Request for invited talk: 5th online Conference on Citizen Science for Biodiversity:

Greetings and Namaskar on behalf of the Organising Committee of CitSci India 2024!

I am writing to request you to deliver a talk at the 5th online Conference on Citizen Science for Biodiversity, to be held on the 12th and 13th of December 2024on behalf of the organizing committee of the ConferenceThe previous editions of this Conference have all been online, exploring the emergent issues in citizen science theory and practice in India. Last year, we had 400+ participants, 50+ experts, and practitioners from 130+ organizations across 20 countries. Recordings of all the public sessions and a full report of the Conference are available for your reference.

The theme of Day 1 of this year’s Conference is – Challenges and Opportunities in Species Identification: Enhancing Data Quality in Citizen Science for Biodiversity Research.

We believe the outstanding work you have led two decades back through eFlora of India would provide the ideal context for our first-day conference theme. The conference organizers and the larger citizen scientist community of India would appreciate insights from your incredible contribution to this initiative, where you and your team developed one of the biggest plant databases of Indian Flora. We look forward to learning from your experiences how a non-botanist played an outstanding role in curating the eflora of India and connecting hundreds of plant taxonomy experts and non-experts.

We would like to schedule your talk for Thursday, 12th December 2024, in the afternoon session. The entire Conference will be run through a Discord server to facilitate text-based interaction throughout the Conference.

We would be honored to have your talk and learn about an incredible story of the citizen-led initiative of eflora of India at our Conference.

Please let us know if this is possible. We are excited to hear from you.


Shyam Phartyal

Organising Committee Member

CitSciIndia 2024

Many Congratulations and best wishes Mr. Garg.

Made a presentation (mostly related to the given subject) as attached with about 50 minutes of talk and Q&A session.
My 1st experience at such things.
It went quite well.
1 attachment-PPT

Congratulations 🎊 Sir

It must be a gathering of a esteemed audience. Congratulations for spreading the experience of eFI to many. Proud moments for the entire eFI family.

Great going.

Great job. Many congratulations!

This is so brilliant, many congratulations Garg ji

Wonderful, very nice, Garg ji !!! Congratulations !

This is wonderful sir.

Well done, Garg ji! Congrats!


It is really great to know Garg Ji..!!

Appreciable effort.

Congratulations Garg Ji.

Great going, Sir

This is great. Congratulations, Garg ji.

It is a great achievement for efi. Many congratulations Mr.Garg.

Very good Garg ji for the projection of eFlora in the citizen science arena.

Great efforts.
Congratulations dear Garg ji 🎉

Congratulations Sir. Nowadays citizen science is one of the best tools in imparting conservation education in young minds and also all other citizens who are not well equipped in technicalities of this emerging subject. We are going perfectly. All credits goes to our consistent efforts and dedication.

I just looked at all your PowerPoints
As I read it into entirety and went over the salient points, here was a summary of its evolution .
What tremendous mental, intellectual, social and spiritual effort you expended to nurture its growth.
We all have witnessed what a lot of effort and man-hours  went in this monumental work.
You also have the managing power of creating and sustaining a loyal dedicated group around you.
 That group’s Intellectual efforts and dedication is evident now.
And, I also wondered if you who started it all,  had ever mapped out a path in great details?
I have seen it’s evolution over the years, I would like to think that you had brilliant sparks of inspiration
that you verbalized;   Wrote up the aims and set up steps to accomplish them and inspired the team.
I congratulate you on a good lecture.
I would love to hear the audience response in the auditorium and later in the lobby and at meal times,

encounters from people wanting to know about your experiences and inspirations and insights.

Congratulations Garg ji


CitSci 2024: Letter of Appreciation:

Thank you for your inspiring and insightful talk at the CitSci India 2024 virtual conference on ‘eFloraofIndia: A unique way of collecting and presenting citizen science plant data with enhanced data quality and synergy between amateurs and experts‘. Your insightful knowledge sharing has inspired and informed all of us in many ways.
Please find attached a letter of appreciation on behalf of the conference steering committee. We wish you all the best for your future endeavors.
1 pdf

Thanks again for spending your time to deliver the invited talk.
Below are links where you can find all the recorded talks.
My lecture is available at 2nd link:
Public Sessions – Citizen Science India

Very nice, Garg ji !!
Many congratulations !!!

Congratulations Garg ji

Congratulations sir. This is also an achievement. Such presentations add to the scientific credibility of eflora.

very nice! congratulations Garg ji

Many congratulations Mr. Garg.

Very Nice Garg ji. Congratulations.


Updated on January 14, 2025

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