Thunbergia coccinea

Thunbergia coccinea Wall., Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 120 120 1825 (Syn: Hexacentris coccinea (Wall.) Nees);
thun-BER-jee-uh — named after Carl Peter Thunberg, Swedish botanist … Dave’s Botanary • Wikipedia
kok-SIN-ee-uh — scarlet … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: scarlet clock vine • Adi: bising kiring, pakrega • Assamese: চুঙা লতা chung lota • Dogri: लाल गदा बेल laal gada bel, सूही बुर्ज़ बेल soohee burz bel • Hindi: लाल घड़ी लता laal ghadee lata • Kannada: ಇಂದ್ರಪುಷ್ಪ indrapushpa • Karbi: long-long • Mizo: fa-hrah-hrui • Nepali: कान्से kaanse, रातो काग चुच्चे rato kag chuchche, सिंगार्ने लहरा singarne lahara
Names compiled / updated at


Thunbergia from Shimla for ID-291210-1: 10 images.
A vine from Shimla Summer hill hotel’s Wall for id pls. My guess is Thunbergia  probably mysorensis.


Thunbergia mysorensis-RK:
Pic of climber taken on 16/01/11.

– Now called, Thunbergia coccinea.



Plant for id:
Have done the required for the file size of the images. Hope these will be more helpful.

has identified it as Thunbergia coccinea in the other thread.


Acanthaceae Week  Scarlet Clock Vine Thunbergia coccinea ,
Native Climber 9 Jan 2011
Wayanad, Kerala

I think not the first one, which is a perhaps Justicia lutea

Pls ignore the first attachment.

The photographs (2) and (3) look more like Thumbergia mysorensis. (Reference :

Does not look like Thumbergia mysorensis
the color is different and the lip anatomy is different…

Its thumbergia alright , BUT  not mysorensis… some other … or a vareital….???
I have been observing these flowers for last thirty – forty  years in various botanical gardens outside India… their colors and anatomy is a little different  than the picture above……
WHat would be helpful if some one has seen them and photographed them in the wild in the western ghats????

You are right, it can’t be T. mysorensis
But second and third photographs i think belong to T. coccinea, as suggested by ..

Attaching my pics of T. coccinia, taken at Manipur.


efloraindia: 051111 BRS131:

Pl. find the attached file contain photo of Thunbergia for sp. confirmation.
Location- NBNP Garden, Anaikatti, Coimbatore Dist.,
Date: 28.10.2011
Habitat: Garden
Habit: Climber



PENDANT FLOWERS……. 9th NOV 2011…….S.S……..066:
Cultivated climbing plant. Id please.

Date…. 18th April 2011. Morning.
Location- Place,…Dooars or Duars region is the foothills of the East Himalaya. WEST BENGAL.
Habitat….In the garden of Dam Dim Tea Estate
Plant Habit-….Climber
Height/Length-….6ft ish.
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-
Inflorescence….. Pendant
Flowers Size/ Colour.. see pic.


Pls ID-Cochin.121114RT.Nov-3 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Habitat-cultivated garden

It could be Thunbergia mysorensis.

I think it is Thunbergia coccinea

I agree with … id.

Acanthaceae Fortnight ::Thunbergia coccinea :: Mizoram ::: PKA-MAR87/87 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Thunbergia coccinea from Mizoram.



Acanthaceae Fortnight : Thunbergia coccinea : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 31MAR15 : AK-34 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
From Lalbagh, Bangalore


Requesting to please provide ID of the plant captured in a cultivated garden in Thane in March 2015.
Is this Thunbergia coccinea?

Yes sir, this is Thunbergia coccinea Wall. (Scarlet Thunbergia, Bengal Clock Vine)
A native of Himalayan region of India, also found in Myanmar and Malay.

Thunbergia coccinea Wall. (accepted name) : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Location: Kurintar,, Nepal
Date : 30 December, 2013
Altitude : 900 ft.
Nepali Names : रातो काग चुच्चे Raato Kaag Chuchche / सिंगार्ने लहरा SIngaarne Laharaa  / कान्से Kaanse


Location: Nagdaha, Lalitpur,  Nepal
Date : 17 December, 2013
Altitude : 4500 ft.
Attachments (2)


Here is the image of the 89th member of the series. In this image a male of a Yellow backed Sunbird is on the flowers of Thunbergia mysorensis.

