J.M.Garg ‘The Monk who sold his Ferrari’- A begining for Indiantreepix: I hardly read any books. But this book ‘The Monk who sold his Ferrari’ by Robin S Sharma, was offered to me by my daughter & she asked me to read it. It took me about a month to complete it. But it certainly inspired me & I started this group on 18/6/07. Now I know how true it was! Today ‘Indiantreepix’ is completing two years. I no longer find myself alone. Whether I am there or not, good work goes on. My sincere thanks to all the members, particularly members who are giving their valuable time for a worthy cause. There is nothing above the selfless service for the benefit of others & that’s what ultimately remains, when one is gone. There are so many members on this group, who are giving such selfless service. My hats off to them!!! … noble thoughts … I have come to understand they alone are the best for health and peace of mind.. (Dinesh Valke- 17.6.09) Congratulations ! Garg Ji On having been able to inspire a generation of nature lovers. (Rakesh- 17.6.09) I marvel at your coversion of inspiration into action – in an area that is so fascinating and uplifting that only Nature can be. I personally thank all members too and echoe Garg-ji’s sentiments. (Sushmita- 17.6.09) Your initiative & your service to the indiantreepix community has certainly paid off.I marvel at the amount of effort that goes into maintaining this site. It’s wonderful to have people like you around. (Ranjini Kamath- 17.6.09) Profound thanks to you for starting something which is so educative and interactive and gives so much joy to so many plant lovers everywhere. I have learnt so much since I joined this group and have had immense pleasure in identifying trees and creepers from my childhood as well as those seen around town now. (Padmini Raghavan- 17.6.09) It is indeed a great job to bring people together and make them contribute………which is done by you. (Dr. Satish Phadke- 17.6.09) Thanks for the history of your inspiration. I always like hearing how others found their calling to do good things. Keep up the good work. (Ken Greby- 18.6.09) The database that u have created is the unique feature of this group. It is a huge job indeed. (Shubhada Nikharge- 18.6.09) Hats off for your commendable work to put the indiantreepix at the top of all the groups. (N.S.Dungriyal IFS- 19.6.09) We are getting comprehensive taxonomy info and also pixs which are a great help in ID. Not to forget many snippets of odd facts, not neccesarily scientific in nature and links to sites for more info. On the whole a widely encompassing ” encyclopedia “!! (Mahendra Prasad- 7.8.09) You are the foundation–back bone of the indian treepix. I remember some years back,i used to advise you regarding some flowers from Himalayas and now look at you – you have achieved the Himalayan heights in your knowledge in all the fields Always there to help and guide and find the ID’s. (Bindu Kapadia- 7.8.09) Gurcharan Singh (Dr.) He was actively involved in taxonomic research between 1969 and 1985 having contributions on flora of Kashmir valley and Ladakh, including his book ‘Forest Flora of Srinagar…. ‘published in 1976. After migrating to Delhi and involved in active teaching he continued his taxonomic pursuits by being involved with technical editing of English translations of different Volumes of Flora of USSR, Flora of Siberia and Plants of Central Asia published by Amerind Publishers and subsequently Oxford & IBH. During last decade he has published book “Plant Systematics” international edition published by Science publishers, USA in 1999 (enlarged international edition “Plant Systematics, an integrated approach” in 2004; Revised third edition was published in 2010 For Indian Undergraduate and Postgraduate students there is Indian edition “Plant Systematics, Theory and Practice” published by Oxford & IBH Co., the two editions having come in 1999 and 2004. For last few months he is having a re-look at the Flora of Delhi, and came to realise that perhaps a lot needs to be done. Within last few months he has already discovered many new records for the area including Mecardania procumbens, Evolvulus nummularius, Heliotropium crassifolium, Scoparia dulcis, Hydrocotyle triradiata, Soliva antherifolia, Euphorbia cyathophora Dr. Gurcharan Singh ji’s expertise & deep involvement with the group, along with other Moderators, has already given a big boost to ‘Indiantreepix’. (J.M.Garg- 14.9.09) A Chinese translation of his book has been published some times back. (29.11.09) It’s our honour to have you among us. This is a great success both for you and for plant taxonomy. People like you can invigorate the dying interest