Fwd:Traning Course on Plant Systematics : 1 post by 1 author. 1 attachment.
Greetings from CSIR-NBRI !!
I am happy to inform you that the CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow is organizing a training course on “Classical and Modern Methods in Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics” in the Institute from December 1-8, 2017, for young students and faculties, who are pursuing researches in “Plant Systematics”.
Kindly encourage your young colleagues and students working in Plant Systematics to participate in the training course.
Please find enclosed herewith a “Brochure” of the training course, which you may like to circulate among your colleagues/students. Training course brochure can also be downloaded from the CSIR-NBRI’s website (www.nbri.res.in)
Training Course on Plant Systematics
Updated on December 24, 2024