Nice photograph Colonel ! Presume you mean the Crimson Sunbird. Its counterpart around Bombay is the Vigor’s Sunbird.

Closer to images at Thunbergia coccinea rather than those at Thunbergia mysorensis as per your another thread.


Attaching the image of the 96th member of the series. In this a Redvented Bulbul is on the flower of Thunbergia mysorensis.

Closer to images at Thunbergia coccinea rather than those at Thunbergia mysorensis as per your another thread.


Attaching the image of the 104th member of the series. In this male of a Purple sunbird is on the flower of Thunbergia mysorensis.

Closer to images at Thunbergia coccinea rather than those at Thunbergia mysorensis as per your another thread.


SYMBIOSIS : 487 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.
Attaching an image of a Redvented Bulbul on the flowers of Thunbergia mysorensis.

Closer to images at Thunbergia coccinea rather than those at Thunbergia mysorensis as per your another thread.

This is in response to your observation on my symbiosis series involving Thunbergia mysorensis.
The images I uploaded conform to figure no-71 (Thunbergia mysorensis) given in Some Beautiful Indian Climbers and Shrubs of India by N L Bor and M B Raizada (B N H S publication). In the same book figure-71 is of Thunbergia coccinea, and the flowers are altogether different.

SYMBIOSIS : 494 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.
Attaching an image of Purple Sun-bird (Male), on the flowers of Thunbergia mysorensis.

Closer to images at Thunbergia coccinea rather than those at Thunbergia mysorensis as per your another thread.

SYMBIOSIS : 497 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.
Attaching an image of a Scarlet Sun-bird (female) on the flowers of Thunbergia mysorensis.

Closer to images at Thunbergia coccinea rather than those at Thunbergia mysorensis as per your another thread.

SYMBIOSIS : 885 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
attaching a collage of Purple Sun Bird (male), visiting flowers of Thunbergia mysorensis.

Closer to images at Thunbergia coccinea rather than those at Thunbergia mysorensis as per your another thread.

Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 970 : Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Scarlet Sun Bird (juvenile) visiting flowers of Thunbergia mysorensis.

Closer to images at Thunbergia coccinea rather than those at Thunbergia mysorensis as per your another thread.

Refer Some Beautiful Climbers and Shrubs of India by Bor and Raizada (B N H S pulication).

You are right in pointing out that the flower is of Thunbergia coccinea, not of Thunbergia mysorensis..
I stand corrected. In all my previous uploads (symbiosis- 89, 104, 494, 885, 970, 1048) the flower is of Thunbergia coccinea.

Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 1048 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Jungle Myna visiting flowers of Thunbergia mysorensis.

Fwd: IMAGES OF THUNBERGIA MYSORENSIS : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Attaching four images of Thunbergia mysorensis as desired by you. This town had many houses with this climber having graceful and colourful drooping flowers. I have recorded sun birds, chloropsis, bulbuls, blue throated barbet visiting this flower. But due to change of landscape the number of plants are very few and I find nimber of bird visitors are very low.

Closer to images at Thunbergia coccinea rather than those at Thunbergia mysorensis

Thunbergia mysorensis has got more yellowish flower!

I am still with Thunbergia mysorensis.
Figure-71 and Figure -72 of Some Beautiful Indian Climbers and Shrubs by N L Bor and M B Raizada (B N H S publication) refers.

