Toxicodendron wallichii

Toxicodendron wallichii (Hook. fil.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 154 (1891) (syn: Rhus juglandifolia Wall. ex D.Don; Rhus wallichii Hook.f. );
Himalaya to S. Tibet and N. Thailand: East Himalaya, Nepal, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO;
As per eFI thread:
Here’s the simple key to distinguish –
R. wallichii – Panicles axillary or terminal panicle, much shorter than the leaves, rusty tomentose. Drupe globose, 5-7 mm diameter.
R. punjabensis – Panicles terminal, long 10 – 23 cm, densely tomentose. Drupe subglobose, compressed, 3 – 4 mm in diam., red & tomentose (waxy at maturity).

Toxicodendron wallichii (Hook.f.) Kuntze submission AS7 September 2023: 4 high res. images.
Here’s an addition to our eFloraofIndia website.

Toxicodendron wallichii (Hook.f.) Kuntze
Synonym – Rhus wallichii Hook.f.
Family – Anacardiaceae
After going through Rhus punjabensis page on eFI website I found that most of the post there are actually misidentified and the plant is R. wallichii, so I will comment with correct id to every misidentified post.
Here’s the simple key to distinguish –
R. wallichii – Panicles axillary or terminal panicle, much shorter than the leaves, rusty tomentose. Drupe globose, 5-7 mm diameter.
R. punjabensis – Panicles terminal, long 10 – 23 cm, densely tomentose. Drupe subglobose, compressed, 3 – 4 mm in diam., red & tomentose (waxy at maturity).

Images are clicked in Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh.
Elevation – 2100 metres a.s.l.


Images by Nidhan Singh (Validated by Vijayasankar Raman) (Inserted by J.M.Garg)

Flora of Chakrata 2012: Rhus punjabensis for validation: 13 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (10)
This medium-sized tree was shot from “Chakrata-Tiuni Motor Marg” in May 2012, I hope this is Rhus punjabensis…hope to get validation/correction…


Its probably spondias species of Anacardiaceae ….

Thanks a lot …, The tree was nowhere in fruiting stage in the area… yes, your plant resembles mine.. pleased to see the fruit pics..will see if there are more inputs…

…your pictures remind me of the poison sumak…very pretty in the late summer to fall, the small red berries are “famine foods” for birds in snowy winter…
… I ‘ll await your berry pictures… BUT ….
next time please,  dont tear/break branches// leaves and hold in your hands… all rhus plants have the resin that sticks tenaciously to skin and causes contact dermatitis in people upon re-exposure… many people ..not a few … develop the allergy..and dermatitis and even oozing blisters…
READ the warning Wisconsin state gov forestry site tells us … look at the last para called the note at Forestry
.that page even has a beautiful bw line drawing..
enjoy and be careful.

Thanks a lot … for this important information…and careful concerns…this has become a usual practice for us to pluck the branches for taking close up pics, for trees this becomes much of a necessity…and we almost always ignore the probable after effects, due to lack of knowledge….next time i will take care not to come in contact with the resin…specially from this genus..thanks again..

Yes …, I agree with you.
We used to be always cautious when dealing with Anacardiaceae members. Several of the genera that I know, incl. Holigarna, Semecarpus, Rhus, Toxicodendron, of this family are skin-irritants, some of them causing very serious conditions. Rigorous research is on in USA to formulate an effective antidote for Poison Ivy/Poison Sumac that is very common in N.America. Interestingly some Americans have resistance against Urushiol but most of the Asians are said to be susceptible to this!

Thanks everyone for inputs…I also remember one of our favourite and “soft-hearted” plant Mango causes serious burns if you happen to come in contact with the sap exuding from fruit stalk. I had to face
serious skin troubles when for the first time I plucked unripe fruits from a mango tree. After that I came to know, that I have to be cautious next time…thanks again..

Yes, … mango , cashews even strawberries… picking is a dangerous onerous job… have to be careful… and PAY extra monies to the laborers who do the job for us…

Try eating an unripe grape. It will feel like some one slit your throat from inside :).. I had a very bad experience once.

This is Toxicodendron wallichii (Hook.f.) Kuntze (Synonym – Rhus wallichii Hook.f.).
Please check the below link for details

Thanks …, less than 5 pairs of entire leaflets is convincing.


Shrub/ small tree with pinnate leaves SN191017 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Wild shrub or small tree with pinnate leaves, in fruiting, observed from Brari area of Bageshwar Uthrakand

Lagerstromia species?  Just a guess.

Rhus punjabensis ?

Thanks, .., for the id.
To me also appear close as per images at Rhus punjabensis J.L. Stewart ex Brandis

This is Toxicodendron wallichii (Hook.f.) Kuntze (Synonym – Rhus wallichii Hook.f.).

Please check the below link for details


Location: Osho, Balaju, Raniban’ Nepal
Altitude : 4600 ft.
Date: 7 June 2018
Syn : Rhus hookeri Sahni & Bahadur

I could hardly find any images on net of Toxicodendron hookeri except for the following:
Here inflorescence pattern is different from your post.
To me appears close to images and details at Rhus punjabensis J.L. Stewart ex Brandis


Fruit / Seeds from same plant on 13 September 2018.
Attachments (4) – around 650 kb each.

This is Toxicodendron wallichii (Hook.f.) Kuntze (Synonym – Rhus wallichii Hook.f.).

Please check the below link for details

SK1343 02 AUG 2018 : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)- around 700 kb each.
Location: Nagarkot, Nepal  
Date: 11 June 2018
Altitude: 6800 ft.
Habit : Wild
Rhus …??

are the twigs hairy? the undersurface of leaves with “some hair”???

Yes …, I guess so !

Is it not the same Rhus posted by you and identified?

Is this the one ? efi thread

Sir please check Trichilla sp.

Yes, … Close to images at Rhus punjabensis J.L. Stewart ex Brandis

This is Toxicodendron wallichii (Hook.f.) Kuntze (Synonym – Rhus wallichii Hook.f.).
Please check the below link for details

Rhus punjabensis Stewart ex Brandis : 5 posts by 1 author. 4 images- 6 to 7 mb each,
Location:  Pharping
Date: 28 June 2020
Elevation : 1695m.
Habitat: Wild

This is Toxicodendron wallichii (Hook.f.) Kuntze (Synonym – Rhus wallichii Hook.f.).
Please check the below link for details

Nepali Names : चोसी Chosee / ठूलो भलायो  Thoolo Bhalaayo 


VOF Week: Large Tree for id from the Gobind Ghat-Ghanghariya Trek:
This tree was occasional near Gobind Ghat…at first glance this reminded me of Spondias pinnata…but I think this is different…help in id is requested…

Rhus punjabensis is a possibility.

Thank you very much sir for a very close lead….

Yes, I agree for Rhus punjabensis J.L. Stewart ex Brandis

Yes, thanks

This is Toxicodendron wallichii (Hook.f.) Kuntze (Synonym – Rhus wallichii Hook.f.).
Please check the below link for details

Thanks …, less than 5 pairs of entire leaflets is convincing.





POWO  Catalogue of Life  GBIF (High resolution specimens) Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  India Flora Online  India Biodiversity Portal  Useful Tropical Plants  trees and shrubs online  iNaturalist

Updated on December 23, 2024

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