Tephrosia purpurea

Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers. (Syn: Cracca piscatoria (Aiton) Lyons; Cracca purpurea L.; Galega piscatoria Aiton; Glycyrrhiza mairei H.Lev.; Tephrosia colonila (Ham.) Benth.; Tephrosia crassa Bojer ex Baker; Tephrosia diffusa (Roxb.) Wight & Arn.; Tephrosia indigofera Bertol.; Tephrosia ionophlebia Hayata; Tephrosia lanceifolia Link; Tephrosia piscatoria (Aiton) Pers.; Tephrosia purpurea var. diffusa (Roxb.) Aitch.; Tephrosia wallichii Graham ex Fawcett & Rendle;                     Cracca wallichii (Fawc. & Rendle) Rydb.; Galega colonila Buch.-Ham.; Galega diffusa Roxb.; Galega lanceaefolia Roxb. [Spelling variant]; Galega lanceifolia Roxb.; Galega purpurea (L.) L.; Tephrosia hamiltonii Gamble; Tephrosia purpurea var. genuina R.Vig.; Tephrosia wallichii Fawc. & Rendle;                                               (≡) Cracca villosa var. purpurea (L.) Kuntze);
tef-ROH-see-uh — ash coloured, referring to grey down on leaves
pur-PUR-ee-uh — purple
commonly known as: common tephrosia, fish poison, wild indigo • Bengali: বননীলগাছ bannilgach • Gujarathi: ઘોડાકાન ghodakan • Hindi: बन नील ban-nil, सरफोंक sarphonk, शरपुंखा sharpunkha • Kannada: empali, koggili, phanike • Malayalam: kozhinjil • Marathi: शरपुंखा sharpankha, उन्हाळी unhali • Oriya: ଶରପୁଙ୍ଖା soropunkha • Punjabi: bansa-bansu • Rajasthani: biyani • Sanskrit: शरपुंखा sarapunkha • Tamil: காவாளி kavali, கொள்ளுக்காய்வேளை kolluk-kay-velai • Telugu: వెంపలి vempali
Native of: tropical and s Africa, w Asia, s China, Indian subcontinent, Malesia, n Australia
India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh ; Arunachal Pradesh ; Assam; Bihar ; Dadra-Nagar-Haveli ; Daman ; Delhi ; Diu ]; Goa ; Gujarat ; Haryana ; Himachal Pradesh ; Jammu-Kashmir ]; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh ; Maharashtra; Manipur; Meghalaya ; Mizoram ; Nagaland ; Orissa ; Pondicherry ; Punjab ; Rajasthan ; Sikkim ; Tamil Nadu; Tripura; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal & other countries
as per ILDIS ;
Flowers bright rosy purple to violet. Pods linear slightly curved, mucronate. Seeds 5-6.  
In Tephrosia purpurea much branched at base, branchlets pubescent; leaves pinnate; leaflets oblanceolate, 9-21; flowers in racemes; corolla pink or pink-purple twice as long as calyx; pods curved at tip; seeds 5-6, pale brown, mottled with black spots.
Pods are turgid in
Indigofera, flat in Tephrosia
In addition racemes are axillary in Indigofera, leaf-opposed in Tephrosia especially T. purpurea

Tephrosia purpurea is a species of flowering plant in the pea family, Fabaceae, that has a pantropical distribution. It is a common wasteland weed. In many parts it is under cultivation as green manure crop. It is found throughout India and Sri Lanka[1] in poor soils.

Common names include:
English: Fish poison, Wild indigo
Hawaiian: ʻAuhuhu, Ahuhu, ʻAuhola, Hola
Hindi name: Sarphonk, Sharpunkha
Used as a fish poison; the leaves and seeds contain tephrosin, which paralyzes fish. Larger doses are lethal to fish, but mammals and amphibians are unaffected. It is also used traditionally as folk medicine. According to Ayurveda, the plant is anthelmintic, alexiteric, alterative, and antipyretic; it is used in the treatment of leprosy, ulcers, asthma, and tumors, as well as diseases of the liver, spleen, heart, and blood. A decoction of the roots is given in dyspepsia, diarrhea, rheumatism, asthma and urinary disorders. The root powder is salutary for brushing the teeth, where it is said to quickly relieve dental pains and stop bleeding. An extract, termed ‘betaphroline’ (not a systematic name) is claimed to promote release of endorphins, and finds use in certain cosmetic preparations
(From Wikipedia on 25.12.13)