in this natural science and your knowledge can surely guide us to a better and well identified world of plants. (Alok Goyal- 3.12.09) Third International 2010 Edition of his Book Plant “Systematics An Integrated Approach” published by Science Publishers USA has been just released. It has more than 200 additional pages than second edition, new chapters on Families of Pteridophytes and Families of Gymnosperms, 500 colour photographs, and 700 high resolution pictures on included CD-ROM. Indian edition will have to wait for 8-10 months. (15.12.09) I had my master’s degree taxonomy education with your book only. (Muthu Karthik- 15.12.09) The International version of his book “Plant Systematics An Integrated Approach” , 2004, which was originally heavily priced and not easily available in India (to promote Indian version Plant Systematics, Theory and Practice) is now available on the net: http://books.google.co.in/books?id=In_Lv8iMt24C&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false The Third 2010 edition is, however, greatly enlarged from this edition. (7.8.10) Am very much proud to read your book, for which I learnt most of the technical terms, nomenclature and taxonomy from your book during my Bachelors and also in my Masters. Happy to see the international version of 2004 On-Line. Your contributions to students like me are really fruitful. (Muthu Karthik- 7.8.10) I am one of those who greatly benefited from your book during the initial stages of my PhD. Now I am glad to see that is available online for the benefit of many. Anyway, I wish to get my hands on the updated version of the book. (Sid- 9.8.10) Tanay Bose Tanay Bose seems to show a lot of promise. I sometimes wonder at his great knowledge at such a young age. Things have really moved fast since he joined us. At the same time he is ready to spread and share his knowledge which is not so commonly observed. His some particulars are given below: “He has completed his M.Sc in Botany last year from Presidency College, Kolkata under University of Calcutta and secured a Gold Medal. In the month of August 2010 he will be moving down to University of British Columbia, Vancouver [Canada] to complete his M.Phil and PhD in “Molecular Evolution of Plant Parasitic Basidiomycetes (Fungi)”.” (J.M.Garg- 11.3.10) He has intense knowledge in plant taxonomy and his active participation in our group promises growth and many people are getting benefited. I really appreciate him. (Muthu Karthik- 11.3.10) Tanay Bose from Kolkata achieved a memorable feat of 600 messages in a single month, taking himself in overall top 10 posters on the group & taking tally of total messages on this group to a record high of 2799 nos. in March’2010. Oh! What a man! (J.M.Garg- 1.4.10) Tanay is Great, and has already won hearts of many of us. He knows what is criticism and what constructive suggestions. I have found interactions with him most fascinating. (Gurcharan Singh – 1.4.10) Really you are a great source of inspiration for young botanists and especially taxonomists. (Balkar Arya- 3.4.10) Dinesh Valke ‘Transforming Indiantreepix’. When will ALL the flora and fauna of India get on internet?” i.e. what I think summarises ‘Dinesh Valke’. I was astonished to find his pictures everywhere on the net, where ever I looked. Later I found that hHe is trying to ensure this along with the task that most of the species find their common names in local languages & that too written in their Lipi/ alphabet. I remember he started taking interest in ‘Indiantreepix’ since Jan.’09- and it started the transformation of ‘Indiantreepix’. While we were averaging 600 messages per month, he took it to around 1200 messages per month. It was mainly due to his untiring efforts & involvement in the activities of ‘Indiantreepix’ to make possible all the unidentified species identified. What a marvellous job he is doing!!! I wish ‘Indiantreepix’ to be synonymous with ‘Dinesh Valke’ (J.M.Garg- 6.7.09) He is a valuable person who encourages, responds and keeps taking this group forward. (Padmanabhan Geetha- 6.7.09) I had few chances to roam around with Dinesh in Mumbai at several occasions. We explored, tracked and hiked to the mountains of SGNP, Tungareshwar & Chinchoti, Nagla. I am total dumb when it comes to do the flowering, which is of interest to me now a days. Frustrating, sarcasting and irritating questions is what I had put across to fellow known as Dinesh Valke. And Mr. Valke had always given me answers on non-technical way, which was in my understanding level. Bringing me close to wild flowering, I take liberty to say thanks to Dinesh, for brining me closer to WILD SAHYADRI. (Rajesh Sachdev- 