Torenia hirsuta Willd., Sp. Pl. 3: 266 1800.;
Annual, creeping herb; stem 4-angled, hirsute, rooting at nodes, with internodes up to 4 cm long. Leaves opposite, decussate; petioles c. 1 cm long, hairy; lamina ovate-deltoid, serrate, truncate or sub-cordiform at base, acute at apex, densely hairy, penninerved, up to 2 x 3 cm, usually smaller. Flowers solitary, axillary; pedicels hirsute, up to 5 cm long. Calyx bilipped, divided to ¼ its length, tubular, hairy, neither keeled nor ribbed; upper lip 3- toothed; lower lip 2-toothed. Corolla zygomorphic, over 3 cm long; tube deep purple, 1 ½ length of calyx; upper lip erect, broad, rounded, pale blue to lilac; lower lip 3-lobed; lateral lobed deep purple; lower central lobe purple towards margin, white towards throat. Stamens 4, didynamous; lower filaments longer, appendiculate, arched; anthers perfect, divaricate, connivent. Ovary on a hypogynous disc; stigma bilamellate. Capsule included in the reticulate scarious, persistent calyx; seeds minute, numerous pitted. Flowering and fruiting: February-March
Marshy areas
Southern Western Ghats
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi)
. Scrophulariaceae fortnight 040813 TBN 1 ? Torenia vagans ?Silent Valley for validation: Attachments (3). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Please identify this plant details of which are as follows: Date : 23/11/2011 Location :Silent valley National park, Sairendhri near watch tower Altitude :do not know Habitat :wild Habit :herb Height :one foot approx Leaves :as depicted Flowers :violet Fruits :not seen Local name : not known This was sent on 24.06.12 and was identified by … as possible Torenia vagans.
Apparently now belonging to Linderniaceae family. Hope it is alright as I am sending it during the scrophulariaceae fortnight because it was formerly in Scrophulariaceae family Looks like Torenia sp. ? efi page on Torenia diffusa D. Don, ; Prodr. Fl. Nep. 86 (1825). (Syn: Torenia hians Roxb.; Torenia vagans Roxb.) it is look to me Torenia bicolor Pl. see another thread: Silent valley flora 24062012 TBN 1 for id On perusing the publication by Dr. Sunoj, now I feel it is closer to images of Torenia travancorica as per the illustrations in his publication as available at
Reply from another thread with same images: /
Silent valley flora 24062012 TBN 1 for id: Please identify this plant details of which are as follows:
Date : 23/11/2011
Location :Silent valley National park, Sairendhri near watch tower
Altitude :do not know
Habitat :wild
Habit :herb
Height :one foot approx
Leaves :as depicted
Flowers :violet
Fruits :not seen
Local name : not known I think some Torenia sp. (Scrophulariaceae Family). Please check Torenia vagans. Thanks for the id A reply from another thread: it is look to me Torenia bicolor
Does not matches with other images at Torenia bicolor Dalzell
I find it close to the only image of Torenia courtallensis, I could find on net at (first in the bottom row): It looks like Torenia fournieri Thanks, … Images of Torenia fournieri are different with yellow mark & is cultivated.
On perusing the publication by Dr. Sunoj, now I feel it is closer to images of Torenia travancorica as per the illustrations in his publication as available at
Torenia travancorica The photos you send is Torenia hirsuta
. References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 IPNI GBIF (with type specimen) India Biodiversity Portal MNHN (Specimen) The Linnean Collections (Specimen) Encyclopaedia Londinensis, Or, Universal Dictionary of Arts …, Volume 24 (1829) |
Torenia hirsuta
Updated on December 24, 2024