Crassula schimperi

Perennial herb with opposite, sessile leaves, linear-lanceolate, connate at base; flowers minute, in axillary cymes, 1-3-flowered in leaf axils; sepals 2-3 mm long; petals free,slightly shorter than sepals; stamens 4-5, adnate to petals; follicles 4-5, 1 mm long with two minute seeds.


Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight: Crassulaceae- Tillaea schimperi from Chakrata-GSDEC41 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Tillaea schimperi (C. A. Mey.) M. G. Gilbert, H. Ohba & K. T. Fu in Novon. 10: 366. 2000

syn: T. pentandra Royle & Edgew.
Perennial herb with opposite, sessile leaves, linear-lanceolate, connate at base; flowers minute, in axillary cymes, 1-3-flowered in leaf axils; sepals 2-3 mm long; petals free,slightly shorter than sepals; stamens 4-5, adnate to petals; follicles 4-5, 1 mm long with two minute seeds.
Photographed from Chakrata Budher Caves Road. 

This is very interesting…thanks a lot Sir, I have to see my collection..

25062014GS2 a herb for ID from Chakrata-GSJUN07 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1).
Kindly help in the ID of this small herb (Sedum?) photographed near Budher caves in Chakrata in September, 2011

Finally identified as Tillaea schimperi (C. A. Mey.) M. G. Gilbert.  (syn: Crassula pentandra) by … on Indian Flora Facebook Group.
This confirms 


Crassula schimperi Fisch. & C.A.Mey.: 2 very high res. images.

Location: Kalikot, West Nepal
Altitude: 1696m.
Date: 15 August 2021
Habit : Wild


Crassula schimperi Fisch. & C.A.Mey.: 1 very high res. image.

Location: Jumla, West Nepal
Altitude: 2500 m.
Habit : Wild
Date: 25 August 2021

Crassula schimperi Fisch. & C.A.Mey.: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Kalikot, West Nepal
Altitude: 1696m.
Date: 15 August 2021
Habit : Wild

I am bit reluctant to call this a succulent… looks more of a hydrophyte plant, was recorded from near VOF entry from a wet place..
As this is still unidentified, please suggest if this can be included this fortnight..

The plant seems to be Crassula aquatica also with nomenclature change as Tillaea aquitica

Thanks for introducing me to another unknown. In one way the flowers seem to be sessile or almost so, indicating Tillaea schimperi, on the other hand leaf apex seem to be extended into a pale bristle, suggesting T. alata.
I do not know if T. aquatica is found in India or not.

efi page on Tillaea schimperi

Yes this is Tillaea (Crassula) aquaticait is a problem invasive species here in the UK and used to be planted as an ornamental.  It is no longer sold!

Thank you all very much for introducing me to a new genus.

I think this is close to images at Crassula schimperi
Crassula aquatica does not have distribution in India as per POWO and BSI Flora of India.

I guess you are right



The Plant List Ver.1.1  Flora of China  FOC illustration  FOP illustration  Flora of Pakistan India Biodiversity Portal  

Updated on December 24, 2024

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