Theobroma cacao

Theobroma cacao L., Sp. Pl. 782 1753. (Syn: Cacao minar Gaertn.; Cacao minus Gaertn.; Cacao sativa Aubl.; Cacao theobroma Tussac; Theobroma caribaea Sweet; Theobroma integerrima Stokes; Theobroma kalagua De Wild.; Theobroma leiocarpum Bernoulli; Theobroma pentagonum Bernoulli; Theobroma saltzmanniana Bernoulli; Theobroma sapidum Pittier; Theobroma sativa (Aubl.) Lign. & Le Bey; Theobroma sativum (Aubl.) Lign. & Bey ..);
Cocoa Tree, Cacao, Chocolate • Tamil: கக்கவோ kakkavo • Malayalam: കൊക്കോ kokkoo;
thee-OH-broh-muh or thee-oh-BROH-muh — food of the Gods
kah-KAY-oh — possibly from Nahuatl (Aztec language) cacahuatl, the name for the fruit
Native to: tropical Americas; cultivated elsewhere
The flowers are produced in clusters directly on the trunk and older branches; they are small, 1–2 cm (1/2–1 in) diameter, with pink calyx. Cacao flowers are pollinated by tiny flies, Forcipomyia midges in the order Diptera

The fruit is called a cacao pod and contains 20 to 60 seeds, usually called “beans”, embedded in a white pulp, which form the main ingredient for the CHOCOLATE!!
Each seed contains a significant amount of fat (40–50%) as cocoa butter. Their most noted active constituent is theobromine, a compound similar to caffeine.
The fruit is not used for manufacture of chocolates, but the seeds are fermented, dried and then sent to the manufacturers for the manufacture of chocolates. The fruits are cut open and the seeds are removed. You will find plenty of dried fruits which appear like coconut shell all over in these plantations. I must however admit, the fruit is very sweet and children are found eating it when ripe. Birds, squirrels and macaques too enjoy it.

TSPNOV2015-93-136: Images of Theobroma cacao (Malvaceae) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6)

It is my pleasure to share few images of Theobroma cacao (Malvaceae)

The Flowers of India lists it under Sterculiaceae….!? 

Ref:  FOI

Habit: Small tree. 

Habitat: Cultivated 

Sighting: Dakshina Kannada and Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 300 msl and 900 msl respectively 

Date: 25-10-2014 and 05-03-2015


27/04/2011/YRP/03/Cocoa flowers/Chethalayam, Wayanad.: a couple of pictures of Cocoa flowers and buds.

Is it Theobroma cacao or the cocoa tree as per eFI link:
/species/m—z/m/malvaceae/theobroma/theobroma-cacao ?

It is Theobroma cacao. I had sent the pictures of the leaves, trunk, fruits earlier. Shall try to add them here too.

Theobroma cacao:   Sharing few photographs of Cocoa.
Bot. name: Theobroma cacao
Family: Sterculiaceae
Location: Veer Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai
Date/Time: 21-01-2012/ 10:30AM, 17-12-2011/ 09:30AM
Plant Habit: Tree
Habitat: Garden

That is really great. Truly this should be the upload of the year.

… absolutely fantastic pictures of the flower. Never realized the flower looks like this when close.

Looks like both you and Nature were very patient with this beauty.

The exact clear top view is really awesome.


Flower of Theobroma cacao L.: Flower and fruit of Theobroma cacao L. of Malvaceae family from our farm.
It is cultivated in Kerala. Native to the South America.

Very nice pictures …


Theobroma cacao : Tender Fruits : Jijamata Udyan,Mumbai : 250913 : AK : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author.

Sharing pictures of tender fruits of Theobroma cacao taken on 24/8/13.


Malvaceae Fortnight :: Theobroma cacao :: Mumbai:: PKAJUL51: : : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)

Sharing few photographs of Cocoa.
Bot. name: Theobroma cacao
Family: Sterculiaceae
Location: Veer Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai
Date/Time: 21-01-2012/ 10:30AM, 17-12-2011/ 09:30AM
Plant Habit: Tree
Habitat: Garden

Thanks, …, for bring all these beauties to us.

010311 SSB1: Theobroma cacao or the cocoa tree
Location: Jeejamata Udhyan
Family: Sterculiaceae
Theobroma cacao genetics seem to show that the plant originated in the Amazon
The scientific name Theobroma means “food of the gods”.
The flowers are produced in clusters directly on the trunk and older branches; they are small, 1–2 cm (1/2–1 in) diameter, with pink calyx. Cacao flowers are pollinated by tiny flies, Forcipomyia midges in the order Diptera
The fruit is called a cacao pod and contains 20 to 60 seeds, usually called “beans”, embedded in a white pulp, which form the main ingredient for the CHOCOLATE!!
Each seed contains a significant amount of fat (40–50%) as cocoa butter. Their most noted active constituent is theobromine, a compound similar to caffeine.

– Actually difficult for me to guide you at the moment for location as i have been only once. Nevertheless i am trying. It was in the beginning itself, on the left side a little beyond the Prince of Wales statue where a Brownea was in full bloom and cocoa tree was just before that. In case you the book of TREES AND VEGETATION SURVEY OF VEERMATA JIJABAI BHOSALE UDYAN, compiled under guidance of Dr. Almeida for BMC then the reference would be plot no. 14.