Re: Thunbergia coccinea Wall. ?? : 2 posts by 2 authors. 1 image.
Location: Bandipur, Tanahu, Nepal
Date: 7 October 2018
Elevation: 3300 ft.
Habit : Cultivated


via Species‎ > ‎T‎ > Thunbergia coccinea Wall. … family: Acanthaceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
thun-BER-jee-uh — named after Carl Peter Thunberg, 19th century Swedish botanistDave’s Botanary
kok-SIN-ee-uh — scarletDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: scarlet clock vineAssamese: চুঙা লতা chunga lataNepali: कान्से kaanse, रातो काग चुच्चे rato kag chuchche, सिंगार्ने लहरा singarne lahara
botanical names: Thunbergia coccinea Wall. … synonyms: Hexacentris coccinea (Wallich) Nees. … Flora of China
February 23, 2019 … Dattaji Salvi Udyan, Thane

i am sure you submiited a lot of these plants pictures but i cant find them

…, this one I have not yet. I found it recently in a municipal garden in my city. Let me add them in a separate post.

thun-BER-jee-uh — named after Carl Peter Thunberg, Swedish botanist … Dave’s Botanary • Wikipedia
kok-SIN-ee-uh — scarlet … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: scarlet clock vine • Adi: bising kiring, pakrega • Assamese: চুঙা লতা chung lota • Dogri: लाल गदा बेल laal gada bel, सूही बुर्ज़ बेल soohee burz bel • Hindi: लाल घड़ी लता laal ghadee lata • Kannada: ಇಂದ್ರಪುಷ್ಪ indrapushpa • Karbi: long-long • Mizo: fa-hrah-hrui • Nepali: कान्से kaanse, रातो काग चुच्चे rato kag chuchche, सिंगार्ने लहरा singarne lahara

botanical namesThunbergia coccinea Wall. ex D.Don … homotypic synonymsHexacentris coccinea (Wall.) Nees … heterotypic synonymsFlemingia coccinea Buch.-Ham. ex Nees … more at POWO, retrieved 04 November 2024

Bibliography / etymology
Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will. The bits about the languages of India mentioned below are merely some bare facts gathered from the internet; just enough to satisfy curiosity about “where” could the listed names be best prevalent in India. All English transliterated names to be taken sensu amplo.