Tephrosia purpurea (Linn.) Pers. ? from Hooghly 14/11/12 sk:

Attaching three sets of a plant found at two places in Hooghly.
Species : Tephrosia purpurea (Linn.) Pers.?
H & H : wild herb or under-shrub of about 1.5 to 2.5 feet, beside rail-tracks
Date : 04/11/12, 09/11/12 & 10/11/12
Place : Hooghly

I think matches with images at Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.

Wild Flower for ID : 270711 : AK-2:
Taken at Nasik, Maharashtra on 6/10/09.
Growing wild by the roadside.
Small plants with purple flowers.

Tephrosia purpurea this plant is used by birhor tribes in jharkhand

Tephrosia purpurea (Kozhinjil in Malayalam) Leguminosae family is a medicinal plant. When you cut the leaf by pulling a leaflet from both the side the cut portion would be “V’ shaped.

And that’s why …, one of its names is Sharpunkha. Shar means Arrow (Teer) and Punkha means leaf. Picture for your quote http://ecoport.org/ep?SearchType=pdb&PdbID=46966



Himachal Plant_RKC03_300611:
Loc.: On way to Churdhar, Himachal Pradesh (ca 1500m)
Date: August, 2010

Looks like ‘Indigofera exilis’http://www.flowersofindia.in/Slender%20Indigo.html

I also think Tephrosia purpurea

I too think that this is Tephrosia sp. most probably T. purpurea of Leguminosae family as … suggested.

yes this is Tephrosia purpurea a annualy herbs about 1 to 3 ft in height growing in rainy season

tef-ROH-see-uh — ash coloured, referring to grey down on leaves
pur-PUR-ee-uh — purple
Sep 21, 2008 … at Vaghbil, Thane, Maharashtra
commonly known as: common tephrosia, fish poison, wild indigo • Bengali: বননীলগাছ bannilgach • Gujarathi: ઘોડાકાન ghodakan • Hindi: बन नील ban-nil, सरफोंक sarphonk, शरपुंखा sharpunkha • Kannada: empali, koggili, phanike • Malayalam: kozhinjil • Marathi: शरपुंखा sharpankha, उन्हाळी unhali • Oriya: ଶରପୁଙ୍ଖା soropunkha • Punjabi: bansa-bansu • Rajasthani: biyani • Sanskrit: शरपुंखा sarapunkha • Tamil: காவாளி kavali, கொள்ளுக்காய்வேளை kolluk-kay-velai • Telugu: వెంపలి vempali
Native of: tropical and s Africa, w Asia, s China, Indian subcontinent, Malesia, n Australia
some views: Oct 19, 2008 … at Vaghbil, Thane, Maharashtra
Sep 28, 2009 … at Saphale Ghat, Maharashtra

Thanks for sharing. Adding my pictures

Fabaceae-F​aboideae (Papiliona​ceae) Week: 4 correct images.
Sharing the images of Wild Indigo (Tephrosia purpurea) commonly grown as a waste land weed and used as green manure.
Location: CODISIA, Coimbatore


Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Shrubs/Herbs : Tephrosia purpurea:  Tephrosia purpurea
Common in waste and open spaces in many parts of Maharashtra.
Undershrub. A meter or less. Leaflets 13-19. Oblanceolate; apex obtuse, retuse or mucronate.Base cuneate.
Flowers bright rosy purple to violet. Pods linear slightly curved, mucronate. Seeds 5-6.


Tephrosia purpurea and Indigofera:
can anyone please guide me as to how can i differentiate between Indigofera sp. and Tephrosia purpurea…???
i need to collect the plant for analysis purposes…

1. In Indigofera pods are turgid but in Tephrosia pods are flattened.
In Tephrosia purpurea much branched at base, branchlets pubescent; leaves pinnate; leaflets oblanceolate, 9-21; flowers in racemes; corolla pink or pink-purple twice as long as calyx; pods curved at tip; seeds 5-6, pale brown, mottled with black spots.
You please wait for more comments.