6.7.09) Indiantreepix’ is synonymous with ‘Dinesh Valke’. After visiting Dinesh’s photostream on Flickr, one can not leave that page. Such a huge and quality work! His superb pics. and the efforts taken by him to give the meaning of the scientific names, their common names in local languages in their scripts ! Astonishing job indeed. (Shubhada Nikharge- 8.7.09) Pankaj Kumar (Dr.) I welcome our new member on-board ‘Indiantreepix’, who started identifying our orchids within few minutes of joining. He will certainly be a great asset for ‘Indiantreepix’ community in helping with Orchid Ids. He has already sent 31 replies within 12 hours of joining- I think a sort of record!!! Here are some details about him: He did his schooling in DAV JVM (Shyamali), Ranchi. He then received a Bachelor’s degree in Botany (Hons.) and Master’s degree in Botany (with specialization in Cytogenetics, Radiation Genetics and Plant Breeding), from Ranchi University, Jharkhand. He joined the Wildlife Institute of India in August 2002, and have since been associated with AICOPTAX project on the Taxonomy of Orchids in various capacities. He concurrently pursued a Ph.D. from the Forest Research Institute, under the guidance of Dr. G.S. Rawat (WII). His thesis was titled ‘Systematics and some aspects of Ecology of Orchids in Jharkhand state, India’. At present he has authored 16 international and national publications and he is currently writing two books viz. ‘Orchids of Jharkhand’ and ‘Orchids of Kudremukh National Park’. He was awarded the 1st prize for myhis presentation at Indian Subcontinent Regional Orchid Specialist Group meeting (Nepal, 2003) and the 2nd prize in the National Conference on Orchids (Bangalore, 2008). He is a plant explorer by nature and his prime research interest lies in plant taxonomy. Other broad research interests include orchidology, molecular systematics, plant ecology, conservation, propagation and sustainable development. His other interests include photography, gardening, sketching, bird watching, music and electronics. (J.M.Garg- 27.8.09) Dr. Santhosh Kumar has expertise in Western Ghats Flora, while Dr. Pankaj Kumar is an expert on Orchids. Both of them have been helping us in Identification & are quite involved with the group activities. This should help ‘Indiantreepix’ provide better service to all our members in their quest of capturing, identifying & knowing all about Indian Flora. (J.M.Garg- 14.9.09) Balkar Singh (Dr.) Neil Soares (Dr.) Dr. Neil has been with us since Sept.’07- almost a founding member. And he has been keeping a low profile, but very consistent in extending help to ‘Indiantreepix’ like our ‘Mr. Consistant’ Dr. Satish Phadke. A close friend of Dr. Almeida, who visits his farm in Sahapur regularly, where he has a great collection of innumerable wild species. He is quite knowledgeable about Flora in & around Mumbai, though being a busy practicing Doctor in Mumbai. I don’t know much about him (which possibly other members can highlight), but his contribution to the group is immense, particularly in its infancy when there were hardly many experts on the group except him. (J.M.Garg- 21.9.09) Dr. (this part I have known today) Neil has been a very active member, playing role in critical decisions about identifications. We are proud of such persons on the group who like Dr. Satish Phadke work silently but efficiently. (Gurcharan Singh- 21.9.09) Yes, I have known Neil Soares for many, many years. He is the man who fearlessly handles the large black Heterometrus scorpions sending shivers down many a damsel’s spine venturing out with him on nature outings. He has quite a formidable knowledge of Mumbai flora, and I must add, quite disconcerting when he points to to a tree, or shrub and casually asks me, ‘tell me what is this species?’ Apart from flora Neil is also interested in other facets of nature and ever ready to share his knowledge. Quite a popular guy on nature camps and I understand, very handy at spotting forest denizens on night walks. Someone, at some point of time referred to him once as ‘golden heart’ but I am quite sure he was not entirely comfortable with that cognomen. Dr Neil Soares is a practicing dermatologist but I can assure you his interest in nature is definitely more than skin-deep! (Kiran Srivastava- 21.9.09) Dr. Neil Soares is a practicing dermatologist in Mumbai. He is not only knowledgeable about Indian Flora but Indian fauna too ( Birds, reptiles, amphibians & insects in particular). Thanks for taking out time for this group from your busy schedule. Your contribution to the group is a great advantage to the laymen like us. (Shubhada Nikharge- 21.9.09) Vijayasankar Raman (Dr.) I welcome Sh. R. Vijayasankar on board ‘Indiantreepix’ on behalf of ‘Indiantreepix’ community. Here is some inf. I could collect about him, who has recently joined us & helping us a lot with difficult IDs. 1. He did my Ph.D. on Floristics and ethno-botany of Tiruvannamalai district, Tamil Nadu (the book, that deal with 1365 species of plants from the dt, is in press). 