Thunbergia alata

Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims, Bot. Mag. 52: t. 2591. 1825;
Black-eyed Susan vine, swartoognooi, isiPhondo;

Requesting Species Id DKV 020111-1:
Location Mhow, Dist Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India


Thunbergia alata:
Thunbergia alata in our college campus.

Indeed .., Yellow eyed Susan Vine

its actually called BLACK eyed susan VINE… ( AND A FEW OTHER FLOWERS ARE ALSO CALLED BLACK EYED SUSAN FLOWERS .. a daisy with black center comes to mind: Rudbeckia hirta… considered a weed in most NE states…it came east along with seeds for clover from the western US states…  but that’s another story… )
I am not sure if I have heard the name Yellow eyed susan..

Acanthaceae Week: Thunbergia alata from California:
Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims, Bot. Mag. 52: t. 2591 1825.
syn: Endomelas alata (Bojer ex Sims) Raf.; Thunbergia cordifolia Nees.
Common Name: Black-eyed susan vine
It is interesting to note Thunbergia grandiflora Roxb. is considered as synonym of this species in the Kew Plant List based on TROPICOS source. Interestingly this conclusion is base on a paper Schonenberger, J. 1999. Floral structure, development and diversity in Thunbergia (Acanthaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 130: 1–36., in which T. erecta is perhaps also considered as synonym of this species, but Plant List treats it as an accepted name.
I request any colleague who has online access to this journal to kindly help in getting this important paper.
Plant was photographed from California in 2010, plant climbing on fence

Acanthaceae Week: Thunbergia alata – Black-Eyed Susan Vine from Bengaluru:
Acanthaceae Week: Thunbergia alataBlack-Eyed Susan Vine  from Bengaluru
Introduced Climber
Date: 26 Nov 2005

Thunbergia alata (Acanthaceae ) – Flora Of Madhya Pradesh:
Photographed dis Thunbergia alata / Black-Eyed Susan Vine ( Acanthaceae ) at a temple at Betul, MP, on 12.12.11.
It was covering a large area beautifully.
Found interesting information abt this beautiful creeper here-

Yes Thunbergia alata.
I like the drastic contrast between the black eye in the centre surrounded by spreading yellow corolla.

Its very popular with nursery men, atleast in the western world…
dont Indian nursey men grow and sell it?


Sharing the images of Thunbergia alata:
Sharing the images of Thunbergia alata from NBNP, Anaikatti, Coimbatore.

yes thunbergia alata,, but the flowers are always with dark spot in the center, last photo doesnt show that character..??

Do you have any clue what the last plant could be? Its quite unusual to see T. alata without the black eye.

but whats in pic num 3?


Plant for Identification from Pune:
Please help me in identifying this potted plant. It is a creeper. It was observed in a housing society in Pashan area.

Yes Thunbergia alata.


ID : Climber from Guwahati.:
Date :29/09/2012
Location: Maligaon, 1 No. Gate, Guwahati-11 [Dist- Kamrup(Metro)]
Habitat: Found growing in the garden
Flower : Large, Yellow in colour
Habit : Climber
Fruits : not seen

Looks like Thunbergia alata


Pachmarhi about 3600 feet ft asl
Date / Time: 18 SEP 13 at 08:14 AM Altitude: about 3552 ft asl
Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims … (family: Acanthaceae; also placed in: Thunbergiaceae)
Black-eyed Susan vine, native of Eastern Africa

Acanthaceae Fortnight::Thunbergia alata::NSJ-10 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Thunbergia alata (Black eyed susan vine) from Satara. 

Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Thunbergia alata :: Lalbagh :: ARKMAR-16/28 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attached is a picture of Thunbergia alata captured at Lalbagh in November 2013.

Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Thunbergia alata :: Pune :: ARKMAR-17/29 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Attached are pictures of Thunbergia alata captured at Pune in December 2012.

since you took both 16 and 17  serial numbers…
tell me was the color of the flowers really that much faded in 17? compared to 16?
nice pictures but the color sort of looks like a variant if not the problem of the digital color rendering

The flowers in this post were growing wild in a vacant plat adjoining a residential bungalow colony in the heart of Pune and they were captured in the evening…

The flower in my other post was growing wild in Lalbagh, Bengaluru and was clicked early in the morning….therefore they were posted in 2 different posts.
Does the timing affect the colour, does the colour pale/fade towards evening?


