Tamarix arceuthoides

Tamarix arceuthoides Bunge, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg Divers Savans 7: 295 1851. (syn: Tamarix florida var. kotschyi Bunge);
India: In valleys and along river beds. Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir); Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, China (Tibet) and C.I.S. as per BSI Flora of India;
Central Asia to Mongolia and W. Himalaya: Afghanistan, China North-Central, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, West Himalaya, Xinjiang as per POWO;
Iran (EC-Iran, N-Iran, S-Iran, W-Iran), Iraq (NW-Iraq, SE-Iraq: Mesopotamia, W-Iraq: Desert), Afghanistan (Baghlan, Balkh, Bamyan, Farah, Faryab, Kabul, Kandahar, Kunar / Nuristan), Pakistan (Chitral), Pakistani Kashmir (Gilgit), Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China (Gansu, Xinjiang), Tibet, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan as per Catalogue of Life;

Shrubs, about 2-3 m tall. Stem much branched, glabrous, two kinds of branches present, young green ascending vegetative branches which are deciduous in winter and ligneous old growing branches which are not deciduous in winter. Leaves alternate, scale-like, vaginate, lanceolate-ovate to ovate-trullate, 1-3 x 0.3-0.5 cm across, base subamplexicaul, apex acuminate to acute, rachis glabrous, petiole sessile, stipules absent. Inflorescence racemes or paniculate mostly in young branches, terminal or lateral, about 3-6 x 0.3-0.4 cm across. Flowers bisexual or rarely unisexual, slightly fragrant, pedicel subsessile, bracts triangular lanceolate, margins denticulate or subentire, apex acuminate, about 1.5-1.7 mm long, herbaceous of fleshy, sepals 5 partite lobes obovate-suborbicular, margins obscurely denticulate, apex obtuse, about 0.5-0.8 x 0.2-0.5 mm across, petals 5, oblong-elliptic to obovate, pink, or purplish pink, margins entire, apex slightly notched, about 1.5-1.7 x 0.5-1 mm across. Stamens 5, in series or two, inserted near nectiferous disc, exserted, opposite to calyx filaments, about 1.7 mm long, mesodiscine, anthers bi-lobed, disc penta lobed, about 0.5 mm across. Ovary conical or pyramidal, 3-4 locular, ovules many, basal parietal placentation, styles 3-4 or 2-5, free, rarely connate at the base, stigma 3-4, capitate. Fruit capsule, conic-pyramidal, about 3.5-4 x 1.3-2 mm across, tri-valved. Seeds numerous, about 0.5 mm across coma about 1.5-2 mm long.

Along streams and river beds among small boulders.
Asia: Afghanistan, China, India: Jammu & Kashmir, Iran, Iraq, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia
(Attributions- Ganeshaiah, K. N., UAS, Bangalore, India.; Kailash, B. R., ATREE, Bangalore, India.; Royal Norwegian Embassy grants. Indian Bioresource Information Network (IBIN), Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi as per India Biodiversity Portal);

Garden Shrub For ID : Srinagar : 11JUN16 : AK-13 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Seen on 24th April at the Plant Introduction Centre in Srinagar.
A cultivated garden shrub.
Looks like Tamarix Species.

is this the garden that’s in Ramban JK ?

I don’t know what you are referring to as Ramban JK.
This is a plant nursery opp the Tulip Garden.
Reposting my reply as I missed sending it on Eflora.

i think this is Tamarix usneoides

Thanks for suggested id. Hope to get it validated.

Few links on Tamarix usneoides :
http://www.plantzafrica.com/tamarixusneoides.htm :…. Tamarix usneoides is rarely seen in gardens, while alien and hybrid Tamarix species with pink flowers are widely grown as ornamentals and sometimes mistaken for T. usneoides. The grower may recognise T. usneoides by its cream-white flowers, and vaginate, scaly leaves.  …..

I have similar photographs from Kashmir, identified by me as Tamarix arceuthoides, a species reported from Kashmir in BSI Flora of India.

Thanks. Should I take it as Tamarix arceuthoides then?
Who would know the Flora of Kashmir better than you?

Tamarix arceuthoides Bunge from Kashmir for validation-01112020-1 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Tamarix arceuthoides Bunge 
Photographed from Srinagar Kashmir, 5-5-2012

Thanks, …, Was it planted as Catalogue of LifePOWOFOP and FoC does not give its distribution there?

Page 24 of BSI Flora of India Vol. 3
I am attaching relevant portion.
Attachments (1)

For ID 21052012CS3:
Shankararcharya hill, Srinagar
Growing wild

Tamarix, perhaps T. szovitziana

Can it be Tamarix chinensis as per details at Flora of China and FoC illustration and as per

Any views in this matter.
This species is reported to be cultivated in Gardens in India as per BSI flora of India

Thank you so much for bringing this up.  Actually the post is very old and now I don’t remember any other details…

This appears more closer to Tamarix arceuthoides as per images and details herein.
Pl. confirm.


Tamarix Species For ID : Srinagar : 18JUN16 : AK-28 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Another Tamarix Species seen in the JN Botanical Garden at Srinagar.
Cultivated, garden plant.

Is Tamarix gallica L. listed in India ?

T. gallica of FBI as well as T. troupii are now treated as synonyms of T. indica

Can it be Tamarix chinensis as per details at Flora of China and FoC illustration and as per

Any views in this matter.
This species is reported to be cultivated in Gardens in India as per BSI flora of India

I thought T. arceuthoides.

Tamarix arceuthoides, commonly planted in Kashmir.

Updated on December 23, 2024

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