Theriophonum minutum

Theriophonum minutum (Willd.) Baill., Hist. Pl. 13: 457 1895. (syn: Arum crenatum Wight; Arum minutum Willd.; Theriophonum crenatum (Wight) Blume; Theriophonum kleinii Schott; Theriophonum wightii Schott; Theriophonum zeylanicum N.E.Br.; Typhonium crenatum (Wight) Schott; Typhonium minutum (Willd.) Schott);
Central & SE. India, Sri Lanka as per POWO;

Please identify this plant: 4 images- 1 high res.

I got this plant in
Place- Forsyth Lodge, Satpura, Hoshangabad, M.P.
Date: 26.08.2019
Date: 10.08.2020

Observation: I have seen this plant at our lodge in August twice at same place. Flower stays only for couple of days. Did not manage to get the smell of the flower.

Check with Theriophonum sp.,

Theriophonum minutum

Thank you for the identification. It looks very close to it. If this year I will get some good image of different parts of the plant then I will share with you.

This could be Theriophonum minutum (Willd.) Baill. 
However, the leaves show some variation which is common in other species of this genus.

Need to see the floral region and the neuters to confirm this 

Be aware Theriophonum minutum can be very variable in leaf, from trilobed to extremely hastate like the plant you show. In the revision of Theriophonum by Sivadasan and Nicholson it has been reported from Hoshangabad near Kesla, Banglapore. It would help for further identification if a spathe is cut open to reveal the inner parts.




References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  IPNI  GBIF (High resolution specimens) Flora of Eastern Ghats  Wikimedia Commons image  FRLHT  dineshkhedkar

Updated on December 23, 2024

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