Acanthaceae Fortnight: Thunbergia alata ‘Pure White’ from California-GSMAR35/36 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Thunbergia alata ‘Pure White’ photographed from California

I heard of a white variety but never seen it
so nice to see it
so, so far i have seen and photographed and sometimes grown … yellow, mustard, orange , pink tinged …
and now this white from you …
I would like to make a poster … could you please send me a couple of higher quality pictures of this white? .
… had showed a very pale yellow a couple of days ago…


Acanthaceae Fortnight: Thunbergia alata from California-GSMAR34/35 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims, Bot. Mag. 52: t. 2591 1825.
syn: Endomelas alata (Bojer ex Sims) Raf.; Thunbergia cordifolia Nees.
Common Name: Black-eyed susan vine
Photographed from California 


Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims
in Pachmarhi town on September 18, 2013

Common name Black-Eyed Susan.

Fwd: THUNBERGIA ALATA : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Thunbergia alata (BLACK EYED SUSAN).

in Aundh area Pune- Jan.’09?; at Kodai- Feb.’09?; Tadoba, Pench & Melghat Tiger- Sept.’09?; Gende Hosalli, Karnataka-11-11-09;UNID from Kodai – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Thunbergia alata :: Vythiri, Wayanad :: 15 NOV 19 :  8 posts by 4 authors. 3 images.
Vythiri  Wayanad
Date: November 15, 2019 … Altitude: about 700 m (2,300 ft) asl
Thunbergia alata  Bojer ex Sims

yes. an Indian vine appropriated by the tropical nurseries all over the world as their own. grown right it can be prolific

Thanks … I always thought it is an exotic. Most of the sites say that it is native of eastern Africa.

seed packets in usa even forty years ago used to say its Indian. i was not reading botany papers then. last i bought seeds was about ten years ago. have not had the energy recently. now CABI says its a weed of concern worldwide. think of it. even 30-40 years ago a seed packet of 10 seeds used to cost 2 to 3 dollars. because they said it was exotic, from India. now its a weed of concern!!!
yes you are right its native of Africa per CABI

Now , this species is one more example of one popular name applied to more than one plant / flower …
in this case “Black Eyed Susan” is also shared by Rudbeckia hirta.



Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims : 9 posts by 2 authors. 7 images- 4 to 7 mb each.
Location: Kalimpong, WB, India
Date:  27  November 2019 
Elevation: 1350m.
Habitat: Cultivated

Common name:  Black-Eyed SusanA garden vine in Mysore 


201 ID wild plant Thunbergia: 15 images.

Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 28.10.2021, 04.25pm
Habitat: wild moisture
Plant habit: creeping/climbing, branches, slender weak stem 02.5mm diameter, hairy, annual
Height: 20cm if creeping
Leaves: opposite, heart shaped, hairy, winged petioles, wavy margins, size:08×5cm
Flower: bracts, diameter:03.5cm, orange, non fragrant
Fruit: capsule, ovate, green into brown, velvety, cylindrical crown, size:10×0.7×10mm
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s

Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims

Yes, it is …, thank you very much for ID my plant,

Yes. … ID is correct. It is a cultivated ornamental species commonly known as ‘Black eyed Susan‘.

Sharing more information and seed image.
Seed: black, 02 nos., globular, diameter: 03.5 mm

Yes T. alata
Here is my post from California
Acanthaceae Week: Thunbergia alata from California (

Thunbergia alata : White Flowers : Nasik : 06JAN22 : AK – 07: 2 images.
White flowered Thunbergia alata seen at the same nursery.
What would be the correct botanical name, please?
The same as your Thunbergia alata ‘Pure White’ from California?


Regarding identification of the species collected from Rayagada odisha on December 2023 white flower: 6 very high res. images.

Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims

yes, Its Thunbergia alata


Id of a flower -ID08012024SH2: 1 high res. image.

Flower for Id pl.
Location – Ooty, Tamilnadu
Date – December 2023

Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims


Updated on December 24, 2024

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