Tordyliopsis brunonis

Tordyliopsis brunonis DC., Prodr. 4: 199 1830. (syn: Heracleum brunonis (DC.) C.B. Clarke; Tordylium brunonis Wall.);

NW-India (Kumaon, Lahul), Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Chumbi, S-Tibet as per Catalogue of Life;

Heracleum sp. for ID ABAUG2017/09 : 25 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (6)

This apiaceae was at about 3500m. It appears closer to Heracleum canescens but has different leaves and prominent involucels. Please help identify it.
Heracleum sp.?

Above Lahaish Cave, Towards Indrahar Pass, Dharamshala, HP
28-29 July 2017

Comparative images at Heracleum

Thank you … I did check our site before filing but could not find any one species describing my sample, H. canescens is close though.

I also could not find a match in comparative images. What are the other species of Heracleum found in Himachal ?

Heracleum canescens Lindl.

Not matching with images at efi site. 

May I know what are the species of Heracleum reported from Himachal.

Also check with (Heracleum lallii C.Norman)


Thank you … In fact I was up in the mountains and photographed this plant again at about 3500m. Attaching here some photos.

H. Wallichii in the first link looks close to the plant here. The sample was collected by … from HP even though the distribution map on the page gives Sikkim as the distribution area. POWO also gives East Himalaya as the distribution area for the species and considers it a synonym of Tetrataenium wallichii.
Perhaps we could write to … for advice.
Near Lahaish Cave, Dharamshala, HP
3500m approx.
29 August, 2019
Attachments (7)

wonderfully detailed bright pictures. I appreciate them though today I cant advance beyond heracleum sp. I”ll need to concentrate.
may be later

Why don’t you also check (Heracleum lallii C.Norman), which also looks similar and have distribution in your area as per Catalogue of Life;
Heracleum wallichii DC. does not have distribution in your area as per Catalogue of Life;
If you can check the keys in books with you along with the list of species, it may sort out the issue.

Thank you … I will do so. I am trying to sort out the Pedicularis species here at the moment and will write soon with results.

OK, …

It does not match with specimens of Heracleum lallii C.Norman in GBIF
I checked the keys in Flora of Bhutan (mentioning more than 40 genera of Apiaceae), found the correct id as Tordyliopsis brunonis DC.
Catalogue of life gives its distribution as NW-India (Kumaon, Lahul), Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Chumbi, S-Tibet
I checked with high resolution specimens in GBIF and it is matching.
I also checked with description in Flora of Bhutan, with which it is also matching.
You can also see and check with description in Flora of China

Thank you very much … for solving this. I think you are right. I will do more research and report back.

Copy pasting from
 Heracleum brunonis (DC.) C.B. Clarke is a synonym of Tordyliopsis brunonis DC.
The record derives from Tropicos (data supplied on 2012-04-18) which reports it as a synonym (record 50279490).
Earlier versions
This name was in version 1 of The Plant List, record tro-50279490, and has not been changed.

Updated on December 24, 2024