Timonius finlaysonianus

Timonius finlaysonianus (Wall. ex G.Don) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 3: 127 1880. (syn: Guettarda finlaysoniana Wall. ex G.Don; Polyphragmon compressicaule Miq.; Polyphragmon compressicaule var. floribunda Miq.; Timonius compressicaulis (Miq.) Boerl.; Timonius jambosella var. finlaysoniana (Wall. ex G.Don) King & Gamble);
Andaman & Nicobar Islands as per BSI Flora of India Checklist;
W. & Central Malesia: Borneo, Jawa, Malaya, Philippines, Sumatera as per POWO;

Shrub from Teressa Island ID…: 4 high res. images.
In Feb 2018 I have collected this plant, small much branched approx. 1.5-2 m height.
Photos attached for Identification. Need ID help.

Flowers have a resemblance to Morinda flowers. But need to identify the species whether it is Morinda or closely related species or otherwise.

I guess it is close to Morinda citrifolia L. !

The fruit doesn’t look like a Morinda sp.
It might be a species of Timonius (Rubiaceae)

Timonius flavescens (Jacq.) Baker ??

Well, my guess is Timonius finlaysonianus (Wall. ex G.Don) Hook.f.  or  Timonius jambosella Thwaites var. finlaysoniana (Wall. ex G.Don) King and Gamble, going on leaf and shape of calyx.
Timonius finlaysonianus is supposed to be a widespread species. The genus Timonius “is considered as one of the highly diverse genera of Rubiaceae”
I have never seen this plant so your guess is as good as mine!

Does it have distribution in Andaman/Nicobar ??

I agree with … Though distribution is not shown, it is highly probable to be reported from there as per distribution in the map given in POWO.
It also appears close as per images at Phytoimagesonlinelibrary and Florafaunaweb
Leaf apex looks different from images and specimens at GBIF and POWO.




POWO BSI Flora of India Checklist  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  IPNI  GBIF (High resolution specimens) IBIS Flora (Flora of British India)  Phytoimages  onlinelibrary  Florafaunaweb

Updated on December 23, 2024