Themeda quadrivalvis ?

Poaceae Week-Themeda triandra? : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 4 authors.
Please validate if this is Themeda triandra or otherwise. Taken at Ambyvalley rd.,Lonavala Mulshi,Pune in Dec11.

Looks more like Themeda quadrivalvis. Kindly show the whole plant and inflorescence.

No, I don’t have more photos of this particular grass but I have based my identification on similar looking grass the photos of which I have now attached (3 nos.) which was identified by one … on flickr as Themeda triandra. Are both the same? Anyway thanks for solving all my queries.

sure this is not Themeda triandra



identification no080111sn1:
this grass has been identified as Themeda triandra. kindly confirm.

taken at my farm in mulshi, pune
plant habit:grass
height: about 2-3 ft.

yes it can be Themeda triandra

The image is not clear to identify at generic level. it does’nt seem to be Themeda? I dont want to guess

It is Themeda for species conformation it require dissection of infloresence



identification no210312sn1:
Kindly Identify. I think it is Themeda triandra

plant habit:Grass
height:3-4 ft.

Species of Themeda. Identification of species with this picture would be difficult.


identification no210312sn1: No photos visible now.
Kindly help in Identification>
I think it is Themeda triandra.
here is a old photo link
Kindly confirm>
Photo taken at Mulshi, Pune.

Please check species of Themeda of Poaceae family

Updated on December 24, 2024

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