2. Working with FRLHT since 2000 on medicinal plants and their conservation. 3. Conducted number of botanical surveys across India, collected, identified, made herbarium of few thousand species…and still on…. 4. Imparting training on herbarium techniques to various user groups including students. 5. Published 25 res. papers covering various subjects such as new species, new records, rediscovery, taxonomy, ethno-botany, medicinal plants, conservation etc. 6. Co-authored 3 books and written a booklet on med. plants in Tamil. 7. Managing herbarium and image database. Interests: Plants and only plants, flowers, espl. native ones, ephemerals, herbs, medicinal ones, intra/infra-specific variations, morphology, plant photography, graphic designs etc. Short-term aim: Preparation of a multi-faceted e-flora of a south Indian State (looking for a suitable funding agency). Long term ambition: 1. To contribute for preparation of e-flora of India. 2. Publication of Red Listed Medicinal Plants of India, and many more… (J.M.Garg- 8.10.09) Dr R. Vijayasankar is contributing a lot in the medicinal plants of south India as a custodian of a vast collection of resources at his hand. I met him first time in New Delhi and I am very much impressed about his personality and passion towards plants. (Dr. Santhosh Kumar- 8.10.09) With your thorough knowledge of medicinal plants, cultivated plants and plants in general, I hope the group will benefit immensely. We are thrilled to have you with us. (Gurcharan Singh- 8.10.09) I feel pivileged to be part of this wonderful group indeed. Everyday i am learning plants through our passionate members from various parts of our country. It’s a great opportunity. Thanks to Dr. Santhosh, one of the very few dynamic hard-core taxonomists in India, for introducing me to this group. I am sure, we can achieve the goals of the group, as a team. (Vijayasankar Raman- 9.10.09) He is already helping us a lot in Identification. With experts like him actively helping us, ‘Indiantreepix’ has really moved into high gears in past three months. (J.M.Garg- 14.10.09) Satish Phadke (Dr.) ‘Mr. Consistent of ‘Indiantreepix’’. Though Anaesthetist (Doctor) by Profession, he has been devoting regular timings since July’07. He has been almost a founding member of ‘Indiantreepix’ & his continued & consistent support/ guidance has brought ‘Indiantreepix’ to this stage of making it No.1 e-group in India. If we call him Mr. Dravid of Indiantreepix, it will be just right. He is 2nd in the total number of postings on ‘Indiantreepix’. He has enlightened us with around 50-60 families from time to time. And has developed a wonderful blog on different families of Indian Flora at: http://satishphadke.blogspot.com/. His contribution to ‘Indiantreepix’ has to be duly appreciated. I salute to him for his consistent guidance & support!!! (J.M.Garg- 7.8.09) I really appreciate Dr.Satish Phadke’s work on indiatreepix. It’s great that there are so many members who, besides their regular professions, devote so much of their valuable time to this forum. (Ranjini Kamath- 7.8.09) Well his contribution is obvious. Always helping, urging, encouraging—- Thanks a lot, Satishji for the guidance.You are always there. (Bindu- 7.8.09) Prashant Awale As the group grows, we require dedicated moderators like him to look after ‘Indiantreepix’. He is not a botanist by profession. Trekking is his hobby and most often he has been trekking in Sahyadri ranges. He developed this Flower hunting / flower watching as a hobby while trekking and started enjoying more. Treks started becoming more eventful as on each trek he was able to see some totally different flora (one which he had not encountered earlier). He was fortunate enough to get in touch with “Mr Tabish” and “Mr Dinesh Valke” (Flowers of India). He do not consider himself technically strong but as a hobby yes, he enjoy photographing / identifying wild flora. He consider himself fortunate enough to be associated with the Group like “Indiantreepix”. Like a student, he started learning many new things from experts of various fields in this group. His list of unidentified flowers started reducing day by day and special thanks to all the members & experts. (J.M.Garg- 27.8.09) |
About Top 10 contributors (in 2011)
Updated on December 24, 2024