Yes pods are turgid in Indigofera, flat in Tephrosia
In addition racemes are axillary in Indigofera, leaf-opposed in Tephrosia especially T. purpurea




Which flower is this ? ID – 091011SC2:
Posting a photo for Id of flower

Date / Time – 18.09. 2011 / 05.00 pm.
Location – Place – Barvi Dam, Badalapur (Near Kalyan), Maharashtra
Habitat – Garden/ Urban/ Wild / Type – Wild

Could this be an Alysicarpus sp.

… possibly Tephrosia … could be T. purpurea.

i cant see any photo here.. pls send the photo again..

Yes, Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.

Tephrosia species, may be T. purpurea

I agree with … Nevertheless, I have a doubt. In flowersofindia.net the T.purpurea photograph shows only two pairs of leaflets with a terminal leaf, while other websites photographs tally with the present posting. Like to be educated on this aspect.


Id of flower -ID 12062013SH1 :  Attachments (1).  6 posts by 3 authors.

Posting a photo for Id of flower
Date / Time – 18.09. 2011 / 05.00 pm.
Location – Kakuli Lake, Badalapur (Near Kalyan), Maharashtra
Habitat – Wild

Looks Tephrosia species. Please check Tephrosia purpurea

Pods look very similar to T.purpurea, but the pedicel looks shorter and even the corolla shape looks little different ?

Tephrosia purpurea

Tephrosia purpurea – No doubt


ID Request 290913SG  : Attachments (3). 5 posts by 5 authors.
Please help identify this herb found at Dhavlas, Maharashtra
Photographed 14Sep13. 

Can be Indigoferra tinctoria.

efi page on Indigofera tinctoria  

Tephrosia purpurea, I suppose.

I also think Tephrosia purpurea seems to be the possible ID as suggested by …


Tephrosia purpurea, Fabaceae _Bangladesh SM089 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).


Herb for ID, Rajasthan NAW-AUG15-02  : 8 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (4)
Kindly identify this herb with pink flowers growing on a hill near Tiloniya village, Ajmer District Rajasthan. photographed in August 2015.
The herbs were about 30-40 cm in height and growing profusely on the hill sides.
Would this be some species of Indigofera?

Tephrosia purpurea, I suppose.

It is Tephrosia purpureaSharpunka used in liver protective drugs

Could be Tephrosia Species.

Tephrosia purpurea

Thank you all. Pictures uploaded onto the India Biodiversity Portal.

Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.
at Yeoor Hills on September 14, 2008
at Vaghbil on September 21, 2008
at Vaghbil on October 19, 2008
along Saphale Ghat on September 28, 2009

Thanks, … for all the wonderful uploads 


Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Tephrosia purpurea ::Panipat :: NS OCT 117/117  : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (8)
This is a common roadside shrub of our area..the pics are recorded from Panipat and around..
Tephrosia purpurea

Correct Nepali Name : काँडे साखिनु Kaande Saakhinu

Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers., Syn.Pl. 2:329. 1807
Erect herb with imparipinnate 5-10 long leaves with 9-21 leaflets, latter elliptic-oblong, up to 3 cm long, silky beneath; flowers purple to bright pink; standard up to 9 mm long; pod 4-6 cm long,
Photographed from Wazirabad, Delhi

Beautiful post, thanks Sir..


Fabaceae (Faboideae)Fortnight::Tephrosia purpurea ::Nagpur ::PKA-OCT-114 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Tephrosia purpurea from Nagpur.


Small herb for ID: 21102012 : RV 3:
Once again a request to ID this flowering herb……I saw it flowering in sandy soil in Tal Chappar wildlife sanctuary area of Churu District in Rajasthan.
All the pictures of my three enquire are taken on 16th October,12.

Wild guess, Tephrosia purpurea

Similar wild plants are very common here in Oman.
Identified as Tephrosia apollinea.
I hope your plant is the same.


Small herb for ID: 21102012 : RV 3:
I also suggested Tephrosia purpurea. I attached one image of Tephrosia purpurea

it is Tephrosia purpurea of Febaceae family, good green manure crop

Tephrosia purpurea: I’d confirm : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) – 1 Mb and 2 Mb.
Tephrosia purpurea. सरपुंखा

I too think it must be Tephrosia purpurea.

