Tecoma fulva (Cav.) G.Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 224 1838 and its subspecies; Cahuato; Tecoma fulva has winged rachis whereas the Tecoma x smithii is wingless; As per efi thread: What we think as T. fulva is a complex with many subspecies and cultivars. Here is a beautiful article on Taxonomy of Tecoma, from Bolivia, South America, native land of Tecoma A revision of Tecoma Juss. (Bignoniaceae) in Bolivia by JRI Wood (Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 156, 143–172): KEY TO TECOMA SPECIES IN BOLIVIA 1. Corolla yellow (sometimes with reddish veins), ventricose above a shortly cylindrical, strongly demarcated base, ±campanulate in form; anthers sparsely pilose ……2 1a. Corolla red, red and yellow, or orange (very rarely yellow), gradually widened from the base, ±cylindrical-tubular in form; anthers glabrous ……..3 2. Leaves simple; corolla completely glabrous externally ………..1. Tecoma beckii 2a. Leaves five- to nine-foliolate; corolla usually with a few hairs, at least in the sinuses of the lobes ………….2. Tecoma stans 3. Corolla regularly five-lobed, uniformly red or reddish-orange (very rarely yellow); anthers included; leaflets ovate to elliptic, serrate-dentate ……….4. Tecoma tenuiflora KEY TO SUBSPECIS OF TECOMA FULVA 1. Leaves hirtellous; leaflets 11–21, broadly obovate, about as broad as long, mostly < 1 cm long.........a ssp. fulva 1a. Leaves glabrous or, if hirtellous, the terminal leaflet oblong, > 1.5 cm long, much longer than broad; leaflets 1–17 ………2 2. Leaf rhachis clearly winged; lateral leaflets obovate to oblanceolate, two to three times as long as broad; corolla regularly expanded from base, lacking a clearly differentiated basal tube, lobes < 7 mm long, the dorsal pair not united or united for < 2 mm; stamens at mouth of corolla, the filaments equal in length .........3 2a. Leaf rhachis unwinged or almost so; all leaflets oblong or oblong lanceolate, broadest near the centre or below, mostly three to five times as long as broad; corolla with a clearly differentiated basal tube, the lobes c. 10 mm long, the dorsal pair united for > 2 mm; two outer filaments longer than the inner pair, their anthers exserted …….5 3. Leaflets 13–17, coriaceous; the terminal leaflet only slightly larger than the laterals, obovate …………….b. ssp. arequipensis 3a. Leaflets 1–9(-11), thin in texture, the terminal leaflet much larger than the laterals, oblong ………………4 4. Leaflets 1–7 (i.e. some leaves simple); branchlets and leaves hirtellous ……………..c. ssp. tanaeciiflora 4a. Leaflets 3–9(-11), the leaves always divided into leaflets; branchlets and leaves glabrous or almost so …………….. d. ssp. guarume 5. Corolla 5–7 cm long; leaflets conspicuously serrate-dentate, teeth c. seven per centimetre …… e. ssp. altoandina 5a. Corolla 4.5–5.5 cm long; leaflets weakly toothed, teeth three to four per centimetre………………f. ssp. garrocha Tecoma smithii. : Attachments (1). 6 posts by 5 authors. Plant from smriti van Jaipur. It is Tecoma smithii. Photo Taken on-1.3.2008 I think that this is a lighter color form (perhaps ‘Orange Jubilee’?) than the typically darker-orange T. x smithii (T. stans x T. capensis). Here is the more typical (at least in the USA) form of T. x smithii: It is Tecoma fulva After reading … comments on the identify of Tecoma in question, we together did a bit of research on this issue and found that Tecoma fulva has winged rachis whereas the Tecoma x smithii is wingless. This is an obvious difference between these two taxa. Kindly see the link for Tecoma fulva http://www.meemelink.com/prints%20pages/12834.Bignoniaceae%20-%20Tecoma%20fulva.htm and for Tecoma x smithii for http://www.californiagardens.com/Plant_Pages/tecoma_smithii.htm Finally we came to the conclusion that … plant belongs to Tecoma fulva. Bignoniaceae Week :: Tecoma fulva : Cahuato : Nasik & Bangalore : 090113 : AK: Pictures of Cahuato or Tecoma fulva from Nasik & Bangalore. An ornamental, cultivated, garden plant. Tecoma fulva- flora of Madhya Pradesh : Attachments (2). 7 posts by 5 authors. Tecoma fulva photographed at Betul, MP. Dated- 12.12.11 Identified as T.fulva as it has winged rachis Yes … u are correct. SL 73 011213 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Please ID this small tree with yellow flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Sep 2012. Tecoma fulva.
Bignoniaceae Week :: Tecoma stans var. angustata, Rehder <=> Yellow Trumpet Flower – Bangalore – RA: 7 images. Yellow trumpet flower is a variety of Tecoma stans, the Yellow Bells. It has narrower and lacy leaflets which are more deeply toothed. The name angustata means narrowed. This is a shrub or small tree that reaches 15-20 feet in height and can be pruned heavily after flowering to keep it compact. The fruit on is a “bean type” capsule about 8 inches long that ripens to a chocolate brown color. It is Tecoma fulva as per keys and details herein. Tecoma stans var. angustata looks different as per details herein. Trees of Lalbgh, Bangalore – RA – Tecoma stans var. angustata, Rehder <=> Yellow Trumpet Flower: 7 images. Yellow trumpet flower is a variety of Tecoma stans, the Yellow Bells. It has narrower and lacy leaflets which are more deeply toothed. The name angustata means narrowed. This is a shrub or small tree that reaches 15-20 feet in height and can be pruned heavily after flowering to keep it compact. The fruit on is a “bean type” capsule about 8 inches long that ripens to a chocolate brown color. It is Tecoma fulva as per keys and details herein. Tecoma stans var. angustata looks different as per details herein. Bignoniaceae week :: Nonnatives : SMP : Tecoma smithii. Pune.: Tecoma smithii Dwarf Tecoma Leaves are compound the leaflets are smaller acute, cuneate, crenate. It is Tecoma fulva as per keys and details herein.
