Thunbergia species




design on leaves: This RaanJaai creeper in my garden. I have noted that there appears some design on the leaves and was wondering what is it due to ? I have also posted the picture of its flower. It has no fragrance. The creeper grows very rapidly.

Looks like damage by leaf mining insects. The vast majority of leaf-mining insects are moths (Lepidoptera), sawflies (Symphyta) and flies (Diptera), though some beetles and wasps also exhibit this behavior.

Yes, some insects cause such markings on leaves of plants. Though I have no idea which insect causes it.

There is a larva inside below the epidermal layer eating while moving and making tunnels :).
Never saw it coming out.

There is an insect larvae living below epidermis and it travels inside eating and making tunnels :P… Those lines are actually its path.

Flowers look like Thunbergia fragrans and as it is scentless, so it matches with sweet clock vine but leaves look different. So m nt so sure.

the Larvae of Agromyzidae, also known as leaf-miner flies (minierfliege in german) is responsible for making these “designs”.
I have a few fotos of some beautiful designs, will upload, when i have more time. I normally pluck the leaves and burn them or throw them away, not on kompost.
Till then watch some here:

After going through the links I understood that these larvae live a protected life within the tissues of the leaf and also at the following that
The precise pattern formed by the feeding tunnel is very often diagnostic for which kind of insect is responsible, sometimes even to genus level. Interesting how Nature is!!

Fwd: Plant to identify : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 4 mb. 
I saw your email as a help to identify plant by photo. 
Please see the attached photos and let me know the names of these plants. 

Thunbergia sp.

No doubt it’s Thunbergia sapling. Mostly T.grandiflora

Updated on December 24, 2024

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