Wild Plant for ID : Purple Flowers : Nasik : 06OCT18 : AK – 7 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Wild plant with purple flowers seen on 25th August,18. I have only one picture.
Tephrosia Species? Tephrosia purpurea?

To me also appear close to images at Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers. as per comparative images at Tephrosia

Wild Plant for ID : Zarwani Forest, Gujarat : 13DEC19 : AK-10 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Wild plant seen in the Zarwani Forest area in Nov,19.
Tephrosia Species?

Tephrosia purpurea

Phaltan, MH :: Fabaceae for ID :: ARK2020-038 : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Saw this plant near Phaltan, MH in October 2019.
Is this Tephrosia villlosa? No pods were seen.
Requested to please provide ID.

Pl. check comparative images at

To me appears close to Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers. as per comparative images at Tephrosia

Thank you so much … for the correction.
I had not noticed the pods earlier which were clearly not T. villosa.
Attaching the close up of the pods.
Attachments (1)

I hope … is correct,


326 ID wild plant Indigofera: 14 high res. images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Vannappuram, Thodupuzha, Idukki Dist., Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 14.06.2022, 09.10 am
Habitat: wild, moisture, sunlight, roadside
Plant habit: small shrub, erect/obliquely, branches, semi hard stem 01cm base diameter, perennial
Height: 01 feet
Leaves: alternate, odd pinnate, leaflets opposite 07 pairs, ovate, simple, size up to:03×1cm
Flower: terminal racemose, diameter: 08 mm, violet, non fragrant
Fruit: beans compressed green into brown, size:03×0.5 cm
Seed: brown up to 05 nos., pea shaped size:03×0.5 mm
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Tephrosia sp.

Yes, it is very close to Tephrosia purpurea, dear …, Thank you very much for ID my plant,


Request for legume id: 3 high res. images.
Request for I’d of a legume from Bilaspur.
Appears to be Abrus. Need experts views.
Photographed in July, 2022.

I think it is close to images at Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.


Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Oct 19, 2008 · JUN23 DV88: 2 images.

Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Oct 19, 2008 · 2:48 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Earlier uploaded at efloraofindia.


Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Sep 21, 2008 · JUN23 DV124: 3 images.
Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Sep 21, 2008 · 1:20 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl


Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers. :: Waghbil, Thane :: Oct 27, 2007 · JUN23 DV319: 3 images.
Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.
Waghbil, Thane :: Oct 27, 2007 · 1:46 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl


MS/2023/ 126: 1 image.
I am sending herewith a photograph of the plant received from another group. Photographed in  Tamil Nadu nearby Chennai. To me it looks like a species of Indigofera.
Please suggest the correct ID.

On  recheck I think it is a species of Tephrosia

Possibly T.maxima ???

I think


MS/2023/130 – ID request of a herb: 4 images.
Please ID the herb belonging to Fabaceae. Photographed in Chennai by a friends & sent for ID.

Suggestion: Tephrosia species (T.purpurea ???)

Mostly Tephrosia maxima

orwarding herewith the photos of leaves.
1 image.

Habit photo.
1 image.


Fabaceae: Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.: 1 high res. image.
location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994


Need ID. Which Tephrosia: 2 images.
Itarsi, Black soil
Sept 2024

Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.


Fabaceae: Tephrosia spp.: 3 high res. images.
Identify the Tephrosia spp collected from Andhra University Botanical Garden, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on 10/09/24


617 ID wild plant: 10 high res. images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: Checkanurani Madurai Tamilnadu  INDIA
Altitude: 190fsl
Flower date: 26AUG2024, 05.45pm
Habitat: wild moisture grassy plain field
Plant habit: small shrub, branches, weak cylindrical tomentose stem 03.5mm base diameter, annual
Height: 01 feet
Leaves: dicot alternate imparipinnate, leaflet 05 pairs opposite elliptic obtuse acute simple flexible hairy, size upto: 03×1cm, stipules
Flower: axillary spike inflorescence, size:18x15x11mm, pinky, non fragrant
Fruit: beans green into brown lengthy flattened tomentose size: 07×0.7cm
Seed: brown upto 11 circular compressed diameter: 04mm

Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.

Yes, it is Tephrosia purpurea dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant


Updated on January 5, 2025

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