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
written and spoken widely, in most parts of India
scarlet clock vine
~~~~~ ADI ~~~~~
written in: Latin … spoken in: Arunachal Pradesh
bising kiring, pakrega
~~~~~ AHOM ~~~~~
written in: Ahom … mainly used by priests and scholars for religious and educational purposes; spoken in: erstwhile Ahom kingdom (some part in present day Assam) … other names for this language: Tai-Ahom
  • Ethnobotanyofnortheastindia (2020 onwards). Database of names of useful plants of north-east India – developed by the members of ethnobotanyofnortheastindia Google-site … Accessed on 04 November 2024
  • nilkantha = blue-throated; refers to the colour of the flower tube which in fact is red to orange; this name is in all probability erroneously listed in the source article / publication; therefore refraining from compiling this name
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
written in: Assamese (অসমীয়া) … spoken in: Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya
চুঙা লতা chung lota
  • Many thanks to Monoj Nath for help with this name … facebook
  • Flora of Assam Vol III by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, A Das, R N De
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (डोगरी) … spoken in: Jammu & Kashmir … spoken by the Dogras
लाल गदा बेल laal gada bel, सूही बुर्ज़ बेल soohee burz bel
  • Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for coining these names … facebook
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (हिन्दी) … spoken in: DelhiUttar PradeshBiharChhattisgarhHaryanaJharkhandMadhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand
लाल घड़ी लता laal ghadee lata
  • Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for coining this name … facebook
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
written in: Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) … spoken in: Karnataka
ಇಂದ್ರಪುಷ್ಪ indrapushpa
~~~~~ KARBI ~~~~~
written in: Roman … spoken in: Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland … other names for this language: Mikir or Arleng
~~~~~ MIZO ~~~~~
written in: Latin, Bengali-Assamese … spoken in: Mizoram … other names for this language: Lushai, Duhlian
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (नेपाली) … spoken in: NepalWest BengalAssamSikkim
कान्से kaanse, रातो काग चुच्चे rato kag chuchche, सिंगार्ने लहरा singarne lahara
  • Many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for help with these names … efloraofindia
Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Uttarakhand, West Bengal; elsewhere found cultivated in India as ornamental
~~~~~ Created on: 20:03 04-11-2024 ¦ Last updated: 09:43 06-11-2024 ~~~~~

Thunbergia coccinea :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 23 FEB 19 & 23 DEC 18 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 8 images.
Dattaji Salvi Udyan  Thane
Date: various … Altitude: about 11 m (36 feet) asl
Thunbergia coccinea Wall. … family: Acanthaceae
February 23, 2019
December 23, 2018


Large Creeper @ Uttarakhand, Id Please : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5) 

January 23, 2020
The plant had a very long inflorescence and the plant itself was large 8-10 feet.
Leaves, flower and bud as seen.

Thunbergia coccinea !

I too agree with … for kind


North Bengal Flowers – ID Request 1 – 13May09-SJ : Attachments (3). 17 posts by 7 authors.
this has become a very exciting and meaningful way to start my day!
Would very much appreciate the usual fantastic help from this group. This garden shrub/flower was growing in the grounds of Tia Bon, Chapramari. Sorry about the blurryness of the photo of the flower.

Tia Bon in Chapramari does not ring a bell ! Im at the forest bunglow quite frequently for birding. How far is TIA BON?

… hey …, I see it as a tree … and it reminds me of Barringtonia acutangula tree which has similar pendant inflorescence … however here the flowers look relatively slightly larger. I may be off-track.

thank you for response. I googled Barringtonia acutangula and find the flowers very different from the ones in my photo though the leaves roughly look the same to my lay eyes.
I would be interested to know what distinguishes a shrub from a tree. I believe there is continuing debate on this.

please set aside B. acutangula; ignore it … I vaguely associated it to your plant. About shrub and tree, each has technical defintions, yet there are some plants which can be best called as a large shrub OR a small tree. And on the lighter side, I remember our friend … quote, gist of which is: if you can climb the plant you may call it a tree !!!

just quriosity.
are the hanging flowers of the same plant or is there any creeper gone up?
because the flowers appear from a pap family.

the flowers were hanging from the tree – not a separate creeper.

I think … is the spiffiest distinction I have heard! One cannot dispute it and it makes eminent common sense.

if so it will be real treat to see such galands hanging from the plant
i use to feel it is seen only in our hindi movies

the hanging inflorescence and the tree in the picture are two diff species. The flowers that i see in the picture belong to a species of Thunbergia. I am not sure what the tree is, may be some species of Ficus

I was just trying to recollect this and as … pointed out this could be some “Thunbergia sp”. This could be “Thunbergia coccinea ” which i found dominant in NE region.

I looked at Thunbergia coccinea – it is described as a woody climber, but mine was a tree/shrub – unless for lack of climbing space, the stems got concentrated to a thick bark. Is that possible?
The flowers of Thungergia bauhinia look similar to my photo – both in colour and structure.
Would welcome any other ideas/suggestions.

The photo sent by you is a real puzzle to me. I would like to see such plant once. When did you take the photo.? You state it is a Garden plant. In Chapramari, in the protected zone (In the National Park ), where could you find the ‘Garden Plant’? Where is Bon Tia? My enquiry is only directed to see the plant once myself.

It would really be nice if you can take a look at this plant. It is entirely possible that I was totally unobservant and the flowers are of a separate creeper and not of the tree.
For Tia Bon drive eastwards from Mal Bazar to Chalsa (10km) and then at the Chalsa Mor drive 2kms towards Lataguri and Tia Bon is on your left. Lataguri is another 20km where we have to go to buy tickets to get into Gorumara park etc.
Eagerly awaiting your confirmation whenever you are able to visit.


In one of my reply i mentioned about “Thunbergia coccinea“. Do have a look at these 2 photos. I photographed it at Mizoram. 

The flowers certainly look similar though less dense than in your photos. I had responded to your email as under. It seems more certain now that I am mistaken about the flowers belonging to the tree in my photo, rather than a separate creeper.
A final confirmation would be very welcome – and of course it would be great if … is able to visit Tia Bon to confirm.

Where on earth did you find Thunbergia bauhinia species?
This is only Thunbergia coccinea !


Thunbergia coccinea for validation: 4 high res. images.
Request for validation of Thunbergia coccinea cultivated in hanging pot in Bilaspur. Photographed in January, 2023.

Yes !

Yes from me also. It is very common here. It is seen here on this road where my house is located.

Yes, as per images at




Updated on December 24, 2024

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