Pls identify : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4) Grows in Mumbai Loos like Tacoma smithii efi page on Tecoma fulva & Tecoma x smithii This is Tecoma x smithii It is Tecoma fulva as per keys and details herein. As the rachis appears to be winged, it should be Tecoma fulva as per keys and details herein. I believe it as Tecoma fulva and had been clarified years back. Yes ID seems correct for me. Tecoma is a beautiful ornamental, hence many cultivars available. We can not make a definite ID routinely other than T. stans , T. castanifolia and T. capensis ……………..what we think as T. fulva is a complex with many subspecies and cultivars. Here is a beautiful article on Taxonomy of Tecoma, from Bolivia, South America, native land of Tecoma https://academic.oup.com/botlinnean/article/156/1/143/2418201
Tecoma Species for ID : 05MAY19 : AK-4 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Since I saw you are updating/reviewing some of the Tecoma Species, I’m posting these pictures taken last month. A cultivated bush seen in Muscat on he 20th of April. It was evening time and I could not get better pictures. Had thought of revisiting the place to click better pictures, but not able to go as yet. Pl. check with Tecoma fulva Bignoniaceae for ID : Lalbagh Botanical Garden, Bangalore : 22DEC19 : AK-18 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Campsis Species, similar to the one posted by me earlier. Campsis radicans was suggested by me. This was a small, potted plant. Seen yesterday at Lalbagh. More like Tecoma fulva … Many cultivars in it. Actually we are not very clear on Tecoma species beyond T. stans and T. castanifolia. You had suggested Tecoma fulva earlier. Can it be Tecoma fulva subsp. guarume? I found the keys on net from A revision of Tecoma Juss. (Bignoniaceae) in Bolivia by JRI Wood (Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 156, 143–172) as below: KEY TO TECOMA SPECIES IN BOLIVIA 1. Corolla yellow (sometimes with reddish veins), ventricose above a shortly cylindrical, strongly demarcated base, ±campanulate in form; anthers sparsely pilose ……2 1a. Corolla red, red and yellow, or orange (very rarely yellow), gradually widened from the base, ±cylindrical-tubular in form; anthers glabrous ……..3 2. Leaves simple; corolla completely glabrous externally ………..1. Tecoma beckii 2a. Leaves five- to nine-foliolate; corolla usually with a few hairs, at least in the sinuses of the lobes ………….2. Tecoma stans 3. Corolla regularly five-lobed, uniformly red or reddish-orange (very rarely yellow); anthers included; leaflets ovate to elliptic, serrate-dentate ……….4. Tecoma tenuiflora KEY TO SUBSPECIS OF TECOMA FULVA 1. Leaves hirtellous; leaflets 11–21, broadly obovate, about as broad as long, mostly < 1 cm long.........a ssp. fulva 1a. Leaves glabrous or, if hirtellous, the terminal leaflet oblong, > 1.5 cm long, much longer than broad; leaflets 1–17 ………2 2. Leaf rhachis clearly winged; lateral leaflets obovate to oblanceolate, two to three times as long as broad; corolla regularly expanded from base, lacking a clearly differentiated basal tube, lobes < 7 mm long, the dorsal pair not united or united for < 2 mm; stamens at mouth of corolla, the filaments equal in length .........3 2a. Leaf rhachis unwinged or almost so; all leaflets oblong or oblong lanceolate, broadest near the centre or below, mostly three to five times as long as broad; corolla with a clearly differentiated basal tube, the lobes c. 10 mm long, the dorsal pair united for > 2 mm; two outer filaments longer than the inner pair, their anthers exserted …….5 3. Leaflets 13–17, coriaceous; the terminal leaflet only slightly larger than the laterals, obovate …………….b. ssp. arequipensis 3a. Leaflets 1–9(-11), thin in texture, the terminal leaflet much larger than the laterals, oblong ………………4 4. Leaflets 1–7 (i.e. some leaves simple); branchlets and leaves hirtellous ……………..c. ssp. tanaeciiflora 4a. Leaflets 3–9(-11), the leaves always divided into leaflets; branchlets and leaves glabrous or almost so …………….. d. ssp. guarume 5. Corolla 5–7 cm long; leaflets conspicuously serrate-dentate, teeth c. seven per centimetre …… e. ssp. altoandina 5a. Corolla 4.5–5.5 cm long; leaflets weakly toothed, teeth three to four per centimetre………………f. ssp. garrocha It is very difficult to see many details with your very small images. However, Leaf rachis appears to be winged and I see 7 leaflets. So ssp. guarume is possible. Pl. check the above keys in detail. It appears close to images of ssp. guarume seen at TechieOldFox and Flora and fauna website, but looks different from those at Kew Database. Thanks … I had suggested the same earlier. Will attach the pictures one at a time. Attachments (1) – 5 mb Attachments (1) – 5 mb Yes, possible. |
Tecoma fulva
Updated on December 24, 2024