– I can only add that there is one more Theobroma tree, the one more often seen – this  is located a little ahead of the straight path near the water coolers. Within the circle is another Brownea. This Theobroma used to have a dilapidated signage on it. Perhaps it will have a new marking and name on it now.

– The tree is cultivated on large scale in Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka for its fruits used for manufacture of chocolates.

– Correction .., The fruit is not used for manufacture of chocolates, but the seeds are fermented, dried and then sent to the manufacturers for the manufacture of chocolates. The fruits are cut open and the seeds are removed. You will find plenty of dried fruits which appear like coconut shell all over in these plantations. I must however admit, the fruit is very sweet and children are found eating it when ripe. Birds, squirrels and macaques too enjoy it.

Malvaceae week :: Theobroma cacao:  Theobroma cacao L.
thee-OH-broh-muh or thee-oh-BROH-muh — food of the Gods
kah-KAY-oh — possibly from Nahuatl (Aztec language) cacahuatl, the name for the fruit
[image: Kokoe]<>
May 9, 2008 at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai
commonly known as: cacao, chocolate, cocoa
Native to: tropical Americas; cultivated elsewhere
[image: Theobroma cacao]<>…
May 9, 2008 at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai
[image: Cacaueiro]<>…
Jan 20, 2008 at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai
more views:

Small flower on big trunk!! Nice one!!!!

Malvaceae week : Theobroma cacao (Coco plant): Malvaceae week : Theobroma cacao (Coco plant)
Observed in Kochi. Kerala in large numbers.

I think one coco plant is in Jijamata. My friend tried to show me the flowers. But i could not understand this beauty then. To be very frank like a lady instict i feel that the design should be given to the goldsmith to have beautiful earrings. Thanks for showing the close up. And again a surprise to have coco plant in Malvaceae

Again same answer pls see the link

Small correction to the common name. I think it should be cocoa plant.
Lovely photographs of the flowers. The plant exhibits cauliflory.

Yes “Cauliflory” An important character here. For those who don’t know… Flowers arising directly from the stem.


Malvaceae week 0905-9112011 UD 035 Theobroma cacao: Sorry 1 and 3 are the same… did not mean it…
the real number three is attached now:

Malvaceae week 0905 9112011 UD 035 Theobroma cacao: I had been watching and talking about this tree for many years, many paper prints and cellulosic negatives later finally got some digital pics… but then it had no fruit to speak of, only very pretty flowers and nice thick trunk… and flowers strewn on the floor of the NYBG conservatory…  these are from summer 0f 2008 when I had a digital contraption…
Family: Malvaceae
Subfamily:           Byttnerioideae
Tribe:                         Theobromateae
Genus:                           Theobroma L.
Species                       Theobroma cacao L.

If I find the fruit pics of this particular tree I’ll post them in this thread later….  Don’t know when…


Request Tree ID 41:   Can you follow the links for the pictures?

Ulsoor Road, Ulsoor, Bangalore

Theobroma cacao indeed …The cocoa or cacao tree. Seeds are used to make cocoa powder and chocolates.


28/03/2012/YRP/01/ Naoroz Estate, Wayanad.: Pictures of flowers of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao). Taken at my farm.
Theobroma cacao


flowers sprouting (cauliflory) even from a broken off branch… desire to live and survive even in the woody stem … l loved seeing this

We are all geared up for the Tree Walk in Rani Bagh on 25th Sunday… is the flower of Cacao…..we are going to have some intimate talk about how it gets pollinated by midges flies who help in create “Food of the God”…The Chocholates..

Theobroma cacao :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 01 MAY 18 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 4 images.

Dattaji Salvi Udyan  Thane

Date: May 1, 2018 … Altitude: about 11 m (36 feet) asl

Theobroma cacao  L.


Theobroma cacao L. : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)- around 350 kb each. 

Location: Hong Kong Park  
Date: 15 August 2018
Elevation: 200 ft.
Habit : Cultivated

yes. obviously, delicious bounty giver


Please identify this tree !!!!: Please identify this plant. Got this plant from a reputed nursery tagged as “Magnolia / Michelia ?”. Leaves are aprox. 10 inches long and 5 inches wide. Branches are dark brown. Hardy enough to grow in semi shade like a bushy shrub. Yet not bloomed . In spring it shades some brown leaves

To me, it doesn’t look like Michelia, nor Magnolia.
Please check it for Cananga odorata (?).

think … may be on the right tract…
does remind me of the ylang ylang trees…
… if you have a chance you could compare the leaves with a few of these trees in Cal hort garden, two are right in the left side of the driveway to the parking lot…

Thank you for making me sure. Its Cananga odorata as the sapling had a strong tap root and It was a seedling

Please check Theobroma cacao. In Cananga odorata the leaf margin is always wavy and

I think … is right … Theobroma cacao young leaves are usually read. Cananga has nearly lanceolate leaf.

… should be right. But the young leaves of Cananga are broader and not that wavy as per Plants are the strangest people
My correlation was also due to the name Michelia/Champaca ? given by the nursery man. I thought Cananga flowers are somewhat similar to that of MicheliaCacao is less likely to be mistaken for Michelia by a nursery person!
Anyway, the young leaf does look like that of Theobroma cacao, as suggested by …, except the more pointed leaf apex as in this link

Yes, it’s resembles



Updated on December 24, 2024