Thesium himalense

Thesium himalense Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 322 1839. (syn: Linosyris himalensis (Royle) Kuntze; Thesium himalense var. pachyrhizum (DC.) Hook.fil.; Thesium indicum Hendrych; Thesium multicaule Hook.fil. & Thoms. ex A.DC.; Thesium pachyrhizum A.DC.) as per Catalogue of Life;

China (Sichuan, Yunnan), India (Himachal Pradesh), Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim,
Nepal, Afghanistan (Wakhan), ?Pakistan, Pakistani Kashmir (Baltistan)
 as per Catalogue of Life;

Common name: Himalayan Thesium, Himalayan Toadflax

Thesium himalense Royle (Santalaceae) is a semiparasitic herb seen frequently on grassy slopes in Badrinath area (3000-3300m).
Photographed in June 2015.
The genus is yet not represented in eFI and need a separate page after this post.

Thanks, …, for unique uploads.

Thanks for showing. The long pedicels and large bracts are reminiscent of Thesium hookeri.  Both the species might be closely related.




Thesium himalense submission : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)

Thesium himalense
Himalayan Thesium
Family – Santalaceae
Habitat – Growing in open grass dominated slopes mainly with Imperata cylindrica, Origanum vulgare, Artemisia japonica etc.
Elevation – 1500m a.s.l.
Photographed at Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh


Plants of the Punjab By Charles James Bamber  Forest Plants of Eastern India By Amal Bhusan Chaudhuri (1993)
Updated on December 24, 2024